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Janine Aquino edited this page Nov 24, 2015 · 1 revision

Problem: Tracking publications associated with a field station or site is difficult. There is no clear or standard way to cite field station descriptions.

Proposal: Create individual, citable “publications” with associated persistent identifiers for each field station (more generically called a “site”). Collect these publications in a central location.

What these Publications Look Like Can be used to describe any site used for research. Examples include field stations, marine labs, sampling sites, collection locations, instrument locations, laboratory facilities, etc.. Each publication gets a DOI Descriptions can be updated periodically. Updates = versions. Can’t edit existing document; must submit new one. Can use same DOI for single site though. Can be exported as EML XML or as human-readable PDF Format Standardized, structured description of site - metadata fields, plus supplementary material such as images, descriptive blurbs, etc. Decisions for each field: what it’s called, whether it’s mandatory, whether it has limited responses, how it maps to datacite, how it maps to EML See Site Descriptor Content Spreadsheet for more information/example

I would like to be able to enter DOIs into a field or data table and have the option to automatically display the associated citation info, so that I can generate reference lists on the fly.

I would like to be able to check a box that would generate a DOI for a Drupal node, so that the content on my webpages can be more easily cited.