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Machine Learning suite for training a U-Net model to perform semantic segmentation of biomedical images.


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Machine Learning suite for training a U-Net model to perform semantic segmentation of biomedical images.

Andrei Volkov, Kapil Bharti, Davide Ortolan, Arvydas Maminishkis (NEI/NIH)


This code is partially based on Pytorch-UNet implementation distributed under GPL-3.0.

Original paper: U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation by Olaf Ronneberger, Philipp Fischer, Thomas Brox.

Installation and setup

The binary distribution is currently available for Windows x64 only, it comes in form of a .zip archive Simply unzip it into a local directory, navigate there, find LipidNet.bat and double-click on it. You may also want to create a shortcut for it (Rigth-click, then Create Shortcut) and then move it to your desktop.

If your system has a GPU compatible with CUDA 11.3, the application will automatically take advantage of it. You don't need to i nstall CUDA itself, it comes with the packaging.

Data Preparation

Data for training and predictions must be organized in a directory structure like this:


To train the model, run the application and select one of the directories named after a data class under training_data/ as Training Data Directory. Select a directory where you want the trained models to be stored as Model Weights Directory. The application will perform data validation and display the number of data items (pairs of source and mask images) available for training and validation. There must be at least 10 such items.

If you see a message like Class <<APOE>> -- Item count: 212 (training+validation), you are ready to start the training. Select the desired number of epochs, and click Train. Each epoch will have a number of steps determined as the number of available training items times 0.9. Total number of steps for usable results is about 500-1000 (or more), so divide this number by the training data set size to get the number of epochs necessary for training.

After each epoch a checkpoint (model weights) file is saved in the Model Weights Directory: APOE_epoch001.pth, APOE_epoch002.pth, APOE_epoch003.pth, etc. You may want to manually delete older epoch files, and keep only the last one, which will be used for predictions. You can also continue training by simply selecting another number of epochs and clicking Train. If a previous model weights file is present, it will be loaded and training will continue from this point.


To make predictions, place source images in sub-directory imgs/ of a data class directory under predict_data, e.g. C:\LipidData\predict_data\APOE\imgs. After that, select the data class directory C:\LipidData\predict_data\APOE as Prediction Data Directory and make sure the Model Weights Directory contains one of the trained data class models, such as APOE_epoch005.pth. The application will perform data validation and display number of images to process as well as model weights file to use.

If you see messages like Class <<APOE>> -- Source images: 10 and Model Weights: APOE_epoch005.pth, you are ready to go with predictions. Set desired "Probability Threshold", press Predict, sit back and wait. The results are stored in the directory C:\LipidData\predict_data\APOE\predicted_masks.

The "Probability Threshold" parameter controls how the probability map returned by the Machine Learning model is converted to output binary mask. The prediction process assigns a probability value (0..1) to each pixel, showing how probable is that this pixel is a foreground pixel, rather than a background one. If the probability exceeds the PT times 0.01, the pixel is set (1), otherwise, it is cleared (0). The lower the value, the more "sensitive" is the algorithm, that is, more pixels are painted as foreground. This may reduce the number of non-detected pixels (false negatives), but at the same time increase the number of false positives. If you observe a significant over-segmentation (i.e. a lot of false negatives), set the PT to a higher value. Likewise, if there are lots of false negatives (under-segmentation), you may want to lower the threshold.

The "Auto-Adjust PT" option is enabled when the prediction directory contains a subset of source data accompanied by the ground truth data the same way as in the training directory, i.e. some of the images in predict_data\APOE\imgs have corresponding manually edited masks (ground truth) in predict_data\APOE\masks . The status message in this case will show the number of "Validation images".

If you check the "Auto-Adjust PT" box, then during the prediction process the application will try to automatically determine the best PT by computing a "loss" function based on predicted probability maps and corresponding ground truth masks, and determining at which PT setting it is minimal. The loss function is determined as sum total of false positive pixels at a given PT plus twice the sum total of false negatives at the same PT.

You can use a portion of the training data for this purpose, although it is generally not recommended. If you happen to have some extra data in form of source image + GT mask pairs, please use it instead.

Setting Up Development Environment

  1. Download and install Miniconda or Anaconda.

  2. Check out LipidUnet to a local directory <prefix>/LipidUnet. (Replace <prefix> with any suitable local directory).

  3. Run Anaconda Prompt (or Terminal), cd to <prefix>/LipidUnet.

  4. Create Conda Virtual Environment (do this once, next time skip to the next step):

    conda env create --file conda-environment.yml

  5. Activate the Virtual Environment:

    conda activate LipidUnet

  6. Start the application:


To delete the Virtual environment at the Conda prompt, deactivate it first if it is active:

conda deactivate

then type:

conda remove --name LipidUnet



Ground Truth:

ML Model Prediction:


Machine Learning suite for training a U-Net model to perform semantic segmentation of biomedical images.







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