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1. Hadoop Assessment Tool

This tool is developed to enable detailed Assessment and automated assessment of Hadoop clusters. It helps measure the migration efforts from the current Hadoop cluster. It generates a PDF report with information related to the complete cluster according to different categories.

Following are the specific categories:

  1. Hardware & OS Footprint
  2. Framework & Software Details
  3. Data & Security
  4. Network & Traffic
  5. Operations & Monitoring
  6. Application

2 .Tool Functionality

The Hadoop Assessment tool is built to analyze the on-premise Hadoop environment based on various factors/metrics.

Alt text

  1. This python-based tool will use Cloudera API, Generic - YARN API, and OS based CLI request to retrieve information from the Hadoop cluster
  2. Information from the APIs will come in the form of JSON files
  3. Information from CLI command request will be outputs stored in variables
  4. With the help of Python parsing methods, required insights about the features will be retrieved
  5. As an output of tool execution, a PDF report will be generated which will contain information about all the features
  6. Script will also generate a log file, which will contain execution information & errors (if any)

3. Prerequisites

  1. Important highlights of the Tool

    1. The tool runs on versions above python 3.6, 3.7 & 3.8
    2. The tool supports Cloudera version - CDH 5.13.3 and above; CDH 6.X, CDH 7.X
    3. The tool runs on the following OS versions Centos 6, Redhat 7, Debian 9, Ubuntu 16, Sles 12sp5 and above versions for all.
    4. The tool requires pip installed
  2. Complete information to run the tool

    1. The tool runs only on one of the master nodes

    2. The tool requires ~265 megabytes of space

    3. Preferred time to run the tool: It is recommended to run the tool during hours when there is the least workload on the Hadoop cluster

    4. This tool supports the following Python versions:

      1. python 3.6
      2. python 3.7
      3. python 3.8
    5. This tool supports the following Cloudera versions:

      1. CDH 5.13.3 and above
      2. CDH 6.x
      3. CDH 7.x
    6. This tool runs on the following Linux versions:

      1. Centos 6 and above
      2. Redhat 7 and above
      3. Debian 9 and above
      4. Ubuntu 16 and above
      5. Sles 12sp5 and above
    7. This tool requires pip installed.

    8. This tool requires an updated command line package manager before running the script. This will update the package list for the packages to be upgraded, from the operating system’s central repository. The package manager can be upgraded with the help of the below respective OS commands:

      1. Redhat/Centos:
        yum -y update && upgrade
      2. Ubuntu/Debian:
        sudo apt-get update
      3. Open Suse:
           sudo zypper update
    9. Cloudera manager user should have one of the following roles:

      Hadoop Version Roles
      CDH 5.13.3 Dashboard User, User Administrator, Full Administrator, Operator, BDR Administrator, Cluster Administrator, Limited Operator, Configurator, Read-Only, Auditor, Key Administrator, Navigator Administrator
      CDH 6.x Dashboard User, User Administrator, Full Administrator, Operator, BDR Administrator, Cluster Administrator, Limited Operator, Configurator, Read-Only, Auditor, Key Administrator, Navigator Administrator
      CDH 7.x Auditor, Cluster Administrator, Configurator, Dashboard User, Full Administrator, Key Administrator, Limited Cluster Administrator, Limited Operator, Navigator Administrator, Operator, Read Only, Replication Administrator, User Administrator
    10. Following OS packages will be installed to generate metrics:

      1. Tool checks if each package is already installed
      2. If the package is not already installed, it will install from a local repo
      3. If it is not present in the local repo, then it will download it from the internet
    Package Package Description
    Python-dev package contains the header files and dependent packages which need to fabricate python augmentations. Hence, those files and packages need to be on the system in such a way that they can be found while running the script
    Gcc gcc-c++ The package is used in python pandas functions which are used to build data frames in the script.
    unixODBC-devel The package is used to define a database-neutral interface to connect relational databases.
    cyrus-sasl-devel The package is used to connect with the hive metastore which helps in the retrieval of features related to the hive.
    Nload The package is a third-party monitoring tool used for the system monitoring and checking ingress-egress-related information.
    Vnstat A package is a third-party tool, used to check network utilization over a period of time.
    Iostat The package is used for monitoring system input/output statistics for devices and partitions.
    Libsasl2-dev (ubuntu specific) To install python3-venv in Ubuntu, libsasl2-dev packages will be installed as ubuntu does not provide venv inside a python package.
    1. This tool comes with below python packages and will be locally installed in ephemeral python virtual environment:
    Python packages in tool Python packages in tool Python packages in tool
    certifi==2020.12.5 chardet==4.0.0 cycler==0.10.0
    DateTime==4.3 fpdf==1.7.2 greenlet==1.0.0
    idna==2.10 importlib-metadata==3.7.3 kiwisolver==1.3.1
    matplotlib==3.3.4 numpy==1.19.5 pandas==1.1.5
    Pillow==8.1.2 psycopg2-binary==2.8.6 PyMySQL==1.0.2
    pyodbc==4.0.30 pyparsing==2.4.7 python-dateutil==2.8.1
    pytz==2021.1 requests==2.25.1 scipy==1.5.4
    seaborn==0.11.1 six==1.15.0 SQLAlchemy==1.3.22
    tqdm==4.59.0 typing-extensions== urllib3==1.26.4
    virtualenv==15.1.04 zipp==3.4.1 zope.interface==5.2.0
    wheel=0.36.2 pip=21.0.1 cffi=1.14.5
    cryptography==3.4.7 pycparser=2.20 cx-Oracle=8.1.0
    1. Tool supports below hive metastore
      1. PostgreSQL
      2. MySQL
      3. Oracle
    2. Tool needs access to dfsadmin utility.
    3. Detailed execution information will be logged in the two log files, which will be present at location :
      1. Python Log:- ./hadoop_assessment_tool_{YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS}.log
      2. Shell Log:- ./hadoop_assessment_tool_terminal.log
    4. After a successful tool execution, a PDF report will be generated at the location: ./hadoop_assessment_report_{YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS}.pdf
  3. User Input Requirements

