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This repository contains course material for Phillip Richmond's Introduction to Bioinformatics Analysis Course


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Welcome to Introduction to Bioinformatics Analysis, a course taught by Phillip A Richmond.

Course Purpose

The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to Bioinformatics and Genomics as it pertains to short-read sequencing analysis, with a specific focus on brewing and fermentation yeast strains. Taught in an inverted classroom format, there will be screencasts and lecture notes for each section that can be gone through independently, and in class we will simply work on example datasets and problem sets.

General Course Information & Prerequisites

The course is intended for academic researchers at Canadian institutions in Western Canada, that have access to nationally supported Research Computing through Compute Canada, specifically the WestGrid branch.

Course Schedule (Round 2! Vivien and Simone) FNH100A

  1. Monday August 15th, 2016.
    2:00 PM - 4:00 PM.
    Section I-1, Section I-2, Section I-3a

  2. Tuesday August 16th, 2016
    9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    Section I-3a finish, Section I-3b

  3. Wednesday August 17th, 2016
    9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    Section I-4

  4. Thursday August 18th, 2016
    9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    Section I-5, I-6

  5. Friday August 19th, 2016
    9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    Section I-7

Course Outline

Section I: Introductions, Linux/Unix, WestGrid, Short Read Mapping, PBS Queue Scheduler

  1. Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing, Bioinformatics, and Computing
  1. Getting set-up on WestGrid and using terminal
  1. Exploring Linux/Unix
  1. Advanced Linux/Unix
  1. Intro to Read Mapping and Data Visualization
  • Bowtie2 & Samtools (5a)
    • Build genome index
    • Map paired reads
    • Interpret standard error
    • Convert bam 2 sam (samtools index)
    • Sort bam (samtools sort)
    • Slides
    • Video
  • Data visualization (5b)
  • In Class Assignment
  1. Organization and file naming
  • Hierarchical organization
  • File naming and suffixes
  • Slides
  • Video
  1. Interacting with the queue

In class test

The in-class test will be an individual examination, so you won't be able to work together in groups for it. The test will be comprehensive for all the things we learned in Section I, and if you are able to complete the assignments for each section, then the test should take only ~ 30 minutes. You will have a 2 hour block to complete the test. If you are unable to do so, then you won't be able to move on to Section II.

Section II: Introduction to Applied Genomics: Acquiring Data, Raw data QC, Variant Calling, Assembly, RNAseq

NOTE For section II, you will need to ask WestGrid for special access to the high memory servers: Hungabee, Breezy. Email: [email protected]

  1. Getting data from the SRA, Raw Data QC
  • Short read archive & fastq.dump
  • FastQC
  • Trimmomatic
  • Slides
  • Video
  1. RNAseq (grape vine)
  1. Transposon Insertion Profiling (TIP-seq)
  • Initial Processing (3a)
    • Clean up reads
    • Map with BWA
    • Samtools Unique mapped
    • Remove duplicates
    • Visualize
    • Slides
    • Video
  • Differential Insertion (3b)
    • Call Peaks
    • Differential Insertion Analysis
    • Slides
    • Video
  1. Transcriptome Assembly
  • Trinity
  • Trans-Abyss
  • Slides
  • Video
  • In Class Assignment
  1. Variant Calling (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
  • Map with BWA
  • Samtools mpileup
  • Picard MarkDuplicates
  • Samtools Unique Reads
  • Visualize in IGV
  • Slides
  • Video
  • In Class Assignment

Section III: BYOD (Bring your own datasets)

This section is open to those who want to explore their own datasets and receive help with processing and data analysis.


Need to insert some testimonials here

Problems, issues

Feedback? Suggestions? Don't hesitate to contact me:

Course Instructor Affiliation Email Address(es) github ID Phone Number
Phillip Richmond PhD Student, Bioinformatics, UBC [email protected] or [email protected] @Phillip-a-Richmond (604)655-3595


This repository contains course material for Phillip Richmond's Introduction to Bioinformatics Analysis Course







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