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Data Structures & Algorithms

Implementation of Data structures and algorithm in C#.

I will be doing these in my free time.

Current list of contents:

Data Sructures:


Stack Mehods:

  • Push(object item): Add item to the top of the stack.
  • Pop: Remove the item at the top of the stack.
  • Clear: Clear the stack.
  • PrintStack: Print the current items in the stack.
  • StackImplementation: Just an implementation of the stacks methods.

CustomHashTable using Chaining for collision handling:

HashTable Methods:

  • Add(int key, string value): Add a key value set to the table.
  • Get(int key): Get the Entry object of the requested key.
  • GetValue(int key): Get the value of the requested key.
  • Remove(int key): Remove the Entry object with the given key from the table.
  • ImplementHashTable: Just an implementation of the tables methods.

Binary Tree & Binary Search Tree:

The main difference between the two classes is the Insert() method.

Binary Tree Properties

  • Root: The root node of the Binary Tree.
  • PreOrder: a Depth-first pre-order traversal of the Binary Tree represented in a string format. (Root, Left, Right)
  • InOrder: a Depth-first in-order traversal of the Binary Tree represented in a string format. (Left, Root, Right)
  • PostOrder: a Depth-first post-order traversal of the Binary Tree represented in a string format. (Left, Right, Root)
  • LevelOrder: a Breadth-first (level-order) traversal of the Binary Tree represented in a string format.
  • Height: The height of the Binary Tree object. Each time we read this property it is updated based on the current status of the tree object.
  • Min: Gets the current minimum value in the tree.
  • IsBinarySearchTree: Returns true if the current tree object is a binary search tree.

Binary Tree Methods

  • Find(int value): Returns true if the value argument exists in the tree.
  • BinarySearchTree.Insert(int value): Adds the value in the correct node in the tree which means: The root node is Always bigger than its left child and smaller than its right child.
  • BinaryTree.Insert(int value): Traverses the tree in level order and inserts the value in the first empty child from left children to right.
  • GetNodesAtDistance(int distance): Gets the nodes at the requested distance from the root node.
  • Equals: Overrides the Equals method in Object class. Checks if the two binary trees have the same values in the same locations.


  • Sorts: Insertion sort, Selection sort, Merge sort
  • Inversion Counter using merge sort (i,j) => j < i


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