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Respo in Rust

Respo Crate

tiny toy virtual DOM based framework for Rust.

Status: experimenting, unhappy without HMR.

Respo was initially designed to work in a dynamic language with persistent data and HMR(hot code replacement), which is dramatically different from Rust. So this is more like an experiment.


Here is some preview of DOM syntax:

      comp_counter(&states.pick("counter"), store.counted)?,
      comp_todolist(memo_caches, &states.pick("todolist"), &store.tasks)?,


      .margin4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 16.0)
      .color(CssColor::Hsl(0, 90, 90)),
  ("&:hover", respo_style().color(CssColor::Hsl(0, 90, 80))),

Builtin styles, demonstrated:

function usages
ui_global global styles
ui_fullscreen fullscreen styles
ui_button button styles
ui_input input styles
ui_textarea textarea styles
ui_link link styles
ui_flex flex:1 styles
ui_expand flex:1 styles with scrolls
ui_center flexbox center styles
ui_row flexbox row styles
ui_column flexbox column styles
ui_row_center flexbox row center styles
ui_column_center flexbox column center styles
ui_row_around flexbox row around styles
ui_column_around flexbox column around styles
ui_row_evenly flexbox row evenly styles
ui_column_evenly flexbox column evenly styles
ui_row_parted flexbox row between styles
ui_column_parted flexbox column between styles
ui_row_middle flexbox row between styles
ui_column_middle flexbox column between styles
ui_font_code code font family
ui_font_normal normal font family(Hind)
ui_font_fancy fancy font family(Josefin Sans)

There are several dialog components in the demo. Syntax is not nice enough, so I'm not advertising it. But they work relatively good.

For more components, read code in src/app/, they are just variants like RespoNode::Component(..). It may be sugared in the future, not determined yet.

Store abstraction

Declaring a store:

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct Store {
  pub states: RespoStatesTree,
  // TODO you app data

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ActionOp {
  // TODO

impl RespoAction for ActionOp {
  type Intent = (); // Intent is optional, it's for async actions.
  fn states_action(a: RespoUpdateState) -> Self {

impl RespoStore for Store {
  type Action = ActionOp;

  fn update(&mut self, op: Self::Action) -> Result<(), String> {
    match op {
      // TODO

Declaring an app:

struct App {
  store: Rc<RefCell<Store>>,
  mount_target: Node,


impl RespoApp for App {
  type Model = Store;

  fn get_store(&self) -> Rc<RefCell<Self::Model>> {
  fn get_mount_target(&self) -> &web_sys::Node {

  fn dispatch(store: &mut RefMut<Self::Model>, op: Self::Action) -> Result<(), String> {

  fn view(store: Ref<Self::Model>, memo_caches: MemoCache<RespoNode<Self::Action>>) -> Result<RespoNode<Self::Action>, String> {
    let states = &store.states;
    // util::log!("global store: {:?}", store);

          comp_counter(&states.pick("counter"), store.counted)?,
          comp_todolist(memo_caches, &states.pick("todolist"), &store.tasks)?,

Mounting app:

let app = App {
    mount_target: query_select_node(".app").expect("mount target"),
    store: Rc::new(RefCell::new(Store {
      counted: 0,
      states: RespoStatesTree::default(),
      tasks: vec![],

  app.render_loop().expect("app render");


Apache License 2.0 .