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c++ game engine


  • run git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
  • if using linux install glfw
  • add using cmake add_subdirectory(kNgine), target_link_libraries([PROJECT NAME] PRIVATE kNgine)


  • add objects using kNgine::addObject()
  • add a camera
  • call kNgine::start()
  • call cleanup

object types

  • EngineObject: the basis of all objects
  • GameObject: object with position
  • ComponentGameObject: game object able to hold components or modules
  • ObjectComponent: object able to be attached to a CompGameObject
  • NodeComponentObject: Component to add children to object


  • Camera: renders sprites
  • SpriteComponent: to bind image to object
  • SpriteMap: an object to preload all sprites before rendering, speeds up rendering
  • SpriteMapAccessor: NOT REAL COMPOENT, is extended by any component accessing spriteMap
  • SpriteReferenceComponent: an component to access sprite map
  • SpriteAnimation: an object that references multiple sprites, the sprite changes after determined amount of time
  • SpriteAnimationSystem: contains multiple spriteMapAccessors and can switch active spriteAccessor when setActive is called


  • can be used to draw objects on window, like rect or triangle with pixel location


  • SoundListenerComponent: Should only be added once, attach to main character
  • SoundEmiterComponent: Component to be added to object emiting sound
  • AudioEngine: object to play global sound or music


  • cpPhysicsBodyComponent: when adding a physics body something to an object
  • cpPhysicsEngine: has to be included to use physics, handles all physics setup
  • cpRect: rectangular body


  • Tileset: object to hold a tileset/tilemap
  • Tileset::TileDef : a definition of a tile. add a tile using the position in the array of it's definition


  • an event contains a name and a function as void*(void*arg){}
  • addEvent(Event)
  • callEvent(name)