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Oracle UDT Class Generator

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This NuGet package contains a source generator that emits C# source code for mapping to and from Oracle User-Defined Data Types. This allows your project to easily send records and arrays of records to and from an Oracle database.

Simply install the NuGet package into the project in which you wish to generate mapping classes. The generator runs entirely at compile time and does not add any runtime dependencies to your project.

The emitted code has no dependencies other than Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core which you must manually add to the client project.

For examples of using UDTs please refer to the 'OracleExamples' in my GitHub solution BassUtils and its corresponding NuGet Package

'oraudt' Input Format

The C# code necessary to map UDTs is quite long winded and error-prone, and this package greatly simplifies the process by using a domain-specific language (DSL) which allows very concise specification of the Oracle UDT.

  1. Create a file ending in .oraudt, for example Person.oraudt.
  2. Set the file's build action to C# analyzer additional file.
  3. Write a specification for your UDT.

The specification consists of a series of sections. First, the class specification, which is mandatory:

class PersonRecord MYSCHEMA.objPerson
  • The first identifier, PersonRecord is the name of the C# class to be generated.
  • The second identifier, MYSCHEMA.objPerson is the name of the Oracle UDT type that you created in the database using "CREATE TYPE objPerson AS OBJECT".

Then the collection specification, which is optional:

class PersonRecord MYSCHEMA.objPerson
    Collection PersonArray MYSCHEMA.tblPerson

Including the Collection specification makes the generator create a second type, in this case PersonArray, and a corresponding factory class, together they make it possible to bind arrays of PersonRecord, not just individual records. In other words, they make it possible to use table types that are created using the syntax "CREATE TYPE tblPerson AS TABLE OF objPerson". This is the Oracle equivalent to using Table-Valued Parameters in MS SQL Server.

Then come 4 lines which are all optional BUT HAVE TO BE IN THIS ORDER:

class PersonRecord MYSCHEMA.objPerson
    Collection PersonArray MYSCHEMA.tblPerson
    Namespace People
    Filename Person.g.cs
    DebuggerDisplay "{Age}/{Height}"
    ToString "{Age}/{Height}/{Role}/{Salary}"

Namespace specifies the exact namespace to generate the code in. If absent, the generator tries to guess the namespace based on the folder that the .oraudt file is in.

Filename allows you to control the name of the file used by the generated code. Normally this is defaulted based on the name of the class (PersonRecord.g.cs in this case) but sometimes this automatic algorithm may lead to name clashes, for example if you have many similar record types in one project but in different namespaces. Filename allows you to override the automatic generation to avoid this overwriting.

DebuggerDisplay and ToString can be used to automatically generate a DebuggerDisplayAttribute and a ToString method, respectively. This is only intended for simple usages, for more complex requirements, leave them blank and write your own implementations - this is easy because all the code generated is in partial classes.

Finally we come to the field list specification. This section is mandatory and must contain at least one field.

    Fields [
          FirstName, LastName,
          int Age
          string EducationLevel EDUCLEVEL

It consists of the word "Fields" and then a list of fields inside "[]" brackets, and separated either by commas or newlines.

An individual field specification can have 1 to 3 parts. A 3 part name is the most powerful; if you use a two part name or a 1 part name then conventions are used to fill in this missing parts.

An example of a 3 part name is

decimal? Width WDT

Here decimal? is the C# type of the property, Width is the C# name of the property, and WDT is the name of the field in the Oracle OBJECT type (it must always be uppercase).

A 2 part name omits the last component and defaults it to the name of the field - in the following example, it will be WEIGHT:

decimal? Weight

Finally, a 1 part name allows you to omit the C# type name which causes it to be defaulted to string:


So this last field specification is equivalent to

string FirstName FIRSTNAME

This can allow for very succinct object definitions as string fields are very common.

Full Examples

A simple Person class:

class PersonRecord MYSCHEMA.objPerson
    Collection PersonArray MYSCHEMA.tblPerson
    Namespace People
    Fields [int Age,FirstName,LastName]

A more expansive example:

class ArticleRecord MYSCHEMA.objArticleRecord
    Collection ArticleArray MYSCHEMA.tblArticleRecord
    Namespace MyDatabaseProject.UDTs
    DebuggerDisplay "{Sku}"
    ToString "{Sku}, {Cost}, {Description}"
    Fields [
        decimal? Cost
        string Description DESC
        int? MyNullableProp SOMENULLABLEPROP
        int AnIntegerProperty
        decimal? ThreeParter SOMEORACLENAME


A single .oraudt file can contain multiple class stanzas. Each will be generated into a separate C# file.

Bool fields do not map well to Oracle types since Oracle SQL has no concept of a boolean type. Typically a NUMBER(1) or a CHAR(1) is used. Therefore I suggest using the partial class facility to create a boolean property which proxies the mapped field.

All the generated files will be in a single virtual folder, therefore all your class names must be distinct across your entire project. Use the Filename clause to avoid clashes.

The keywords 'class', 'collection', 'namespace' etc. are all case-insensitive.

Output Format

Two classes will be generated for each .oraudt file, or four if a Collection is specified. Given a class name of Person, a class Person will be created containing all the fields, and a class PersonFactory which is required by Oracle Data Acccess to instantiate the Person.

If you specify the collection type then a PersonArray type will also be generated, plus a factory for that, called PersonArrayFactory.

All the classes are partial classes.

The generated code can be seen under the Analyzers node in Visual Studio.

n.b. Visual Studio can be temperamental about showing these files. Sometimes it is necessary to close and reopen Visual Studio.

Errors and Diagnostics

The generator writes some diagnostics to the MS Build output stream. You will have to enable 'Detailed' output level in Tools -> Options to see them if all is working as expected:

1>    info ORAUDT01: Found file C:\myrepos\OracleUdtClassGenerator\OracleUdtClassGenerator.ConsoleTestHarness\Person.oraudt
1>    info ORAUDT02: Found spec for PersonRecord with 3 fields
1>    info ORAUDT06: Generated file PersonRecord.g.cs in namespace People

Output can also be generated at WARNING or ERROR level in the case of mistakes in your .oraudt file. Errors will stop the build.

Further Reading

An article describing the implementation of this source generator is available on my blog.

I have another NuGet package available called BassUtils.Oracle which can help with calling procs with UDTs, for example it will create OracleParameters correctly for you. It is also described in an article on my blog.

Article in the Roslyn repository about incremental source generators.

Andrew Lock's Article' about incremental source generators.

The Source Generators Cookbook


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