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A Machine Learning project to predict future bankruptcy of a company based on financial data

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Bankruptcy Prediction

A machine learning project for predicting bankruptcy in the context of 'Data Mining' university course



Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Dataset
  3. Data Processing
  4. Results
  5. Further Improvements
  6. Deployment
  7. Dataset Features


The goal of the project was to develop ML models with a dataset that has irregularities and anomalies. For that reason the project is splited in two main parts. The first part includes the preprocessing of the data and the devlopment of a pipeline that it can transform the data initially to a state that is required from the ML models and secondly to increase the information that we can obtain from the original data for better perfomance. For the second part of the project we implement few ML models and compare the results on a test dataset.


The project works with a subset of " Tomczak,Sebastian. (2016). Polish companies bankruptcy data. UCI Machine Learning Repository." which is available here. The dataset contains financial information about Polish companies analyzed in the period 2000-2012 and the data were collected from Emerging Markets Information Service (EMIS). Specifically, for each company the dataset contains 64 annual financial statistics and also a label that indicates bankruptcy status after certain amount of years. You can find what each feature of the dataset represents on the Dataset Feeatures section.

The subset that we worked with contains data collected only from the first year of the forecasting period and the labels indicate the bankruptcy status after 5 years. Therfore we can distinguish the observations into two classes that we can simply refer to them as negative and positive classes. The positive class contains the observavions which have a label equal to one indicating bankruptcy after 5 years while the rest of the observations are part of the negative class. The ratio of observations for each class in the training and the test set are presented below.

Set Negative Observations Positive Observations
Training 6756 271
Test 3486 514

Thus the problem can be thought as a binary classification task with the goal of each model being to correctly identify the label of each observation. While working with that dataset we came across some irregularities that either restricted the input of the data on most ML models or reduced the perfomance of the models. Some problems of the dataset include the following:

  • Missing Values
  • Outlier instances/values
  • Duplicate instances
  • Imbalanced classes
  • Small amount of training instances and features

Data Processing

The first step of preprocessing is the removal of duplicate observations. We believe that it is highly unlikely that two observations would have the same values across 64 features and thus these observations have been mistakenly added twice. Further all of the duplicate observations are part of the majority class and by removing them we improve the balance between the two classes. In total, 82 observations were removed in that process.

By examining the statistics of the dataset we noticed that for many features the minimum and maximum values are way too far from the mean values. Furthermore, these extreme values are not parts of the same instances so it is not a simply case of outlier observations. We procedeed by removing these value resulting in a great improvement of perfomance for all the models. The removal of the outlier values is achieved by obtaining a standardize version of the dataset and removing the values which are greater than a threshold.

The missing values that exist in the dataset are filled with an Imputer. We use the KNNImputer that fills the missing values based on the closest neighbors of each instance. Also, most of the ML algorithms perform better with scaled data so each feature has a similar range. We use the RobustScaler which is not influenced by outliers. A comparison of different scalers in a dataset with outliers can be found here.

Due to the small amount of features that are included in the original dataset we also included the addition of new features, hoping to provide more usefull information for our models. To achieve that, a common way is the PolynomialFeatures class that adds higher degrees and combinations of the original features.

Finally, we tried to deal with the problem of the imbalanced classes in two different ways:

  1. Class Weights

Most ML models give the option of providing a weight for each of the classes. With that we can specify how much the model should focus on the observations of each class. Giving a large weight on the minority class means that each observation of that class will have a greater impact on the update of model's parameters thus balancing the training of the model.

  1. Sampling

With sampling we can generate more instances of a class so the model will have more observations to work with. There are many ways to add new observations based on the original ones but we chose the ADASYN sampler from Imbalanced-Learn. Here is a comparison of the samplers that Imbalanced-Learn provides.

Over-sampling of the minority class provides a better perfomance for all the models compared to class weights so we chose that for our preprocessing.


Because the dataset is heavily inbalanced between the two classes, using the accuracy of the models' predictions as the main perfomance measure is not optimal. For example a model that only predicts every observation as the majority class. which is the negative class in our case, will have a 96% accuracy on this training set. For that reason we can use the Precision and Recall measures that indicate how accurate is the model when giving a positive prediction and how many positive observations can identify. To calculate these measures we need to categorize each prediction of a model based on the following:

  • True Negative (TN): A negative observation that is predicted as negative
  • False Negative (FN): A positive observation that is predicted as negative
  • True Positive (TP): A positive observation that is predicted as positive
  • False Positive (FP): A negative observation that is predicted as positive

Using the above we can calculate the Precision and Recall of each model:

Precision = $\frac{TP}{TP + FP}$

Recall = $\frac{TP}{TP + FN}$

Finally we can combine these two to get the F1 score which is the harmonic mean of Precision and Recall. Based on these measures the perfomance of each moel is presented in the table below:

Model Precision Recall F1
Linear Logistic Loss 0.28 0.59 0.38
Support Vector Machine 0.28 0.59 0.38
Support Vector Machine - Polynomial 0.27 0.73 0.40
Support Vector Machine - RBF 0.27 0.70 0.39
Random Forest 0.63 0.44 0.52
Dense Neural Network 0.56 0.52 0.54

Further Improvements

One of the areas that provided a great perfomance improvement was the preprocessing of the data. Each time a new addition was made in the preprocessing procedure, such as removing duplicate observations, removing extreme values or adding new features, a great improvement was achieved with the same models. Further additions to preprocessing could be enough for better results. For example, we have not tried dropping the features with high percentage of missing values and also extracting the most important features with a random forest and training only on that subset of features.

