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Social web page for people who are aware of the environment.

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Social web page for people who are aware of the environment.

User Stories

  • 404 - As a user I want to see a nice 404 page when I go to a page that doesn’t exist so that I know it was my fault
  • 500 - As a user I want to see a nice error page when the super team screws it up so that I know that is not my fault
  • homepage - As a user I want to be able to access the homepage so that I see what the app is about and login and signup
  • sign up / log in - As a user I want to sign up / log in on the webpage so that I can see all the events that I could attend
  • logout - As a user I want to be able to log out from the webpage so that I can make sure no one will access my account
  • profile - As a user I want to access my profile so that I can check my information and score
  • edit-profile - As a user I want to edit my profile so that I can add some information about myself
  • posts list - As a user I want to see all the posts available so that I can choose which ones I am more interested in
  • post create - As a user I want to create a post so that I can contribute to help the environment
  • posts detail - As a user I want to see the post details and help other people around the world
  • post vote - As a user I want to be able to vote to the posts so that the web page can be improved
  • post comment - As a user I want to be able to comment the posts so that I can contribute with ideas and improvements
  • post edit/delete - As a user I want to be able to edit or delete my posts and comments so that I can correct my mistakes
  • map - As a user I want to see the location of every post so that I am able to help people near my location
  • reset-password - As a user I want to be able to reset the password of my account


User profile:

  • list of posts created by the user
  • list posts the user has completed


  • add filters to posts


  • add groups so people can join them

Local authority's page:

  • add page to check the contact from every local authority in the world
  • check their website, contact, location

Desktop version:

  • add a desktop version of the application


  • GET /
    • renders the homepage
  • GET /sign-log
    • redirects to / if user logged in
    • renders the signup/login form
  • POST /signup
    • redirects to / if user logged in
    • body:
      • username
      • email
      • password
      • repeatPassword
  • POST /login
    • redirects to / if user logged in
    • body:
      • email
      • password
  • GET /logout
    • redirects to /
    • body: (empty)
  • GET /profile/:id
    • renders the profile page
  • GET /editProfile/:id
    • renders the edit profile page
  • PUT /editProfile/:id
    • redirects to /login if user is anonymous
    • body:
      • username
      • image
      • country
      • gender
  • GET /posts/create
    • redirects to /login if user is anonymous
    • renders the post create page
  • POST /posts/create
    • redirects to /login if user is anonymous
    • body:
      • title
      • images
      • description
      • city
      • country
      • level
      • longitude
      • latitude
      • user
  • GET /posts/all
    • renders the post list page
  • GET /posts/edit/:id
    • redirects to /login if user is anonymous
    • renders the post edit page
  • PUT /posts/edit/:id
    • redirects to /login if user is anonymous
    • body:
      • title
      • status
      • images
      • description
      • city
      • country
      • level
      • longitude
      • latitude
      • user
  • GET /posts/updvote/:id
    • redirects to /login if user is anonymous
    • upvotes a post if it's not already upvoted
  • GET /posts/downvote/:id
    • redirects to /login if user is anonymous
    • downvotes a post if it's not already downvoted
  • GET /posts/postDetail/:id
    • redirects to /login if user is anonymous
    • renders the post detail page
  • DELETE /posts/:id
    • redirects to /login if user is anonymous
    • deletes the post
  • POST /comment/:id
    • redirects to /login if user is anonymous
    • body:
      • title
      • image
      • description
      • user
  • GET /map
    • renders the map page
  • GET /map/:id
    • renders the map page centered in id coordinates
  • GET /password-reset
    • renders the reset password page
  • POST /password-reset
    • body:
      • email
  • GET /password-reset/:id/:token
    • renders the reset password page where you can change the password using a token
  • POST /password-reset/:id/:token
    • body:
      • password


User model

username: String
email: String
password: String
score: Number
img: String
country: String
gender: String
comments: [ObjectId<Comment>]
posts: [ObjectId<Post>]
createdAt: Date
editedAt: Date

Post model

user: ObjectId<User>
title: String
image: [String]
description: String
latitude: Number
longitude: Number
city: String
countr: String
level: String
contact: [ObjectId<LocalAuthorities>]
upVote: [ObjectId<User>]
downVote: [ObjectId<User>]
comments: [ObjectId<Comment>]
status: String
createdAt: Date
editedAt: Date

Comment model

user: ObjectId<User>
username: String
title: String
image: [String]
description: String
upVote: [ObjectId<User>]
downVote: [ObjectId<User>]
createdAt: Date
editedAt: Date

localAuthorities model

name: String
telephone: Number
email: String
address: String
city: String
country: String
link: String

Token model

userId: ObjectId<User>
token: String
createdAt: Date



Link Trello board


The url to your repository and to your deployed project

Repository Link

Deploy Link


The url to your presentation slides

Slides Link