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💸 UOB Gold Price

This repo logs the gold price offered by UOB © United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Bhd.

💡 Info

  • There are 2 types of Gold Investment Account (GIA):
    • Gold Savings Account (GSA):
      • opening purchase: 20gm
      • minimum purchase: 5gm per transaction
    • Premier Gold Account (PGA):
      • opening purchase: 1kg
      • minimum purchase: 1kg per transaction
    • More Info: UOB Official GIA Product Page
  • The price is scrapped from GIA Pricing Page.
  • The scrapper are schedule as follows:
    • every weekday: every hour 1000-1600 UTC+8
    • every weekend: 0900 UTC+8
  • Due to unstable schedule experienced with Github Action Scheduler, this scraping job are schedule through

🧱 Usage

  • The pricing data is located in basic_price.csv and premium_price.csv
  • Data description:
    Column Description
    TIME The timestamp when UOB offer the gold at a given price
    SELLING The Bank Selling Price (How much you buy the gold at)
    BUYING The Bank Buying Price (How much you sell the gold at)
    scrape The last timestamp before scrapper detect data changes
  • Example Usage:
    import pandas as pd
    gsa_url = r''
    # Data Loading
    gsa_history = (
        # Parsing dates column
            TIME=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x.TIME),
            scrape=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x.scrape)
    # Data Exploration
        # Drop unused column
        .drop('scrape', axis=1)
        # Change to daily frequency
        # Fill missing value
        # Finding the best day to buy gold 
        # i.e.: What time the gold price is selling at its minimum?
        .query('SELLING == SELLING.min()')
    # >               SELLING  BUYING
    # > TIME
    # > 2022-09-02    248.1   244.0
    # > 2022-09-03    248.1   244.0
    # > 2022-09-04    248.1   244.0

📈 Visualization

  • Click here to visualize the GIA prices.

🚨 Price Alert

  • Subscribe to issue #3 to get E-Mail Notifications for the best timing to trade GIA.
  • ➕: Buying Advice
  • ➖: Selling Advice
  • Best timing means:
    • ➕: Lowest Bank Selling Price (In which you can buy gold at a lower cost)
    • ➖: Highest Bank Buying Price (In which you can sell gold at a higher profit)
    • ➕: Large drop in Bank Selling Price (In which you can expect a raise in near future)
    • ➖: Large raise in Bank Selling Price (In which you can expect a drop in near future)
  • Currently the alert is triggered when best price happens within 1 month / 3 months / 6 months / 1 year / all time or whenever large change occured.

📄 Disclaimer

  • I do not own/create the data in UOB website.
  • I do not represent UOB and not responsible for the accuracy of the pricing data in this repo.
  • Everyone are welcome to use the logged data in this repo, but the responsibility for the usage of data shall bound to themself, including any trading gain/loss in GIA.

MIT © Rexpert 2022


Logging Gold Investment Accounts Price offered by UOB (M) Sdn Bhd





