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A list of publications on the use of crowdsourcing in software engineering

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An up-to-date list of publications on the use of crowdsourcing in software engineering


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Survey paper

A survey of software crowdsourcing papers published before 2016 can be found here:

Ke Mao, Licia Capra, Mark Harman and Yue Jia. A Survey of the Use of Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering. Technical Report RN/15/01, Department of Computer Science, University College London, 2015. [pdf]

Publication list

Year Authors Title Proceeding
2016 Wang, Junjie Wang, Song Cui, Qiang Wang, Qing; Local-based active classification of test report to assist crowdsourced testing Proceedings of the 31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
2012 Oliner, Adam J Iyer, Anand Lagerspetz, Eemil Tarkoma, Sasu; Collaborative energy debugging for mobile devices Presented as part of the Eighth Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability
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2015 Ismail, Qatrunnada; Ahmed, Tousif; Kapadia, Apu; Reiter, Michael K; Crowdsourced exploration of security configurations Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
2015 Li, W; Huhns, MN; Tsai, WT; Wu, W; Crowdsourcing: Cloud-Based Software Development Book
2015 Hu, Zhenghui; Wu, Wenjun; Game Theoretic Analysis for Offense-Defense Challenges of Algorithm Contests on TopCoder Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering
2015 Anurag Dwarakanath; Chintala, Upendra; Shrikanth N. C, Gurdeep Virdi; Kass, Alex; Chandran, Anitha; Sengupta, Shubhashis; Paul, Sanjoy; CrowdBuild: A Methodology for Enterprise Software Development using Crowdsourcing Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering
2015 Saremi, Razieh Lotfalian; Yang, Ye; Dynamic Simulation of Software Workers and Task Completion Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering
2015 Salay, Rick; Dalpiaz, Fabiano; Chechik, Marsha; Integrating Crowd Intelligence into Software Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering
2015 Guaiani, Fabio; Muccini, Henry; Crowd and Laboratory Testing. Can they co-Exist? An Exploratory Study Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering
2015 Stolee, Kathryn; Saylor, James; Lund, Trevor; Exploring the Benefits of Using Redundant Responses in Crowdsourced Evaluations Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering
2015 Moffitt, Kerry; Ostwald, John; Watro, Ron; Church, Eric; Making Hard Fun in Crowdsourced Model Checking: Balancing Crowd Engagement and Efficiency to Maximize Output in Proof by Games Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering
2015 Zhao, Mengyao; Hoek, Andre van der; A Brief Perspective on Microtask Crowdsourcing Workflows for Interface Design Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering
2015 Latoza, Thomas D; Hoek, André Van Der; A Vision of Crowd Development Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering
2015 Hosseini, Mahmood; Shahri, Alimohammad; Phalp, Keith; Taylor, Jacqui; Ali, Raian; Dalpiaz, Fabiano; Configuring Crowdsourcing for Requirements Elicitation Proceedings of the IEEE 9th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science
2015 Lasecki, Walter S; Kim, Juho; Bigham, Jeffrey P; Bernstein, Michael S; Apparition : Crowdsourced User Interfaces That Come To Life As You Sketch Them Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
2015 Glassman, Elena L; Scott, Jeremy; Singh, Rishabh; Csail, M I T; OverCode : Visualizing Variation in Student Solutions to Programming Problems at Scale ACM Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction
2015 Snijders, Remco; Crowd-Centric Requirements Engineering: A Method based on Crowdsourcing and Gamification Thesis
