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This is github project for storage of latest and stable repositories.

Write npm run update to just get new adapters from sources-dist.json into sources-dist-stable.json. And write npm run update adapterName to write latest version of adapterName into sources-dist-stable.json

Update of the version in stable

  1. Be sure that the version is tested in forum by users or you fix the critical bug with that.
  2. Delete the versionTime or update it to the current time

Requirements for adapter to get added to the repository

already required for latest repository

  1. Adapter needs to be available as package on npm. See How to publish on npm
  2. iobroker organisation must be added as owner to npm package. Why and how to do that.
  3. Adapter needs to have a with description, detail information and changelog. English is mandatory. Other languages are welcome. See Example of
  4. Adapter must have a predefined license.
  5. Adapter needs to have at least Adapter basic testing (installing, running) using Travis-CI and Appveyor. More information in Forum from apollon77 (Just take from other adapters the samples)
  6. Define one of the types in io-package.json
  7. Include "author" in io-package.json and "authors" in io-package.json
  8. Add your adapter into the list (first latest and after that into stable, when tested). Examples of entries you can find here. Note: don't forget to add attribute published to both repositories.
  9. Your github repository must have name "ioBroker.". B is capital in "ioBroker", but in the package.json the name must be low case, because npm does not allow upper case letters.
  10. title in io-package.json (common) is simple short name of adapter in english. titleLang is object that consist short names in many languages. Lang ist not german Länge, but english LANGuages.
  11. Do not use in the title the words "ioBroker" or "Adapter". It is clear anyway, that it is adapter for ioBroker.

Requirements for adapter to get added to the stable repository

  • Forum thread with question to test the adapter.
  • Some feedback on forum .


How to publish on npm

Add owner to packet

We are really happy, that other developers are contributing to ioBroker. But some of them with the time lost the enthusiasms and stop support and maintain the adapter.

There is no problem with github repository. We can just fork it and maintain it in owr organisation, but the situation with npm is different.

If some name is blocked (e.g. iobroker.rpi) we cannot publish the changed adapter under the same name, we must change the name to e.g. iobroker.rpi2.

Than we must change the ioBroker repositories and the user must install the new adapter and migrate the old settings and objects into new adapter.

This is not suitable.

Because of that we ask you to give ioBroker organisation publish rights to update the npm package. We will use it only in emergency or if author do not react on owr requests.

To add the ioBroker organisation to npm packet, you must write following, after the packet is published:

npm access grant read-write iobroker:developers iobroker.<adaptername>

If the command does not work just add bluefox as owner.

npm owner add bluefox iobroker.<adaptername>

Example of

Much better is to write documentation separately for every language like here:

and the files are here

And make the link in your readme file to this files, like here:


Following licenses are used now in ioBroker project:

  • MIT (used for most of adapters and core)
  • Apache 2.0
  • CC-BY
  • OFL-1.1
  • EPL
  • LGPL
  • GPLv3
  • GPLv2
  • CC-BY-NC

You can choose the suitable license here:

Of course you can add your own licenses, even WTFPL.

You must of course take in count the licenses of components, that used in your adapter. E.g. if you use main packet under GPLv2 license, you cannot make CC-BY-NC from that.


See how testing is implemented on ioBroker.template:

You can find some help in this PDF (Only german) See Adapter Testing Section.


The io-package.json must have attribute type in common part. Like here (Line can be changed with the time. Please report if this link do not point to according line any more):

- general
- hardware
- lighting
- energy
- multimedia
- household
- iot-systems
- communication
- climate-control
- weather
- geoposition
- messaging
- infrastructure
- date-and-time
- visualization
- utility
- storage
- visualization-icons
- logic
- garden
- protocols
- network
- alarm
- misc-data
- visualization-widgets

Defined categories for non-repo adapters

  • pilight IoT-systems
  • samsung2016 multimedia
  • scriptgui logic
  • viessmann climate-control
  • vuplus multimedia


Please define following attributes in package.json :


For latest (sources-dist.json):

  "admin": {
    "meta": "",
    "icon": "",
    "published": "2017-04-10T17:10:21.690Z",
    "type": "general"

For stable (sources-dist-stable.json):

  "admin": {
    "meta": "",
    "icon": "",
    "version": "2.0.7",
    "published": "2017-04-10T17:10:21.690Z",
    "type": "general"

Note: stable has always specific version.


Repositories for ioBroker project







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