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Medieval Melody Mayhem

Medieval Melody Mayhem Thumbnail

This is a jam game made in 74 hours for Ludum Dare 41!

The theme was Combine 2 Incompatible Genres.
Our two genres were Tower Defense X Rhythm Game.


You need to protect the Fort!
Enemies will come rushing from both sides, if they reach the castle in the center, they will deal damage to it.
To protect the fort, you will need to hit the prompt keys displayed above the enemies,
as they cross one of the lines to the left or the right of the castle.

There are two enemy types:

  • Zombies
    These are the regular enemies.
    They are killable with a single key press.
  • Wizards
    These guys are tougher than zombies.
    They take two key presses to kill and they deal more damage.

As you kill the enemies, you get to listen to some little tunes :)
(If you don't miss them, that is)

The longer you survive, the more difficult the game becomes;
enemies start moving and spawning quicker.


Hit the keys shown in the prompts above the enemies,
as they cross one of the gray lines.

Escape - Quit the game

Win / Lose Conditions

Lose Condition

You will lose the game if the Fort runs out of Health.

Win Condition

None. The game continues indefinitely,
and becomes exponentially more difficult as time goes on.
Try to survive as long as you can, and gain as many points as possible,
before you reach your inevitable death.

Software Used

VIM Text Editor
Gimp Graphics
Bosca Ceoil For the tunes
Audacity For extracting the tunes
Git Version Control
Gosu Ruby game library
Ocra For building windows executable


Graphics Emu
Audio Moe
Coding Noah (me)

Development Information

This game is written in Ruby version 2.5.1 using the game library Gosu.
We used this Trello Board for task management during development.


2018-04-24 - Past submission hour!

  • Make Wizards give more points than Zombies (5 -> 15 points)


If you are on Windows you should have no problems downloading and running the executable.

If you are on Linux or MacOS it will probably be the easiest to install wine
and run the executable with it, after having cloned the repository.

$ wine ./MedievalMelodyMayhem.exe

In case the above doesn't work for you, or you already have Ruby and ruby-bundler installed,
you can install the game's dependencies and run the game directly with the Ruby interpreter.

You will need to have Ruby installed. The game was developed with version 2.5.1,
but it'll probably work with versions 2.2 and up.

After having cloned the repository, run either:

$ bundle install

if you have ruby-bundler installed, else run:

$ gem install gosu

to install Gosu manually.
You might need to install some more dependencies for Gosu to work on your platform.
Check their homepage for more information on that.

After that, you should be able to just start the game.

$ ./MedievalMelodyMayhem.rb

This was our second Ludum Dare game jam, and compared to our previous entry,
I am extremely happy the way it turned out.
There were some features and ideas we had to cut out, but I managed to implement almost everything that I had planned.

I was very unpleased with our previous (failed/unfinished) attempt at LD40,
so being able to release a finished (and some-what fun, IMO) product this time makes me very happy! :)
I hope some of you get a bit of enjoyment out of this game!

Have fun playing all these interesting LD41 games!