    1. The tool needs the below permissions to run the code and generate the PDF report:
      1. Sudo permission on the node.
      2. Cloudera Manager(User should have one of the roles mentioned in 3.1.9)
        1. Host IP
        2. Port Number
        3. User Name
        4. Password
        5. Cluster Name
      3. Hive Metastore
        1. User Name
        2. Password
      4. Kafka
        1. Number of brokers
        2. Host Name of each broker
        3. IP of each broker
        4. Port number of each broker
        5. Log directory path of each broker
      5. SSL is enabled or not(conditional input - if automatic detection doesn't work it will be prompted)
      6. Yarn (conditional input - if automatic detection doesn't work it will be prompted)
        1. Resource managers hostname or IP address
        2. Port Number

4. Installation Steps

  1. Step 1: Create tarball of this repository or clone this repo directly to execute it on an EdgeNode that has access to the cluster management services. It can be uploaded in multiple ways, one of them being with the help of SCP command between the local machine and node or by using tools like Winscp if the local system is windows.

  2. Step 2: Go to the Tarball location (the location where it was uploaded in Step 1)

  3. Step 3: Extract the Tarball hadoop-discovery-tool.tar

tar -xvf hadoop-discovery-tool.tar
  1. Step 4: Go to the hadoop-discovery-tool tool directory
cd hadoop-discovery-tool/tool
  1. Step 5: Give execute permission to the scripts
chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x
  1. Step 6: Run the first script called for building the environment, using the following command
sudo bash

Step success message: Hadoop Assessment tool deployed successfully

  1. Step 7: Run the second script to run the python script, using the command
sudo bash

Step success criteria: Hadoop Assessment Tool has been successfully completed and the report is available at the following location

  1. Step 8: Following details would be required for further execution of the script:
    1. Step 8.1(Conditional step) - SSL: If the tool is unable to automatically detect SSL enabled on the cluster, it would display the following message
      Do you have SSL enabled for your cluster? [y/n]
      1. Step 8.1.1: If you select 'y', continue to Step 8.2 -
         As SSL is enabled, enter the details accordingly
      2. Step 8.1.2: If you select 'n', continue to Step 8.2 -
         As SSL is disabled, enter the details accordingly
    2. Step 8.2 - Cloudera Manager credentials: the prompt would ask you if you want to provide the Cloudera Manager credentials, you would have to select 'y' or 'n'
      1. Step 8.2.1: If you select 'y', continue to Step -
         A major number of metrics generation would require Cloudera manager credentials Therefore, would you be able to provide your Cloudera Manager credentials? [y/n]: 
        1. Step Enter Cloudera Manager Host IP

          Enter Cloudera Manager Host IP:
        2. Step Cloudera Manager Port - the prompt would ask you if your Cloudera Manager Port is 7180. If true select 'y' else select 'n'

          Enter Cloudera Manager Host IP:
          1. Step If you select 'y', continue to Step
            Is your Cloudera Manager Port number 7180? [y/n]: 
          2. Step If you select 'n', continue to Step
            Is your Cloudera Manager Port number 7180? [y/n]: 
          3. Step Since the port number is not 7180, enter your Cloudera Manager Port number
            Enter your Cloudera Manager Port number: 
        3. Step Cloudera Manager username

