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📱 Ayolo TestApp

🛠 Technologies used

  • Clean Architecture
  • Multi modules
  • MVVM
  • Flow
  • Compose
  • Material3
  • Compose Destinations
  • Lottie
  • Accompanist
  • Hilt
  • Ksp
  • Room
  • Coroutines
  • JUnit
  • Mockito
  • Turbine

🧑‍💻 Environment

Android Studio Version : Iguana 2023.2.1 Canary 12

Gradle Version: 8.4

Android Gradle Plugin Version: 8.1.2

Java Version: 17

💡 What's inside the app

  1. Splash screen
  2. Homepage with chats sorted by last message. If there are no chats, a page with a suggestion to create a chat and a lotty animation is displayed
  3. Chat creation page with a text field and validation and a check in the database for the presence of such a chat
  4. Message page chat name, the ability to write to ourselves, text field validation
  5. 35 Unit Tests - to test usecases, repositories and database

📹 Demo


👀 Figma

Link to Figma I've created


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