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Masterloop Application Plugin

This repo contains source code to the Masterloop Application Plugin library.

How to build


  • Visual Studio
  • Windows, Mac or Linux
  • Git
  • .NET Framework, Mono, .NET Core


File bugs on Masterloop Home.


Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed under the License in the root repository.

Using the Masterloop IoT Platform HTTP(S) REST interface

Creating a server connection object

IMasterloopServerConnection mcs = new MasterloopServerConnection("hostname", "username", "password");


  • "hostname" is the name of your Masterloop server
  • "username" is your user name
  • "password" is your password

Get list of devices

Device[] devices = mcs.GetDevices();

Get device history for a double observation

DoubleObservation[] observations = mcs.GetObservations("mid", "obsId", DataType.Double, fromDate, toDate) as DoubleObservation[];


  • "mid" is the device identifier (short for Masterloop Id)
  • "obsId" is the observation identifier (according to device template)
  • fromDate is the start date in the history query
  • toDate is the end date in the history query

The result will be all observations of id "obsId" between fromDate and toDate for device "mid", sorted chronologically.

Using the Masterloop IoT Platform AMQP live messaging interface

Creating a live connection object

IMasterloopLiveConnection mlc = new MasterloopLiveConnection("hostname", "username", "password", true);


  • "hostname" is the name of your Masterloop server
  • "username" is your user name
  • "password" is your password

Registering observation callback

As soon as a message is received, it is decoded and dispatched to any listening processes using callbacks. Registration of callbacks are required in order to be informed when a message arrives.

mlc.RegisterObservationHandler("mid", obsId, handler);

Set "mid" to null in order to subscribe to all devices.

A callback handler should have the signature of (example for Double observation type):

private void OnReceivedObservationValue(string mid, int observationId, DoubleObservation o)
  Console.WriteLine($"{mid} : {observationId} with value {o.Value} at {o.Timestamp}");

Connecting using temporary channel

In order to connect applications running for a relatively short lifespan to the live data stream, the app needs to call Connect. This method also tries to re-connect if the connection is broken for some reason.

LiveAppRequest lar = new LiveAppRequest()
  MID = "mid",
  ObservationIds = new int[] { 100, 101, 102 },
  CommandIds = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 },
  InitObservationValues = true,
  ReceiveDevicePulse = true
bool success = mlc.Connect(new LiveAppRequest[] { lar });


When a connection should be closed, the following method should always be called:


Connecting using persistent subscription

In order to connect for example applications with a long lifespan to the live data stream, the application needs to call Connect. This method also tries to re-connect if the connection is broken for some reason. Any messages received while the listening application is disconnected will be stored on the server up to 14 days. This means that messages will not be lost during restarts and similar.

Creating persistent subscription

First, create the persistent subscription using the MasterloopServerConnection method "CreateLivePersistentSubscription". The argument object of class LivePersistentSubscriptionRequest requires the following information to be specified: TID: Template identifier MIDs: If using a subset of template devices, specify an array of zero or more items, otherwise give this field value null. Devices can also be added/removed later. SubscriptionKey: A self-designed key of size between 8 and 16 characters that must be unique relative to user account being used.

Connecting to a persistent subscription

If the call to CreateLivePersistentSubscription above was successful, login information can be obtained using MasterloopServerConnection method GetLivePersistentSubscriptionConnection.

Then create a new MasterloopLiveConnection object, using the LiveConnectionDetails object obtained from the call above as the argument to the MasterloopLiveConnection constructor.

Adding/removing devices to a persistent subscription

During runtime, devices can be added and removed to/from a persistent subscription using the MasterloopServerConnection method AddLivePersistentSubscriptionDevice and RemoveLivePersistentSubscriptionDevice. It is allowed to add devices multiple time (no duplicates will be created).

Deleting a persistent subscription

A no longer needed persistent subscription should be deleted using the MasterloopServerConnection method DeleteLivePersistentSubscription. This will conserve server resources as well as keeping things clean on the server.

Reconfiguring persistent subscriptions

Devices can be added/removed using the MasterloopServerConnection AddLivePersistentSubscriptionDevice/RemoveLivePersistentSubscriptionDevice methods. If observations/commands/pulses or other elements need to be reconfigured, the existing subscription should be deleted and recreated as described above.