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This pipeline offers a variety of evaluations for genome assembly outcomes, such as accuracy, continuity, and completeness.

Quick start

  1. change the config.yaml according to you environment.

      vim config.yaml 
  2. run with snakemake

       nohup snakemake -s postassm.smk -j 10 -k --ri >sublog 2>&1 &
  3. run on a cluster

       nohup snakemake -s postassm.smk -j 10 -k --ri --cluster "qsub -l nodes=1:ppn=20 -l walltime=999:00:00" >sublog 2>&1 & 


  • project_name: project name

  • dir_work: work directory

  • software: software path (absolute path)

    • busco:
    • merqury:
    • samtools:
    • Rscript:
    • xf_stat:
    • seqtk:
    • ...
  • lib_dir: database directory

    • busco: path of BUSCO lib, for example /path/to/busco/datasets/mammalia_odb10
    • busco_conf: config of BUSCO lib, for example /path/to/busco/conf/busco-master/config/config.ini
  • samples:

    • sample1:
      • assm: sample1.fasta
      • meryl_lab: /path/to/meryl_db/sample1.meryl
    • sample2:
      • assm: /path/to/sample2.fa
      • meryl_lab: /path/to/meryl_db/sample2.meryl
    • ...
  • threads:

    • busco: 48
    • default: 2
    • ...

Support tools

  • Merquery


If you want to apply other tools to evaluate the genome, we encourage you to pull a request or email us.


Jia P, Dong L, Yang X, Wang B, Wang T, Lin J, Wang S, Zhao X, Xu T, Che Y, et al: Haplotype-resolved assemblies and variant benchmark of a Chinese Quartet. bioRxiv 2022:2022.2009.2008.504083. PDF
