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A freshly baked Hypixel webserver!

🍰 Introduction

Lavacake is a drop in & use Hypixel API webserver, so you can rest easy knowing you have time to work on your Hypixel projects without spending time coding a pesky API.

  • It's fast! Lavacake runs on Bun, making it lightning fast for users & developers alike.
  • It's clean! Lavacake cleans up the Hypixel API, adding more wrapping & removing the junk.
  • Very tasty! Every instance of Lavacake is guaranteed to taste good. Make sure to enjoy!

Looking for something with a broken scrollwheel? Check these links out to quickly jump:

🗺️ Roadmap

? Feature
Network XP Wrapping
Housing Wrapping
Bed Wars Wrapping
SkyWars Wrapping
Pit Wrapping

💖 Contributing

Contributing is simple, make a fork & merge it when you're done. We do request you to please run bun run pretty to format your code to be in line with our style guidelines.

📦 Installation

This installation guide is intended for Linux servers as they are most common and also the best place performance-wise for Lavacake. There may be incompatibility issues for macOS and Windows.


Lavacake is best run through a reverse proxy (such as NGINX) software, this is due to the extra headers provided by said software allowing ratelimits to work. Of course, a reverse proxy is not required. See the second link for disabling user ratelimits.

You also need Bun, Lavacake cannot be used with Node.js & uses native Bun features! Installing Bun only takes 10 seconds, so make sure to get it installed!

Installing Lavacake

You can either grab the latest release of Lavacake from the releases tab, or get a copy of the codebase with the <> Code button.

Navigate into Lavacake's directory using your command line. If you are using the same command line process as you did when installing Bun, you might have to restart the process or start a new process.

Once in the main directory containing the package.json file, run the following command to get all the packages:

bun install

You can start Lavacake using the following command, but first look at configuring Lavacake.

bun start

Configuring Lavacake

Lvacake has two configuration files, one containing your tokens & the other containing your config.

First, create a new file called token.json and paste in the following:


These tokens should be replaced with your as seen on the Hypixel Developer Portal. You should request an Application Token, and then copy that token into the appToken field. If you do not have an approved application yet, use a developer token and paste in in the devToken field. You can change the active field to devToken or appToken for which token to use.

Now, please open config.json and we'll explain what all the funky values mean.

  • apiLimit
    • reqAmount: The amount of requests you can handle in a certain time period. Please check the developer portal for these ratelimits.
    • timeSec: The time period of the reqAmount in seconds.
  • userRatelimit (NGINX only)
    • reqAmount: The amount of requests a user may send before being ratelimited. This is to prevent malicious API scraping & spam requests.
    • expires: The time in seconds before a request is removed from the ratelimit.
    • enabled: Whether or not user ratelimiting is enabled. If you do not use NGINX, this should be set to false.
  • port
    • The port to run Lavacake on, e.g. 9753. Please check this Wikipedia article for a list of port standards to prevent conflicts.


  • What "junk" is being removed by Lavacake?
    • At the minute, we're looking at only implementing core statistics for games & wrapping what's most used (e.g. levels & coins). It might seem generic to say junk, but not enough people will be checking the Mega SkyWars Quit Count for it to be wrapped. If there's anything missing that you would like included in Lavacake you can open an issue at our issues page.
  • How do I access the raw, unwrapped API data?
    • Just put "raw" before an endpoint name, e.g. player -> rawPlayer (camelCase)