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## PirateBox-Manager (By Cale Black)
## Quick installer / manager for the Laptop PirateBox project
## For both advanced and basic users
## created by Cale Black ([email protected])  2012-05-05
## Liscenced by GPL
## Changes: (0.8.0)
## Added Color to splash screen
## Added quick change for SSID and Channel Number
## Added clear upload / download folder in config (may move it to main menu)
## Updated download only for script version .4

More info and updates at:

	Finalize Menu
	Add a splash screen with ASCII PirateBox logo
	Add manage files (opens PB folder in nautilaus)
	Add Manual	
	Create a Config option
	Add Debugging
	Interface for managing files (may wait until GUI)

	LiveCD Fork
## PirateBox for Laptops Scripts (By Matthias Strubel)
## Piratebox for debian laptops --> scripts
##   created by Matthias Strubel ([email protected])  2011-02-22
##   licenced by gpl ;; please feel for improvements or feedback :)
##  Changes:

Complete Download-Package and more Infos on:

Packages contains only scripts based PirateBox scripts without any webserver.
PirateBox scripts can:
   * Setup WLAN Interface via iw
   * Setup hotspot functionality (hostapd)
   * Setup IP Adresses of wlan interface
   * Can add wlan interface to an existing bridge
   * Sets Up a DHCP Server with redirect to wlan-interface IP
   * Upload landing page
   * Browse Uploaded files
   * Announce "Internet yes" for iOS
   * ShoutBox
   * Optional small python Forum

For lighttpd Version see: 

  - The PirateBox project: