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In this repositery I build a Deep Q-Network with Pytorch to play Doom, following the tutorial:

The code is for building the DQN agent is visible in the notebook "DQN Agent for Doom.ipynb".



The first goal is to play a very simple scenario of the game: a monster is in the room; we can go right, left or shoot; we need to navigate in order to put the monster in front of us and shoot.


In order to capture movement, we stack four frames of the game to construct our state.

We use a CNN to analyse the frames. It's composed of three convolutional layers each followed by Batch Normalisation, one fully connected layer. A final output layer gives us the predicted Q-values for the three possible actions.

In order to reduce correlation between experiences, we use experience replay. We save the experiences tuple (state, action, reward, new_state) in a replay memory. After each episode, we train our DQN on a batch of experiences.


DQN with simple Replay Memory

The first step was to build a simple DQN agent with experience replay. With this model, we already acheive good results on the task. We visualize them with these graphs of the Loss and the reward during training:



(Training during 3000 episodes, using a batch of 256 experiences for each learning step).

We see that in 3000 episodes, the agent manages to improve both its loss and rewards. However the training is very noisy and the agent is still very unconsistent in its rewards. Let's see if we can improve the training process!

Double DQN

We observed that there is a very high variance in training that leads to difficulties in converging to an optimal strategy for the agent. A solution to this problem is to have a Double DQN. In addition to the DQN network we have to choose actions, we will add a Target network that will be used during the learning steps. The Target network has the exact same architecture than the DQN network and the same initial weights. Every Tau episodes, we copy the weights of the DQN network to update the Target Network. We use the DQN network for choosing the actions we perform. At each learning step, we use the Target network to estimate the error of the agent (Q-targets and Q-values of the next state).



The Target network allow us to have a fixed target to aim for. Therefore the training is less noisy and the agent acheive better results on the task.