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Constraint Logic Programming for Flux Balance Analysis


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CLPFBA is a Prolog algorithm used to implement and analyze metabolic models with constraint logic programming (CLP) over real numbers. The algorithm can determine and progressively prune the domains (i.e., boundaries) of feasible metabolic fluxes for sampling flux distributions with both good convergence and high coverage of the solutions space, while remaining in the deterministic framework of FBA.

Constraint Logic Programming for Flux Balance Analysis


Stoichiometric models can be used to simulate medium- to large-scale metabolic networks, as they do not require details (i.e. parameter values) about each reaction or transport process other than the underlying balance between reactants and products. The non-parametric character of stoichiometric models is a great advantage compared with kinetic models, although the applications of stoichiometric models are limited to steady-state analysis [1].

Flux balance analysis (FBA) is a mathematical framework used to calculate solution of the fluxes defined by the reconstruction of a metabolic network. Typically, optimization strategies (e.g. linear programming) represent the underpinning of FBA to cope with the under-determined nature of the problem. Standard FBA requires the minimization or maximization of a mathematical expression called objective function. Biomass production has been the objective function of choice for simulating metabolism of unicellar organisms [2], whereas other choices have been used in simulations of brain energy metabolism, including maximization of ATP production or redox potential [3]. Depending on the context, objective functions might be more or less arbitrary and their definition might require the introduction of parameters and/or assumptions that can considerably affect the results [4].

For these reasons, different methods have been suggested in order to turn FBA from deterministic into probabilistic using, for example, a Bayesian statistical approach [5]. Such approaches tipically introduce a term of uncertainty in mass-balance equations to estimate the posterior probability densities, but still require the introduction of acceptance/rejection criteria (e.g., [6]). Another means to make FBA amenable to statistics is to change the postulates of mass-balance within the so-called Von Neumann’s scheme (for details, see [7] and references therein). To make the sampling of the solutions space feasible, the above-mentioned methods relax or remove the assumption of flux stationarity. The latter can be maintained at the cost of inefficient sampling (e.g., using rejection sampling) or practical limited coverage of the solution space (e.g., using hit-and-run algorithms) [8, 9]. Flux stationarity and efficient sampling are achieved by other sampling methods, such as Artificial Centering Hit-and-Run (ACHR) alogorithm, which however requires to give up the formal guarantee of convergence characterizing Markov chain-based Monte Carlo sampling methods [8, 10].

Description of the CLP-based sampling algorithm

A metabolic network is described by the set of mass balance equations:

$$\frac{dc}{dt} = S \cdot j$$

where $c=c_1,...,c_m$ is the vector of metabolite concentrations, $j=j_1,...,j_n$ is the vector of metabolic fluxes and $S_{m \times n}$ is the stoichiometric matrix. The main idea underlying FBA is that the stoichiometry of the metabolic network is the main source of constraints that cells must obey. This entails that the non-equilibrium steady-state of the system can be studied by neglecting the time-dependence of metabolite concentrations, which is equivalent to have:

$$S \cdot j = 0$$

The equations underlying FBA can be interpreted as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). Indeed, a CSP consists of a finite set of variables (here, metabolic fluxes), a domain of values for each variable (here, real numbers for all variables), and a finite set of constraints involving the variables (here, the metabolic network as well as the boundary conditions). CLP is a branch of declarative programming that provides a powerful framework for constraint reasoning. Specifically, CLP implements solving methods for CSPs in logic programming. These problems involve finding solutions to a number of constraints, whereby each solution is represented by the binding of each variable with a value within the relevant variable domain. Indeed, a constraint problem is under-determined in many cases, which means that the set of constraints has more than one solution. In the case of finite domains, variable binding is based on backtracking search as in classical logic programming [11]. Although different solvers can be more or less efficient, typically the underlying procedure is always complete, being based on systematic search. For uncountable domains (e.g., real numbers), enumerating all solutions is of course not possible. A common approach is to use an optimization criterion that is essentially based on the assumption that one solution is better than another. To this end, a mathematical function involving a combination of variables is minimized or maximized. In standard FBA, a single solution is obtained via linear optimization of an objective function. However, the objective function is arbitrary and system-dependent. Thus, for example, a “reasonable” objective function for brain metabolism is difficult to identify and so is the interpretation of results coming from objective function optimization. Therefore, in situations involving uncountable domains, but also for very large finite domains, it would be preferable to obtain an estimate for the mass density (i.e. the distribution) of the solutions. In the present work, we used a simple non-systematic, stochastic search strategy for CLP over real numbers (CLPR) [12], based on iterative sampling [13].

