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Emir OĞUZ edited this page Apr 1, 2022 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Paperialt wiki!

What is Paperialt ?

Paperialt is a web based open source paper trade application. Integrated with yahoo-finance. You can easily create wallets, positions and limit or market orders.

How to use?

Paperialt is currently under construction phase. You can refork and use like its your own application.

Why we should use paperialt for paper trading?

Paperialt is going to be in all platforms. You can take notifications when an order triggered or your alarms worked. You can follow other users. Application gives you unlimited wallet balance capability but you cant cheat on your profits. This option gives us to see which user successfull. It will not be only a paper trade application. It will become a traders sandbox and trade based social media.

Are crypto currencies active ?

Not for first versions but will be added.

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