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TSC Minutes: 20181018

Jeff ErnstFriedman edited this page Oct 18, 2018 · 1 revision

OpenAPI Initiative


18 October 2018

A regular meeting of the Technical Steering Committee (the “TSC”) of the OpenAPI Initiative (“OAI”) was held on 18 October 2018 at 9:05 a.m. PT via conference call.

Present Not Present
Marsh Gardiner Jeremy Whitlock
Darrel Miller
Mike Ralphson
Ron Ratovsky
Uri Sarid
  • Additional attendees: Henry Andrews (JSON), Chuck Heazel (WISC Enterprises) Mike Kistler (IBM), and Jeff ErnstFriedman (Linux Foundation) Note: - Bold signifies employee of OAI member company at the time of the meeting

The meeting was called to order at 9:05am. Having quorum, the body moved to the agenda items listed on #1716.

Following the recent APIStrat conference, a community member raised the issue of the importance of scheduling f2f meetings of the TSC to allow the technical developer community at large the opportunity to provide feedback to the TSC in a formal setting. The clarification was made that the opportunity would function more as a townhall opportunity versus a strictly governance meeting. The body asked the Linux Foundation to explore opportunities around the Gluecon event as many in the community would already be in attendance and the OAI will already be sponsoring the event. TSC member Darrel Miller agreed to serve as point person and provide options to the TSC for final approval. There is an expected cost associated with the meeting and it would be incorporated into the 2019 TSC budget. The issue was tabled and the body moved to the next item on the agenda.

There was a community request to make video recordings of the meetings available for interested parties that could not attend a specific meeting. Without objection, the TSC agreed to share the link publicly, without expectations the videos would be available permanently. There is no additional cost associated with this request.

Having exhausted the agenda items, the body moved to consider pull requests.

Having exhausted the time for the meeting, the body adjourned to resume next week.

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