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This repository provides Python3 scripts for manipulating and converting BVH motion capture files.

Latest version on PyPI Test Python package


  • To install from PyPi:
    pip install bvhtoolbox
  • To install from github using development mode:
    pip install -e git+
  • To install latest development version using regular mode (building the package):
    pip install
  • The installation creates some console scripts you can use.

Console scripts

Manipulate BVH files

Rename joints in bvh files

  • Command: bvhrenamejoints

Remove frames from BVH files

  • Command: bvhremoveframes

Offset joint angles in BVH files

  • Command: bvhoffsetjointangles
  • Can be used to additively offset joint angles in the BVH by supplying a csv table containing the mapping of joint names to euler angles.
    • The angles must be in the same order as the joint's channels in the BVH hierarchy.

Convert from or to BVH files

BVH to Cal3D XSF & XAF

  • Command: bvh2xsf
  • Command: bvh2xaf
  • Converts BVH files to the Cal3D XML skeleton (XSF) and animation (XAF) file formats.
  • The XAF files rely on the respective skeleton file.
  • XAF files have been tested to work with skeletons that were exported from 3DS Max and Blender.
  • I use the resulting xaf files in Worldviz' Vizard, so it's only been tested in this context.

BVH to Panda3D Egg animation file

  • Command: bvh2egg
  • Converts BVH files to the Panda3D animation file egg format.

BVH to CSV tables

  • Command: bvh2csv
  • Converts BVH to comma separated values tables.
  • Ouputs one file for hierarchy, one for joint rotations, and one for joint world positions.
  • Use --hierarchy to export the respective CSV file.
  • Using only the --rotation or the --position flag you can output only one of the transform tables.
  • The --out parameter only takes a directory path as an argument.
  • With the --ends flag the End Sites are included in the *_pos.csv file.

CSV tables to BVH

  • Command: csv2bvh
  • Takes 3 CSV files (hierarchy, rotation, position) previously exported using bvh2csv or created otherwise and builds a bvh file from them.

All converters have a --scale parameter taking a float as an argument. You can use it to convert between units for the position and offset values.

How to run the console batch scripts

  • Open terminal.
  • If you've installed the bvhtoolbox into a conda/virtual environment, you have to activate it first.
  • type <script_name> -h (substitute <script_name> by one of the commands above) to get more information on the usage.


This package includes 20tabs' bvh module due to a lack of updates for this module on