Also at this momment there is not hyperparameter tuning for the DNN, that could provide better results. Given that we used TensorFlow for the DNN implementation an easy way to achieve that would be Keras Tuner. Additionaly, we did not run cross-validation for DNN. With cross-validation, the model can use more training instances that will potentially improve the perfomance and will be validated on more observations that can improve the generalization of the model.

Finally, using an ensemble of the best models can provide better results. For example, a combination of Random Forest's and DNN's predictions can potentially give better final results.


You can clone the project locally with the following:

git clone

Then there are two main ways to run it:

  1. Jupyter Notebooks

The whole preprocessing of the data and the models implementation is available at a notebook file here. You can run the notebook on Google Colab if you want to use additional computing resources.

  1. Python Modules

To run the python modules it is recommended to create a conda envirnonment with all the necessary dependencies. You can find here instructions on how to install conda. You can create a conda environment named 'data_mining' using the environment.yml file as follows:

conda env create -f environment.yml

The activate the environemnt:

conda activate data_mining

Then you can run file with the following options:

Option Description Values Default
--model The model to get results all, LogLoss, SVM, RF, DNN all
--best_parameters Skip training and use ready parameters True/False False
--save_model Save the parameters of the model after training True/False False

The parameters that are used if you select the 'best_parameters' option can be found under the parameters folder. Also note that if you select to save a model it will replace the parameters under that folder.

Dataset Features

Feature Ratio
X1 net profit / total assets
X2 total liabilities / total assets
X3 working capital / total assets
X4 current assets / short-term liabilities
X5 [(cash + short-term securities + receivables - short-term liabilities) / (operating expenses - depreciation)] * 365
X6 retained earnings / total assets
X7 EBIT / total assets
X8 book value of equity / total liabilities
X9 sales / total assets
X10 equity / total assets
X11 (gross profit + extraordinary items + financial expenses) / total assets
X12 gross profit / short-term liabilities
X13 (gross profit + depreciation) / sales
X14 (gross profit + interest) / total assets
X15 (total liabilities * 365) / (gross profit + depreciation)
X16 (gross profit + depreciation) / total liabilities
X17 total assets / total liabilities
X18 gross profit / total assets
X19 gross profit / sales
X20 (inventory * 365) / sales
X21 sales (n) / sales (n-1)
X22 profit on operating activities / total assets
X23 net profit / sales
X24 gross profit (in 3 years) / total assets
X25 (equity - share capital) / total assets
X26 (net profit + depreciation) / total liabilities
X27 profit on operating activities / financial expenses
X28 working capital / fixed assets
X29 logarithm of total assets
X30 (total liabilities - cash) / sales
X31 (gross profit + interest) / sales
X32 (current liabilities * 365) / cost of products sold
X33 operating expenses / short-term liabilities
X34 operating expenses / total liabilities
X35 profit on sales / total assets
X36 total sales / total assets
X37 (current assets - inventories) / long-term liabilities
X38 constant capital / total assets
X39 profit on sales / sales
X40 (current assets - inventory - receivables) / short-term liabilities
X41 total liabilities / ((profit on operating activities + depreciation) * (12/365))
X42 profit on operating activities / sales
X43 rotation receivables + inventory turnover in days
X44 (receivables * 365) / sales
X45 net profit / inventory
X46 (current assets - inventory) / short-term liabilities
X47 (inventory * 365) / cost of products sold
X48 EBITDA (profit on operating activities - depreciation) / total assets
X49 EBITDA (profit on operating activities - depreciation) / sales
X50 current assets / total liabilities
X51 short-term liabilities / total assets
X52 (short-term liabilities * 365) / cost of products sold)
X53 equity / fixed assets
X54 constant capital / fixed assets
X55 working capital
X56 (sales - cost of products sold) / sales
X57 (current assets - inventory - short-term liabilities) / (sales - gross profit - depreciation)
X58 total costs /total sales
X59 long-term liabilities / equity
X60 sales / inventory
X61 sales / receivables
X62 (short-term liabilities *365) / sales
X63 sales / short-term liabilities
X64 sales / fixed assets


A Machine Learning project to predict future bankruptcy of a company based on financial data







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