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Kali linux for ESPRESSObin

A Kali Linux build for Marvell ESPRESSObin, using the armbian kernel and firmware as base.


  • MicroSD card (at least 4Gb)


This build requires the latest u-boot, the same used in armbian. For more detail and obtain the latest u-boot, please visit the armbian page.

Installed the right version of u-boot, download the compressed Kali image.

You now need to flash the image on a MicroSD card, you need at least a 4Gb one.

To flash on the MicroSD card you could use etcher or simply the dd command.

With dd:

# unxz kali-linux-espressobin.img.xz
# dd bs=4M if=kali-linux-espressobin.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 status=progress conv=fsync

And now it's all done, you simple need to insert the MicroSD card on your ESPRESSObin and don't be naughtier.

Quick start

You could use ssh or the serial console to connect to the board.

The default username is root and the default password is toor.

If you want to connect to the board by ssh, you need to use the wan interface because is the only interface configured to request an IP from a dhcp server.

The wan interface is the one nearest the USB 3.0 port (blue usb port).


  • Automatic resize of root file system
  • Docker support


Great parts of the limitations of this board is the Topaz Networking Switch. The driver offloads the packets for the physical switch if you enable a bridge between two ports. Because of this, you are unable to intercept packets.

I also try to bypass this situation creating a bridge for each interface and connected them with a veth, but I didn't succeed either.


  • This image was only tested on ESPRESSObin v7, but in teory it should work in other versions.