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An interpretive language implemented using C++


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An interpretive language realized by C++



A Basic(literally) language interpreter.

  1. Lexer. Separate input into a list of Tokens
  2. Parser. Read the Tokens and generate a AST Tree
  3. Interpreter. Analyze the AST Tree and Interpretes it.

How to install

  1. clone the repo
  2. under root folder, use make
  3. in folder output, there will be a basic executable file
  4. make clean can clear the .o files
  5. make clean_all can clear everything that's compiled


For complete Grammar Definition see grammar.txt


We have type of NumberStringListDictFunction, you can declare one as follow:

VAR num = 1                     // both Int and Float are Number
VAR str = "hello"
VAR list = [1,"2",[3,4]]        // List can store any type of value
VAR dict = { name:"David", age:18 }
VAR lambda = FUNC (a,b)->a+b    // you can define a lambda function, or a function with name(see below)


For type Number, you can do these things:

  1. Arithmetic
basic > 123 + 456
basic > 456 - 123
basic > 123 * 456
basic > 233 / 1314
basic > 426 ^ 3
  1. Bool logic
basic > 123 < 456
basic > 123 > 456
basic > 123 == 123
basic > 123 != 456
basic > 123 <= 456
basic > 123 >= 456
  1. Logic
basic > 123 AND 456 // Equivalent to & in C
basic > 123 OR 456 // Equivalent to | in C
basic > NOT 1
  1. True/False

There is not type of Boolean, so 1 stands for True, and 0 stands for False


For type String, you can add(+)multiply(*) and index[]

basic > VAR str = "123"
basic > str + "456"
basic > str * 3
basic > 3 * str
basic > str[0]

Please Notice: These operations are not Mutable


For type List, you can add(+)concat(*)del(-)index([])

basic > VAR list1 = []
basic > VAR list2 = [4,5,6]
basic > list1 + 1
basic > list1 * list2
basic > list2 - 1
basic > list2[0]

Please Notice: These operations are not Mutable


For type Dict, you can index by key["key"] or attr_by(

basic > VAR dict = { name:"David", age:18}
basic > dict["name"]
basic > dict.gender
basic > dict
{ age:18, gender:undefined, name:"David" }

You might notice that, attr_by an undefined attribute will automatically insert and set to undefined


Function can be anonymous or have a name. Also it can be single line or multiline, see example:

  1. Multiline
basic > FUNC add(a,b):
...         IF IS_NUM(a) AND IS_NUM(b) THEN:
...             PRINT(a+b)
...         ELSE:
...             PRINT("operator must be Numbers");
...         END;
...     END
<function add>
basic > add(1,5)
basic > add("1",5)
operator must be Numbers
  1. Single-line(use ->)
basic > VAR check = FUNC (a)-> IF IS_NUM(a) THEN PRINT("value is Number") ELIF IS_STR(a) THEN PRINT("value is String") ELSE PRINT("value is other type")
basic > check(1)
value is Number
basic > check("1")
value is String

Control statements

IF expression

  1. Single-Line
basic > VAR age = 14
basic > IF age < 13 THEN PRINT("child") ELIF age < 18 THEN PRINT("teenager") ELSE PRINT("adult")
  1. Multi-Line With END

Whether you need to end with END, depend on the last condition statement is multi-line or single-line. In the case below, Else followed by ":", means that it's a multiline statement.

basic > IF age<13 THEN:
...         PRINT("child");
...     ELIF age<18 THEN:
...         PRINT("teenager");
...     ELSE:
...         PRINT("Adult");
...     END
  1. Cross-Line
basic > IF age<13 THEN:
...         PRINT("child") ELIF age<18 THEN:
...             PRINT("teenager") ELSE PRINT("Adult") 

