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This Project solve the Multiple Object Tracking(MOT) problem where:


  • First, all the objects are detected in the frame


  • Once we have detections from the frame, a matching is performed for similar detections with respect to the previous frame

First: object detection and recognition


  • is able to perform object detection and recognition at the same time
  • is a detector applying a singel neural network, which predict bounding boxes and do multi-lable classification

Second: object tracking

  • It is the process of locating moving objects over time in videos
  • involves
    • taking an initial set of object detections
    • creating unique ID for each of the detections
    • tracking the objects over time
    • maintaining the ID assignment

Simple online and real time tracking(SORT)

  • applies Kalman Filtering and Hungarian method to handel motion prediction and data association
    • Object models contains object position, scale, bounding box ration and mothion prediction for the next frame
    • SORT solves the data association by calculating bounding box intersection over union (IoU) distance
    • Based on the IoU distance, final assignment is done
  • is fast, simple, and have high precision and accuracy
  • cannot handle occlusion very well as SORT relies on a simple motion model


  • is an extension of SORT
  • improves the matching procedures and reduces the number of identity switches by adding visual appearnces descriptor or appearance features
  • obtains higher accuracy with the use of
    • Motion measurement
    • Appearance features

How YOLO and Deep SORT work

Step 1- Object detection and recognition

  • YOLO or fast-CNN

Step 2- Motion prediction and feature generation

  • An estimation model is an intermediate phase before the data association, which utilizes the status of each track
  • Kalman filter is used to model these states and make motion prediction
  • Feature generation or bounding box desriptors are computed using a pretrained CNN

Step 3- Tracking

  • Given predicted states from
    • Kalman filtering in previous frame and
    • newly detected box in current frame
  • an association is made for the new detection in current frame with old object tracks in the previous frame
  • Cosine feature distance, IoU distance and Kalman state distance are calculated for matching update

An example of the output



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