The sampling algorithm is implemented by combining constraint propagation as an instance of forward-checking [14] with random sampling, using the simplest possible scheme (i.e. uniform random) of variable and value ordering [15, 16]. The method can be viewed as a hybridization of pure Monte Carlo methods (see, for example, [17]). However, contrary to Monte Carlo methods, in our approach an individual sample in the n-dimensional space is generated in n successive steps. The idea is to estimate distributions of fluxes by applying repeated random sampling while benefiting from CLP to reduce the sample space into a sharp enclosure of the region of integration (see below). This feature guarantees that random values always fall inside the relevant variable domains.

Specifically, given the sequence of fluxes $j = j_1,...,j_n$, the algorithm proceeds as follows:

  • Determine the initial flux domains $D_1,...,D_n \subseteq R$ so that $j_1 \in D_1,...,j_n \in D_n$ by building the initial constraint store from the mass-balance equations of the metabolic network stoichiometry.
  • Run an iterative procedure to generate a sample through successive bindings. A sample is an element $s \in D_1 \times ... \times D_n$ that is also a solution if satisfies all given constraints. For each iteration:
    1. Randomly choose a flux $j_k$ (initially $1 \le k \le n$) from the set of currently unbound fluxes (with uniform probability).
    2. Bind the chosen flux to a random value $s_k$ within its domain $D_k$ (with uniform probability). This binding is itself a constraint, i.e. a relation among variables that specify the space of possible values of these variables, and as such it is added to the constraint store (constraints are additive).
    3. Propagate the constraint $j_k=s_k \in D_k$ to prune (i.e. update) one or more unbound flux domains and/or bind of one or more unbound fluxes (if the corresponding domains become single-valued). The addition of a constraint requires that it holds simultaneously with the the conjunction of all existing constraints, otherwise the constraint store becomes inconsistent (i.e. over-constrained). Therefore, the constraint store expands with the new flux binding constraint, a process that reduces flux domains to $D_1^{(k)} \subseteq D_1,...,D_k={s_k},...,D_n^{(k)} \subseteq D_n$.
    4. If one or more flux domains are pruned to empty or inconsistent domain (i.e. the algorithm fails to meet current constraints), exit with no solution.
    5. If all fluxes are bound (i.e. all domains are reduced to a single value through either binding or constraint propagation), exit and store the solution $s={s_1,...,s_n}$. Otherwise keep the binding of $j_k$ and iterate to perform successive bindings.
  • Restart the search (step 1) with all unbound fluxes until the desired sample size is obtained.

Below there is a schematic representation of the iterative sampling scheme used by the CLP-based algorithm. Simple example of the iterative steps for reduction of solutions space dimensions, starting from a sphere (A), to a circle (B) and beyond to a line (C). Prior constraint set the initial domains of the variables (A). These domains are progressively pruned during the iterations. In particular, random binding of one variable results in propagation (i.e. forward checking) of the constraint (i.e. the binding itself) and subsequent reduction of the domains of remaining variables (B,C). Finally, random binding of the last unbound variable determines a solution and the cycle starts again. Note that the order of variables for binding is random at each iteration. Note also that the non-linear prior constraint has been chosen only for illustration purposes, as such constraints are not typically present in FBA problems.

Illustration of CLP-based sampling strategy

Forward checking-based algorithms are very popular non-systematic search strategies for solving constraint satisfaction problems, because they allow to detect inevitable failure early. In our case, constraint propagation binds a variable and then removes conflicting values from the domains of all future (unbound) variables. Since the constraint store is expected to change, the CLP system solves the conjunction of arithmetic constraints in the constraint store by performing incremental constraint solving. The knowledge about the domain (R) as well as the operations on this domain are built into the solver, so that it does not have to rely on generate-and-test procedures. Thus, for example, CLPR can deduce that the conjunction of the constraints $j_i > j_j$ and $j_i < j_j$ is false without testing the constraints for any particular value. The solver uses Gauss-Jordan elimination for linear equalities and an adaptation of the Two-Phase Simplex algorithm for linear inequalities, while non-linear constraints are delayed until they become sufficiently linear, e.g. after the binding of some variables [18]. For example, solving linear equality constraints with Gauss-Jordan elimination involves the substitution of parametric variables with equivalent parametric expressions, which eventually allows estimation of non-parametric variables. Inequality solvers can also determine implied equalities from the set of inequalities.

