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Imputation-Prep : Michigan/TOPMed Imputation Server


The goal of this pipeline is to prepare input files needed for Imputation using Michigan/TOPMed Imputation Server. This pipeline takes PLINK genotype files, and adjusts the strand, the positions, the reference alleles, performs quality control steps and output a vcf file for each chromosome that satisfies the requirement for submission to Michigan/TOPMed Imputation Server using HRC/1000G/TOPMed reference panels.

TOPMed server:!

HRC/1000G server:!

Note: there are two separate snakemake scripts for TOPMed and HRC/1000G

Description of the pipeline

  1. Build and strand are updated either by liftover or using the script and files from Will Rayner website (
    • Note: This step updates build and is optional
    • User has an option to input either liftover chain files or use strand files from Will Rayner website
  2. Quality Control steps (using plink):
    • sample call rate (default: 0.05)
    • SNP call rate (default: 0.05)
    • Minor allele frequency: (default: 0.01)
    • Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (default: 5e-6)
  3. Perl script from Will Rayner (
    • This script is used to check a QC'd plink .bim file against the HRC, 1000G or TOPMed reference panel in advance of imputation
    • Update:
      • position, ref/alt allele assignment and strand to match reference panel.
    • Remove:
      • A/T & G/C SNPs if MAF > 0.4 (palindromic SNPs)
      • SNPs with differing alleles
      • No match to reference panel
      • SNPs with > 0.2 allele frequency difference to the reference
      • Duplicates
  4. Create the vcf files using plink


  1. Sample data provided here is in build hg19.
  2. For TOPMed imputation, if the the input genotype data is in build hg19, always perform liftover/update_build to build38, since the TOPMed reference file used in Will Rayner perl script (step 3) in build38

Command line arguments

module load python3; module load slurm

  1. Required:

    • -p: Full path to plink files
    • -d: Full path to output directory
    • --req_scripts: Full path to directory with,, liftOver (these three scripts should be placed in same directory, available in /tools/ folder)
    • -ref_file: Full path to the file or 1000G 1000GP_Phase3_combined.legend.gz, 1000GP_Phase3_combined.legend.gz and files can be downloaded from

  2. Optional:

    • --strand_chain_file: Full path to corresponding .strand or liftOver .chain files
    • --mind: Call rate threshold for samples
    • --geno: Call rate threshold for SNPs
    • --maf: Minor allele frequency threshold for SNPs
    • --hwe: Hardy weinburg threshold for SNPs
    • --pop: Population flag while using 1000G reference file
    • -u: If pipeline was killed unexpectedly you may need this flag to rerun
  3. Example usage with 1000G (no liftover or update-build)

Note: Please provide full/complete paths

cd PreImpute
python HRC_1000G/ \
	-p full_path/to/test_data_sample/input/subjects \
	-d full_path/test_data_sample/output_1000G \
	--req_scripts full_path/tools \
	--ref_file full_path/to/1000GP_Phase3_combined.legend
  1. Example usage with TOPMed (liftover)

Note: For TOPMed imputation, if the the input genotype data is in build hg19, always perform liftover/update_build to build38, since the TOPMed reference file used is in build38

cd PreImpute
python TOPMed/ \
	-p full_path/to/test_data_sample/input/subjects \
	-d full_path/to/test_data_sample/output_TOPMed \
	--req_scripts full_path/tools \
	--ref_file full_path/to/
	--strand_chain_file full_path/Ref_files/liftOver_files/hg19ToHg38.over.chain

Output Folders/Files

  1. build37: results 0f liftOver or script
  2. Plink_sub_cr – sample call rate filter files
  3. Plink_snp_cr - SNP call rate filter files and updated plink files/text files after running script (these files will have -updated extension added to file name)
  4. Plink_afterQC_freq – plink frequency files after quality control steps
  5. vcf_MIS – VCF files for each chromosome ready to submit to MIS