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Pagliacii’s dotfiles README



LazyVim GIF:

Table of Contents


$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd dotfiles
# link all
$ stow
# or link some config, e.g. vim
$ stow vim

Install Oh My Zsh

Make sure you have curl (or wget) and git installed.

  1. Install homebrew to help you install others quickly.
    $ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Before installing Oh My Zsh, make sure you have Zsh installed.
  3. Install Oh My Zsh
    $ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  4. Remove the default .zshrc file and use stow to link my .zshrc file.
    $ rm ~/.zshrc
    $ git clone --recurse-submodules
    # or
    $ git clone
    $ cd dotfiles
    $ git submodule update --init
    # link zsh configs
    $ cd dotfiles
    $ stow zsh
    $ source ~/.zshrc

    If the shell yells some warning messages, you can try to install needed dependencies to silence those noises. Or just disabling corresponding plugins in ~~/.zshrc~ file.

  5. (Optional) Install starship, thefuck and autojump
    $ brew install starship thefuck autojump
    $ stow starship
    $ source ~/.zshrc

Prepare Python Development Environment

  1. Use pyenv can save your time if you will deal with multiple versions of Python.
    $ brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
  2. Install Python build dependencies before attempting to install a new Python version. See this link to more details.
  3. To install the specific version of Python, replace <version> with the actual version.
    $ pyenv install <version>
    # You can list all supported versions by `pyenv install --list`
    # Install the Python dev package like: python3-dev
  4. Link to my pip configuration file.
    # link pip to replace the pypi source
    $ cd dotfiles && stow pip
  5. Use Poetry to manage Python dependencies.
    # Install poetry
    $ curl -fsSL | python -
    # Verify
    $ poetry --version
    # Enable tab completion for Oh My Zsh
    $ md $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/poetry
    $ poetry completions zsh > $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/poetry/_poetry

    If the install step is stuck at the poetry package downloading, you can download the package file manually. See the releases page for more details.
    And run commands below to install it manually

    # Download
    $ curl -fsSLO
    # Download Poetry package file
    $ wget<version>/poetry-<version>-<platform>.tar.gz
    # Install from the local package file
    $ python --file /path/to/poetry-<version>-<platform>.tar.gz
  6. (Optional) Install useful tools
    # Install IPython
    $ pip install ipython
    # Install pipx
    $ brew install pipx
    $ pipx ensurepath
    $ pipx completions

Install Doom Emacs

  1. Make sure you have emacs installed. Otherwise, you can use brew to install it.
    $ brew install emacs
    # Install Doom Emacs required dependencies
    $ brew install git ripgrep
    # Install Doom Emacs optional dependencies
    $ brew install fd
  2. Link to my Doom Emacs configuration files.
    $ git clone --recurse-submodules
    $ cd dotfiles
    # link
    $ stow doom-emacs
  3. Install Doom Emacs
    $ ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install
  4. Detect your environment
    # fix warnings showing up to improve your Doom Emacs running environment
    $ ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom doctor
  5. (Optional) Extra works
    # add `~/.emacs.d/bin` to your PATH envvar
    $ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.emacs.d/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
    $ source ~/.zshrc
    # download some fonts to ~/.local/share/fonts and run command below
    $ fc-cache -vf ~/.local/share/fonts

Install useful tools

# Install fzf
$ brew install fzf
# To install useful key bindings and fuzzy completion
$ $(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install
# Install bat and bat-extras
$ brew tap eth-p/software
$ brew install bat bat-extras
# Install ripgrep
$ brew install ripgrep
# Install fd
$ brew install fd
# Install hyperfine
$ brew install hyperfine
# Install hexyl
$ brew install hexyl
# Install lsd
$ brew install lsd
# Install pygments for colorize
$ brew install pygments
# Install tree
$ brew install tree
# Install wakatime-cli, then copy and paste your API key into `~/.wakatime.cfg` file
$ brew install wakatime-cli
# Install glow
$ brew install glow
# Install htop
$ brew install htop
# Install bpytop
$ pip install bpytop --upgrade
# Install licensor
$ brew install licensor
# Install httpie
$ brew install httpie
# Install neofetch
$ brew install neofetch
# Install navi
$ proxy brew install navi