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Testcase scenarios

  1. Admin creates an agent and random 2 customers
  2. Deposit some money from SYSTEM account to the agent
  3. Agent deposit to any of 1 customer
  4. The customer checks balance
  5. Then withdraw any amount from the agent
  6. And send money to the other customer
  7. Then the customer will check statement
  8. For each transaction, assert expected balance

How to run this project

1st system with dmoney API collection link

  • open cmd on your system

  • Newman Install command - npm install -g newman

  • HTML extra install command - npm install -g newman-reporter-html

  • Run command - newman run

  • Run command for report - newman run -r cli,htmlextra

2nd system with dmoney API json file

  • open cmd on your system
  • Newman Install command - npm install -g newman
  • HTML extra install command - npm install -g newman-reporter-html
  • Run command - newman run Dmoney-Transaction-API-Validation.postman_collection.json

Technology used:

  • Postman
  • Newman

Dmoney API collection accordingly testcases

Test Cases on dmoney restAPI:




Newman report screenshot:

updated report

updated report2

Issue report on dmoney restAPI

issue report


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