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  • You don't need to install AutoIT on your windows system if you will run only the *.exe files.
  • Configured and running NSClient++ with NRPE on your windows system or Icinga 2 Agent
  • Enable command arguments in the NSC.ini (check_autoit.bat)
  • Use check_autoit.ps1 while using the Icinga 2 Agent




  • copy the file check_autoit.bat to your windows system (eg.: %Programmpath%\nsclient++\scripts)
  • edit the NSC.ini File and insert follow commandline
  • enable script section
  • insert follow commandline

check_autoit=scripts\check_autoit.bat $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$ $ARG5$ $ARG6$ $ARG7$ $ARG8$ $ARG9$ $ARG10$

  • restart the nsclientpp service on your windows system
  • copy the file "wikisearch.exe" and "wikisearch.ini" on your windows system (eg.: c:\test)

Icinga 2

  • copy the file check_autoit.ps1 to any directory Icinga 2 has access too
  • continue with Icinga 2 part



define command {
  command_name check_autoit
  command_line $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 5666 -c check_autoit -a $ARG1$

services.cfg example

define service {
  use  ........
  host_name  WINDOWSHOST
  service_description  autoit-wikisearch
  check_command check_autoit!"c:\test\wikilogin.exe c:\test\wikilogin.ini 5 9 nrpe nsclient"

Manual test

./check_nt -H IPADDRESS -p 5666 -c check_autoit -a "c:\test\wikilogin.exe c:\test\wikilogin.ini 5 9 nrpe nsclient"


Separate parameters with a single space.

$ARG1$="Path-wikilogin.exe Path-wikilogin.ini NagiosWarning NagiosCritical Search-String1 Search-String2"

Icinga 2


object CheckCommand "Check AutoIT" {
    import "plugin-check-command"
    command = [
    arguments = {
        "-Script-File" = {
            order = 0
            skip_key = true
            value = "$powershell_script_file$"
            description = "The script file which should be executed by the PowerShell"
        "-Executable" = {
            order = 1
            value = "$autoit_executable$"
            description = "This is the path to the AutoIT executable"
        "-ConfigFile" = {
            order = 2
            value = "$autoit_config_file$"
            description = "If your AutoIT script comes with a configuration file you can specify it with this parameter"
        "-WarningValue" = {
            order = 3
            value = "$autoit_warning_value$"
            description = "The warning threshold for the script runtime"
        "-CriticalValue" = {
            order = 4
            value = "$autoit_critical_value$"
            description = "The critical threshold for the script runtime"
        "-Arguments" = {
            order = 5
            value = "$autoit_arguments$"
            description = "Array of possible additional arguments required for the AutoIT script to run properly"
        "; exit" = {
            order = 99
            value = "$$LASTEXITCODE"
            description = "Exit our PowerShell instance with the exit code of the script to report data correctly to Icinga 2"


template Service "Check AutoIT by PowerShell" {
    import "generic-service"
    check_command = "Check AutoIT"
    vars.powershell_script_file = "& 'C:\\test\\check_autoit.ps1'"
    vars.autoit_executable = "C:\\test\\wikisearch.exe"
    vars.autoit_config_file = "C:\\test\\wikisearch.ini"        
    vars.autoit_warning_value = "5"
    vars.autoit_critical_value = "9"
    vars.autoit_arguments = "'nrpe', 'test'"


apply Service "Check AutoIT by PowerShell" {
    import "Check AutoIT by PowerShell"

    assign where host.vars.autoit == true

Manual test

PS C:\test>.\check_autoit.ps1 -Executable "C:\test\wikisearch.exe" -ConfigFile "C:\test\wikisearch.ini" -WarningValue 5 -CriticalValue 9 -Arguments 'nrpe', 'nsclient'