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deets-overlay is a personal collection of Gentoo ebuilds, that I have taken from various overlays, official or otherwise.

If you want to add deets-overlay to /etc/portage/repos.conf so Portage will automatically sync, append the following:

location = /var/db/repos/deets-overlay
sync-type = git
sync-uri =

I put these entries into /etc/portage/repos.conf/deets.conf. The location /etc/portage/repos.conf could either be a file or folder depending on your configuration.

After adding the overlay, sync with Portage (you only need to run one of these commands):

eix-sync -a

eix requires the package app-portage/eix

emaint -a sync


emerge --sync

According to the wiki, emerge --sync should essentially just run emaint -a sync, so either command does the same thing.

Notes about app-admin/deets-lto:

These are simply files taken from the old GentooLTO project, with minor changes and updates to various entries. Entries within the world file are entirely from my own experiences using the project, not being found in the original GentooLTO project.

The only requirement to use deets-lto is the package app-portage/portage-bashrc-mv found in the mv overlay. This is what enables bashrc.d scripts, including package.cflags.

Please note, do NOT edit legacy/world/other, please create your own file within /etc/portage/package.cflags/. These files are taken directly from my config, and will be updated constantly, which will replace any changes you've made within these files during installation.