CLPR uses constraint-handling rules (CHR) [19] in order to rewrite the set of constraints and obtain simplification of constraints (replacement of constraints with simpler, equivalent ones) and/or constraint propagation (addition of new redundant constraints that eventually results in further simplification). This procedure can also detect a contradictory set of constraints. Overall, constraint simplification and propagation results in the pruning of the domains of one or more variables. Thus, constraint propagation is a mechanism to reduce the space of solutions that will be explored by the searching algorithm.

As an example, consider the following constraint involving 3 fluxes:

$$j_1 + j_2 - j_3 = 0$$

The domain of each flux is pruned using the following contracting operators (e.g., rules) of interval arithmetics:

$$D_1 \leftarrow D_1 \cap D_3 - D_2$$ $$D_2 \leftarrow D_2 \cap D_3 - D_1$$ $$D_3 \leftarrow D_3 \cap D_1 + D_2$$


$$D_i+D_j=[\inf D_i + \inf D_j, \sup D_i + \sup D_j]$$


$$D_i-D_j=[\inf D_i - \sup D_j, \sup D_i - \inf D_j]$$

Importantly, contracting operators are correct (i.e. they do not eliminate solutions), which provides a safe enclosure of the feasible space of solutions. The present approach to obtain distributions of fluxes for FBA problems is conceptually different from the approaches taken by Heino et al [4] or Martelli et al [7]. The latter are both based on relaxation of steady-state equation to $S \cdot j \approx 0$ or $S \cdot j > 0$, respectively, i.e. they remove the assumption of strict flux stationarity. Instead, our approach remains in the deterministic framework of FBA. Therefore, in order to obtain an unbiased benchmarking, we compared the performance of CLP-based sampling algorithm with the ACHR sampling algorithm. ACHR is the state-of-the-art algorithm used for flux sampling in FBA problems, and it is implemented in the constraint-based reconstruction and analysis (COBRA) toolbox [20]. The main drawback of these algorithms is that there is no formal proof of convergence of the sampled distribution both for ACHR (the sequence of iterates is not a Markov Chain) and CLP. Therefore, the performance of these algorithms can only be examined using empirical methods. We perfomed standard convergence analysis as well as empirical convergence diagnostics for CLP and ACHR, the latter run using different parameters.

Below there is a plot for the convergence towards mean, and sample autocorrelation of sampled points. The approaching of solutions to their mean values obtained using the CLP-based sampling is compared with ACHR with different settings for the number of warmup points (A) and the number of steps per point (B). In particular, CLP performs better than ACHR for all choices of warmup points (with the minimum skip parameter), while the convergence of the two algorithms are comparable when ACHR is run with sufficiently large step size. Note that the difference from mean was computed for each flux individually and then averaged. In terms of sample autocorrelation, CLP-based sampling (C) behaves better than ACHR (D-H) because two successive solutions produced by CLP are completely independent, which is eventually achieved by ACHR only at very high number of steps per point.

Convergence towards mean and sample autocorrelation

An important difference between our sampling algorithm and ACHR is that CLP is intrinsically non-parametric. Indeed, CLP does not require the specification of (1) “reasonable” priors and starting points to initiate sampling; (2) “large enough” warm-up (i.e. burn-in) periods that are required by the sampler to find the numerically non-zero or non-next-to-zero parts of the distributions; (3) skip parameters (e.g., number of steps per point) that are required by the sampler to to fully explore the solutions space avoiding getting trapped near priors; and (4) tolerance parameters, which are used, for example, to evaluate the distance of the current point from the boundaries of the solution space in order to specify direction of next iterate. These arguments must be taken into account when comparing the sampling generated by the two algorithms. In principle, CLP-based sampling should be compared to ACHR run with no warmup points and no skip. However, in these conditions the convergence of ACHR is highly unsatisfactory. This is a known problem for hit-and-run based algorithms, which may require a very large number of steps to achieve convergence [9]. The CLP-based sampling algorithm exhibits very good convergence, which is achieved by ACHR only when the number of warmup points and steps per point is relatively high (of course, these numbers may depend on the specific problem and cannot be determined a priori). We found that the most critical parameter for ACHR is the number of steps per point, which results in low sample autocorrelation and good convergence.

