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Remold edited this page Jul 24, 2015 · 1 revision

The OpenConext ServiceRegistry (SR) is a web-based registry for managing federation metadata, including SAML2 SP and IdP metadata, ARP and ACL information. It is currently also used to register the OAuth metadata of entities that work with the OpenConext platform. The product is based on JANUS, originally developed by WAYF, the Danish Federation Operator and now maintained by SURFnet. Only a few minor configuration extensions were applied to implement JANUS into the ServiceRegistry module of OpenConext. For more information on JANUS, please visit

The content on these pages will focus on the OpenConext specific use of JANUS in its role as ServiceRegistry. "[Working with the ServiceRegistry](Working with the ServiceRegistry)" contains the overview of the necessary information for understanding the ServiceRegistry, while the other pages in this space cover specific areas in more detail.

Please review the OpenConext-serviceregistry/ file available on GitHub for license information, installation requirements, and the most up-to-date configuration instructions.

Wiki contents

  • [Working with the ServiceRegistry](Working with the ServiceRegistry)
  • [Configuring OpenConext API clients](Configuring OpenConext API clients)
  • [Automatic Metadata Refreshing and Validation](Automatic Metadata Refreshing and Validation)
  • [Configuration options for ServiceRegistry](Configuration options for ServiceRegistry)
  • [Disabling consent for SPs](Disabling consent for SPs)
  • [IdP access requests](IdP access requests)
  • [Description of metadata fields](Description of metadata fields)
  • [Create an Attribute Manipulation](Create an Attribute Manipulation)
  • [Configuring guest users](Configuring guest users)
  • [Publish eduGAIN metadata](Publish eduGAIN metadata)