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Physics Based Animation Toolkit


We recommend exploring the official CMake documentation to beginner CMake users.


The Physics Based Animation Toolkit (PBAT) is a (mostly templated) cross-platform C++20 library of algorithms and data structures commonly used in computer graphics research on physically-based simulation in dimensions 1,2,3. For most use cases, we recommend using our library via its Python interface, enabling seamless integration into Python's ecosystem of powerful scientific computing packages.


  • Finite Element Method (FEM) meshes and operators
    • Dimensions 1,2,3
    • Lagrange shape functions of order 1,2,3
    • Line, triangle, quadrilateral, tetrahedron and hexahedron elements
  • Hyper elastic material models
    • Saint-Venant Kirchhoff
    • Stable Neo-Hookean
  • Polynomial quadrature rules
    • Simplices in dimensions 1,2,3
    • Gauss-Legendre quadrature
  • Spatial query acceleration data structures
    • Bounding volume hierarchy for triangles (2D+3D) and tetrahedra (3D)
      • Nearest neighbours
      • Overlapping primitive pairs
      • Point containment
  • Seamless profiling integration via Tracy


See vcpkg.json for a versioned list of our dependencies, available via vcpkg (use of vcpkg is not mandatory, as long as dependencies have compatible versions and are discoverable by CMake's find_package mechanism).


Option Values Default Description
PBAT_BUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS ON,OFF OFF Enable PhysicsBasedAnimationToolkit_PhysicsBasedAnimationToolkit Python bindings. Generates the CMake target PhysicsBasedAnimationToolkit_Python, an extension module for Python, built by this project.
PBAT_BUILD_TESTS ON,OFF OFF Enable PhysicsBasedAnimationToolkit_PhysicsBasedAnimationToolkit unit tests. Generates the CMake target executable PhysicsBasedAnimationToolkit_Tests, built by this project.
PBAT_ENABLE_PROFILER ON,OFF OFF Enable Tracy instrumentation profiling in built PhysicsBasedAnimationToolkit_PhysicsBasedAnimationToolkit.
PBAT_PROFILE_ON_DEMAND ON,OFF OFF Activate Tracy's on-demand profiling when PBAT_ENABLE_PROFILER is ON.
PBAT_USE_INTEL_MKL ON,OFF OFF Link to user-provided Intel MKL installation via CMake's find_package.
PBAT_USE_SUITESPARSE ON,OFF OFF Link to user-provided SuiteSparse installation via CMake's find_package.
PBAT_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON,OFF OFF Build project's library targets as shared/dynamic.

Our project provides configuration presets that capture typical use configurations. Refer to the CMake presets documentation for more information.


Build transparently across platforms using the cmake build CLI.

CMake build targets:

Target Description
PhysicsBasedAnimationToolkit_PhysicsBasedAnimationToolkit The PBA Toolkit library.
PhysicsBasedAnimationToolkit_Tests The test executable, using doctest.
PhysicsBasedAnimationToolkit_Python PBAT's Python extension module, using pybind11.


From command line:

cd path/to/PhysicsBasedAnimationToolkit
cmake -S . -B build # -D<option>=<value> ...
cmake --install build --config Release

Alternatively, if vcpkg is installed and VCPKG_ROOT=path/to/vcpkg is set as an environment variable, you can select one of our available presets, for example cmake --preset=default and then install.

Quick start

We recommend downloading the Tracy profiler server to analyze execution of PBAT algorithms, available as precompiled executable. PBAT currently supports Tracy 0.10.


Take a look at the unit tests, found in the library's source (.cpp) files.


To download and install from PyPI, run in command line:

pip install pbatoolkit

For a local installation, which builds from source, our Python bindings build relies on Scikit-build-core, which relies on CMake's install mechanism. As such, you can configure the installation as you typically would when using the CMake CLI directly, by now passing the corresponding CMake arguments in the pip's config-settings parameter, or via the SKBUILD_* environment variables. See our pyinstall workflow for working examples of building from source on Linux, MacOS and Windows. Then, assuming that external dependencies are found via CMake's find_package, you can build and install our Python package pbatoolkit locally and get the most up to date features. Consider using a Python virtual environment for this step.

As an example, using vcpkg for external dependencies with VCPKG_ROOT set, run in command line:

pip install . --config-settings=cmake.args="--preset=pip-local" -v

For parallel builds on Unix systems, you can add the build.tool-args=-j<# threads> to the config-settings parameter, where <# threads> is the number of compilation jobs to run simultaneously. On Windows, using MSBuild, you may specify build.tool-args=/p:CL_MPCount=<# threads> instead. This assumes that parallel builds were enabled, meaning /MP may need to be appended to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS through cmake.args. Otherwise, CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL=<# threads>may be usable, again through the cmake.args parameter of config-settings.

Verify pbatoolkit's contents in Python shell:

import pbatoolkit as pbat

To profile relevant calls to pbatoolkit functions/methods, connect to python.exe in the Tracy profiler server GUI. All calls to pbat will be profiled on a per-frame basis in the Tracy profiler server GUI.

Use method profile of pbatoolkit.profiling.Profiler to profile code external to PBAT, allowing for an integrated profiling experience while using various scientific computing packages.

def expensive_external_computation():
    # Some expensive computation
profiler.profile("My expensive external computation", expensive_external_computation)


Head over to our hands-on tutorials section to learn more about physics based animation in both theory and practice!


Below, we show a few examples of what can be done in just a few lines of code using pbatoolkit and Python. Code can be found here.

Harmonic interpolation

A smooth (harmonic) function is constructed on Entei, required to evaluate to 1 on its paws, and 0 at the top of its tail, using piece-wise linear (left) and quadratic (right) shape functions. Its isolines are displayed as black curves.

Harmonic interpolation on Entei model using linear shape functions Harmonic interpolation on Entei model using quadratic shape functions

Heat method for geodesic distance computation

Approximate geodesic distances are computed from the top center vertex of Metagross by diffusing heat from it (left), and recovering a function whose gradient matches the normalized heat's negative gradient. Its isolines are displayed as black curves.

Heat source on top center of metagross model Reconstructed single source geodesic distance

Mesh smoothing via diffusion

Fine details of Godzilla's skin are smoothed out by diffusing x,y,z coordinates in time.

Godzilla model with fine details being smoothed out via diffusion

Hyper elastic simulation

Linear (left) and quadratic (right) shape functions are compared on a hyper elastic simulation of the beam model, whose left side is fixed. Quadratic shape functions result in visually smoother and softer bending.

Bending beam FEM elastic simulation using linear shape functions Bending beam FEM elastic simulation using quadratic shape functions

Modal analysis

The hyper elastic beam's representative deformation modes, i.e. its low frequency eigen vectors, are animated as time continuous signals.

Unconstrained hyper elastic beam's eigen frequencies

Profiling statistics

Computation details are gathered when using pbatoolkit and consulted in the Tracy profiling server GUI.

Profiling statistics widget in Tracy server


Coding style

A .clang-format description file is provided in the repository root which should be used to enforce a uniform coding style throughout the code base using the clang-format tool. Recent versions of Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio should come bundled with a clang-format installation. On Unix-like systems, clang-format can be installed using your favorite package manager.