While loop

WHILE <condition> THEN <expr>

  1. Single-Line

It's not really useable, since the "i" won't auto-increase

basic > VAR i = 0
basic > WHILE i < 10 THEN VAR i = i + 1
  1. Multi-Line
basic > VAR i = 1
basic > WHILE i<10 THEN:
...         PRINT(i);
...         VAR i = i + 1;
...     END

For loop

FOR <var_name> = <start_value> TO <end_value> (STEP <step_length>)? THEN <expr>

  1. Single-Line

For loop have auto-increment, so you can do some basic things with single-line statement.

basic > FOR i = 1 TO 10 STEP 2 THEN PRINT(i)
  1. Multi-Line
basic > FOR i=1 TO 9 THEN:
...         FOR j = 1 TO 9 THEN:
...             PRINT(i*j);
...             PRINT("\t");
...         END;
...         PRINT("\n");
...     END

built-in Functions

提供了几个内置函数, 这些函数的功能可能还会有变化.

  • PRINT(value). print the given value
  • PRINTS(list, ends_with). call it like: PRINTS([1,2],"\n")
  • PRINT_RET(value). this will return the value that have been given.
  • INPUT(). receive user input as String
  • INPUT_NUM(). receive user input as Number
  • CLEAR(). clear the terminal
  • IS_NUM(value). check if value is a Number
  • IS_STR(value). check if value is a String
  • IS_List(value). check if value is a List
  • IS_FUNC(value). check if value is a Function
  • APPEND(list, elem). mutable function, append elem to the back of list
  • POP(list, index). mutable function, delete elem at index in list, return elem.
  • POP_BACK(list). mutable function, delete the last elem in list, return elem
  • POP_FRONT(list). mutable function, delete the first elem in list, return elem
  • EXTEND(list1, list2). mutable function, append list2 to list1.
  • RUN(filepath). You can save basic code in file, then use RUN to execute. This also equivalent to import
  • SWAP(&a,&b). You should call this function by Ref, see below Reference.


basic > FUNC test():
...         VAR foo = 5;
...         RETURN foo;
...     END
basic > test()
  1. For-loop
basic > VAR list = []
basic > FOR i = 1 TO 10 THEN:
...         IF i == 4 THEN:
...             CONTINUE;
...         ELIF i == 8 THEN BREAK;
...         APPEND(list, i)
...     END
basic > list
  1. While-loop
basic > VAR i = 0
basic > VAR list = []
basic > WHILE i < 10 THEN:
...         VAR i = i + 1;
...         IF i==4 THEN CONTINUE;
...         IF i==8 THEN BREAK;
...         APPEND(a,i);
...     END
basic > list


Sometime, we want to pass arguments by its value, othertime, reference. So I'll introduce & to represent reference:

basic > VAR a = 1, b = "hello"
basic > SWAP(a,b)
// passing by value, it won't do anything
basic > SWAP(&a,&b)
// passing by reference, a will be "hello" while b will be 1

For your own function, call it like that:

basic > FUNC test(a)-> VAR &a = a + 1
basic > VAR a = 1
basic > test(&a)

Please notice: such as VAR &IDENTIFIER = expr, I call it mutation, that requires the IDENTIFIER to be already existed. While VAR IDENTIFIER = expr is called definition, so the IDENTIFIER can be brand new.


line that starts with "#" is comment.

Command line Arguments

In order to ease the use of running script, I implemented command line mode beside interactive mode. Available args are as follows:

$ ./basic -h
Welcome to Basic!
Usage: ./basic [options...]

        -f,--file : Execute Basic script from given file_path [default: none]
        -t,--text : Execute Basic script from given text [default: none]
               -i : A flag to toggle interactive mode [implicit: "true", default: false]
     -v,--verbose : A flag to toggle verbose [implicit: "true", default: false]
       -D,--Debug : A flag to toggle debug mode [implicit: "true", default: false]
        -h,--help : print help [implicit: "true", default: false]

When input no args or explicitly -i, will enter interactive mode.


David Callanan


An interpretive language implemented using C++








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