          Enter Cloudera Manager username:
        4. Step Cloudera Manager password

          Enter Cloudera Manager password:
        5. Step Select the Cluster

          Select the cluster from the list below:
          1] Cluster 1
          2] Cluster 2
          n] Cluster n
          Enter the serial number (1/2/../n) for the selected cluster name:
      2. Step 8.2.2: If you select 'n', continue to Step 8.4
         A major number of metrics generation would require Cloudera manager credentials Therefore, would you be able to provide your Cloudera Manager credentials? [y/n]: 
    3. Step 8.3: Hive Metastore database credentials - This would only be prompted if Cloudera Manager credentials were provided in the previous step. The prompt would ask you if you want to provide Hive Metastore database credentials, you would have to select 'y' or 'n'
      1. Step 8.3.1: If you select 'y', continue to Step
         To view hive-related metrics, would you be able to enter Hive credentials?[y/n]: 
        1. Step Hive Metastore username - the prompt would ask you to enter your Hive Metastore username
           Enter Hive Metastore username: hive
        2. Step Hive Metastore password - the prompt would ask you to enter your Hive Metastore password
            Enter Hive Metastore password:
      2. Step 8.3.2: If you select ‘n’, continue to the next step
         To view hive-related metrics, would you be able to enter Hive credentials?[y/n]: 
    4. Step 8.4 (Conditional step) - YARN Configurations: If the tool is unable to automatically detect YARN configurations, it would prompt you to enter Yarn credentials, you would have to select 'y' or 'n'
      1. Step 8.4.1: If you select 'y', continue to Step
         To view yarn-related metrics, would you be able to enter Yarn credentials?[y/n]:
        1. Step Enter Yarn Resource Manager Host IP or Hostname:
           Enter Yarn Resource Manager Host IP or Hostname:
        2. Step Enter Yarn Resource Manager Port:
           Enter Yarn Resource Manager Port:
      2. Step 8.4.2: If you select 'n', continue to Step 8.5
         To view yarn-related metrics, would you be able to enter Yarn credentials?[y/n]:
    5. Step 8.5: Kafka credentials - the prompt would ask you whether you want to enter your Kafka credentials; you would have to select 'y' or 'n'
      WARNING: If a user enters wrong inputs, the tool doesn’t prompt for invalid user inputs.
      1. 8.5.1: If you select 'y', continue to Step
         To view Kafka-related metrics, would you be able to provide Kafka credentials?[y/n]: 
        1. Step Number of brokers in Kafka
           Enter the number of Kafka brokers:
        2. Step Enter the hostname and port name of each broker (n times) - iterated for the number of brokers present
          1. Step Hostname or IP of Broker n1
            Enter the hostname or IP of broker n1:
          2. Step Port Number of Broker- the prompt would ask you if the broker has the port number 9092. If it is 9092, select 'y' else select 'n'
            Enter the hostname or IP of broker n1:
            1. Step If you select 'y', continue to Step
              Is your broker hosted on <broker_name> have port number 9092? [y/n]:
            2. Step If you select 'n', continue to next step
              Is your broker hosted on <broker_name> have port number 9092? [y/n]:
            3. Step Since the port number is not 9092, enter the port number of broker n1, enter a valid port number
              Please enter the port number of broker hosted on <broker_name>
          3. Step Confirm the log directory path of the broker - the prompt would ask you if the broker is on a certain log directory path, you will have to confirm the path. If the given path is correct, select 'y' or 'n'
            1. Step If you select 'y' and there are more brokers left, steps from would be repeated
              Does the broker hosted on  <broker_name> have the following path to the log directory path/var/local/kafka/data/?[y/n]: 
            2. Step If you select 'n', continue to the next step
              Does the broker hosted on <broker_name> have the following path to the log directory path/var/local/kafka/data/?[y/n]:
            3. Step Since the port number path was different
              Enter the log directory path of broker hosted on <broker_name>:
          4. Step 8.5.2: If you select 'n', continue to Step 8.6
            To view kafka-related metrics, would you be able to enter Kafka credentials?[y/n]: 
    6. Step 8.6: Date range for the Assessment report - Select one of the below options for a date range to generate the report for this time period
      Select the time range of the PDF Assessment report from the options below:
      [1] Week: generates the report from today to 7 days prior
      [2] Month: generates the report from today to 30 days prior
      [3] Custom: generates the report for a custom time period
      Enter the serial number [1/2/3] as required:
      1. If you select 1 and 2, the report automatically gets generated based on the selected range as per the description.
      2. If you select 3, here’s the prompt that appears, Important note: Please enter the timing details according to the timezone of the tool hosting node:
        Enter start date: [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM]
        2021-03-15 00:00
        Enter end date: [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM]
        2021-03-30 00:00
  2. Step 9: PDF Report - A PDF report will be generated at the end of successful execution, which can be downloaded with the help of the same SCP client or WinSCP tool with the help of which we uploaded the tar in Step1.


  • What is this tool?
    The Hadoop assessment tool ( is a quick way to get an understanding of your Hadoop cluster topology, workloads, and utilization; it's a combination of scripts that interact with Cloudera Manager / YARN.

  • Are the scripts invasive?
    The scripts are not invasive and make read-only API calls.

  • Why should I run this tool?
    The tool provides critical information that helps everyone understand the current state and where optimizations can be gained during the migration phase.

  • How long will it take to run?
    A Hadoop Administrator can run the tool in less than half a day.

  • What's the output?
    A PDF report will be generated at the end with a summary of insights and recommendations (Hadoop Assessment tool sample report:

  • Why does it require Linux packages to be installed?
    The tool installs some Linux packages to generate a pdf report and corresponding visualizations; the package upgrades are not mandatory if the required dependencies are already satisfied. If so, the upgrade command can be commented out.

  • What if I don't want to install this tool on my cluster?
    You could add a temporary edge node where you can install this discovery tool and then remove the edge node once a pdf report is generated.

  • Is dfsadmin access mandatory?
    No, dfsadmin access is optional.


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  • Python 98.5%
  • Shell 1.5%