Below there is an empirical convergence diagnostics of sampled points. Different diagnostic tests for examining whether the sampled distribution converges towards a stationary distribution. The CLP-based sampling is compared with ACHR with different settings for the number of warmup points (top panels) and the number of steps per point (bottom panels). The Geweke test (A,B) returns a Z-value for each reaction, with lower values indicating better convergence. The Heidelberger-Welch test (C,D) returns whether the sample distribution for each reaction has converged or not (p<0.005). The Brooks-modified Yu-Mykland test (E,F) returns a D-value for each reaction, with values approaching 1/2 indicating better convergence. The Raftery-Lewis (G,H) test returns, among other values, the minimum sample size required to attain a certain precision (standard ±0.005 degree of accuracy in estimating the 2.5th percentile, p<0.05). The performance of the CLP-based sampling algorithm are very good and comparable to the ACHR when the latter is run with a high number of steps per point. All tests were computed for each flux individually and the relevant results were then averaged.

Empirical convergence diagnostics of sampled points

In particular, given a sample size of 10,000 points, we set the number of steps per points to 1,000 and that of warmup points equal to sample size (i.e. 10,000). The CLP-based sampling algorithm exhibits much higher coverage of the solutions space than ACHR. This again is a known issue for hit-and-run based sampling algorithms, which do not guarantee a high coverage in a high dimensional system [9]. We tested the ACHR algorithm also by setting the number of steps per point to 10,000 but the results did not change (data not shown). It is noted that the afore-mentioned diagnostics only tests whether a sample distribution converges, but provide otherwise no information on the accurate sampling of the solution space.

To examine whether the collection of samples produced by our method can be safely interpreted as realizations for an underlying distribution, we compared the spread matrices calculated from the solutions produced by CLP and ACHR. Importantly, the two sampling algorithms produces nearly identical spread matrices with only minor quantitative differences. Overall, the performances of the non-parametric CLP-based sampling are at least comparable with those of the commonly employed ACHR algorithm, with the advantage of a better coverage of the solution space.


The main limitation of the CLP-based method is that the time necessary to obtain a solution is unpredictable and depends substantially on the specific problem (e.g., number of variables and corresponding domain boundaries). This issue is related to the fact that the forward-checking strategy belongs to the so-called heuristics, which are not guaranteed to succeed [21]. For the present (relatively small) metabolic network, the performance of the algorithm is acceptable, achieving a success rate (i.e. the fraction of iterations producing valid solutions) ranging from 60% to 90% and generating approximately 10 solutions per second on a standard personal computer. This value has to be compared with the computational (CPU) time required by ACHR algorithm to generate a solution, which is 3 orders of magnitude smaller relative to CLP. Nevertheless, as illustrated above, for the present model ACHR requires to skip about 1,000 points for each solution to obtain a reliable sampling of the solution space (although with lower coverage compared to CLP). Once this argument is taken into account, the CPU time of the two algorithms become comparable. It should be noted, however, that the CLP-based method has good potential for improvement. First, since the points generated do not depend on prior iterates (contrary to ACHR), the algorithm can be easily made parallel resulting in performance gain increasing linearly with the number of processors. Second, a substantial optimization can be directed to implement (a) dynamic backtracking mechanisms that, for example, go back to the variable that was responsible for the dead-end instead of restarting, and (b) non-random dynamic variable ordering that, for example, bind first variables with smaller domains or those with more constraints. Third, increases in performance could be obtained by translating the present declarative implementation of the CLP-based sampling algorithm, which was developed in Prolog (an interpreted and relatively slow language) to imperative languages using compiled constraint programming libraries available for e.g., C, Python and Java. Although the CLP-based algorithm will require further validation in the context of FBA flux sampling, the close agreement in terms of distributions, mean values and correlations of fluxes, between the sampled solutions produced by CLP and ACHR warrants the correctness of the outcomes as well as the interpretation and the main conclusions of the present study.


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