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Django project for a management system for book borrowing

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Library Service

Django project for a book borrowing management system. You no longer have to go anywhere to borrow a book from the library. Just place an order on the site. And our courier will deliver it to you for free if you are in the city. Efficiently select books and make payments using the Stripe payment system, receive telegram notifications with full information about the book, a link to pay and reminders to remember to return it.

Architecture library service


Installing / Getting started

For Mac and Linux:

  • python3 -m venv venv
  • source venv/bin/activate

  • Initialize environment variables .env as you can see in the .env.sample file
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • python migrate
  • python runserver

Stripe payment system

  • You can use a payment system. For this, you need to initialize your Stripe Payment account.
  • After that, you can use this number of card 4242424242424242 Date and CVV number can be random.
  • When you create new borrowing, the telegram bot will send you a link to pay.
  • When you return the book bot will send you a message with a link to pay a fine if you are overdue the lease.

Get messages about all overdue borrowing every day

  • You can use celery for daily sending messages to telegram chat.
  • If you want to know how much overdue borrowings are today run Redis server and use these celery commands in different terminals
  • redis-server
  • celery -A library_service_api worker -l INFO
  • celery -A library_service_api beat -l INFO --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler


Django project for a management system for book borrowing






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