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QuaCa is an open-source library which provides fast calculations of nonequilibrium atom-surface interactions.


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QuaCa stands for Quantum / Casimir Friction and is a numerical framework to calculate just that.


QuaCa requires:

  • GSL: integration routines
  • Boost: file parser and file handling
  • BLAS and LAPACK: fast linear algebra

Furthermore we use:

Those prerequisites can easily be installed via apt install via the following command

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev cmake make g++ libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev

or with conda:

conda env create --file environment.yml
conda activate quaca-env

We currently do not support installation on Mac or Windows.


To obtain the source code type

git clone

into the console

Then to build the code type inside the project directory (if you use conda please activate quaca-env)

$ cd quaca
quaca $ mkdir -p build
quaca $ cd build
quaca/build $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$CONDA_PREFIX #or just cmake .. if you don't use conda
quaca/build $ make

Two executables called Friction and Decay should now have been build and can be found in the quaca/bin directory.


For now we do not upload the documentation anywhere, so it can only be viewed locally using the following command from the command line

Python 2.7

quaca $ cd docs && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 3000

Python 3

quaca $ cd docs && python -m http.server 3000

You can then see the documentation in your browser at the address http://localhost:3000/.


Employing test-driven development, we are using Catch2 for our unit and integrated testing. To build and run all implemented test use

quaca/build $ make test_quaca_unit
quaca/build $ make test_quaca_integrated

and afterwards run the tests from the bin/ directory

quaca/bin $ ./test_quaca_unit
quaca/bin $ ./test_quaca_integrated

More detailled information is given in the section Testing.


For a benchmark we used a Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz and Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900K CPU @ 3.70GHz and ran the tutorial configuration with

quaca/bin $ ./Friction --file ../data/.tutorial.json --threads {threads}

and obtain following results

Threads max. 2.7GHz max. 3.7GHz
1 1477 s 623 s
2 995 s 319 s
3 703 s 222 s
4 555 s 170 s


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