2015 Gomez, Maria; Martinez, Matias; Monperrus, Martin; Rouvoy, Romain; Menzies, Tim; Roychoudhury, Abhik; When App Stores Listen to the Crowd to Fight Bugs in the Wild 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), track on New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER)
2015 Mao, Ke; Yang, Ye; Wang, Qing; Jia, Yue; Harman, Mark; Developer Recommendation for Crowdsourced Software Development Tasks Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering
2015 Xie, Tao; Bishop, Judith; Horspool, R Nigel; Tillmann, Nikolai; Halleux, Jonathan De; Crowdsourcing Code and Process via Code Hunt Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Crowdsourcing in Software Engineering
2015 Fitzgerald, Brian; Stol, Klaas-Jan; The Dos and Don’ ts of Crowdsourcing Software Development SOFSEM 2015 Theory and Practice of Computer Science
2015 Latoza, Thomas D; Chen, Micky; Jiang, Luxi; Zhao, Mengyao; Hoek, André Van Der; Borrowing from the Crowd : A Study of Recombination in Software Design Competitions Proceedings of the 37nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering - ICSE '15
2015 Cochran, Robert A; Antoni, Loris D; Livshits, Benjamin; Program Boosting : Program Synthesis via Crowd-Sourcing POPL'15
2014 Papamartzivanos, Dimitrios; Damopoulos, Dimitrios; Kambourakis, Georgios; A Cloud-based Architecture to Crowdsource Mobile App Privacy Leaks Proceedings of the 18th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics
2014 Saxe, J; Turner, R; Blokhin, K; CrowdSource: Automated inference of high level malware functionality from low-level symbols using a crowd trained machine learning model 2014 9th International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software
2014 Yue, Tao; Ali, Shaukat; Wang, Shuai; An Evolutionary and Automated Virtual Team Making Approach for Crowdsourcing Platforms Cloud-based Software Crowdsourcing
2014 Mehta, Dhananjay; An Insight into Software Crowd Sourcing: How Crowd can transform the Business Model for Technology Service Providers International Journal of Computer Applications
2014 Hoßfeld, Tobias; Hirth, Matthias; Redi, Judith; Mazza, Filippo; Korshunov, Pavel; Naderi, Babak; Seufert, Michael; Gardlo, Bruno; Egger, Sebastian; Keimel, Christian; Best Practices and Recommendations for Crowdsourced QoE - Lessons learned from the Qualinet Task Force ''Crowdsourcing'' COST Action IC1003 European Network on Quality of Experience in Multimedia Systems and Services
2014 Almaliki, Malik; Jiang, Nan; Ali, Raian; Dalpiaz, Fabiano; Gamified Culture-aware Feedback Acquisition Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing
2014 Almaliki, Malik; Ncube, Cornelius; Ali, Raian; The Design of Adaptive Acquisition of Users Feedback : an Empirical Study Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science
2014 Ponzanelli, L; Bavota, G; Di Penta, M; Oliveto, R; Lanza, M; Prompter: A Self-Confident Recommender System Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), 2014 IEEE International Conference on
2014 Ponzanelli, Luca; Bavota, Gabriele; Di Penta, Massimiliano; Oliveto, Rocco; Lanza, Michele; Mining StackOverflow to Turn the IDE into a Self-confident Programming Prompter Proceedings of the 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories
2014 Glassman, Elena L.; Scott, Jeremy; Singh, Rishabh; Guo, Philip; Miller, Robert; OverCode Proceedings of the adjunct publication of the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology - UIST'14 Adjunct
2014 Watro, Ronald; Moffitt, Kerry; Hussain, Talib; Wyschogrod, Daniel; Ostwald, John; Kong, Derrick; Bowers, Clint; Church, Eric; Guttman, Joshua; Wang, Qinsi; Ghost Map : Proving Software Correctness using Games Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies
2014 Ponzanelli, Luca; Bavota, Gabriele; Di Penta, Massimiliano; Oliveto, Rocco; Lanza, Michele; Mining StackOverflow to turn the IDE into a self-confident programming prompter Proceedings of the 11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories - MSR 2014
2014 Tsai, Wei Tek; Wu, Wenjun; Huhns, Michael N; Cloud-based software crowdsourcing IEEE Internet Computing
2014 Nevo, Dorit; Kotlarsky, Julia; Nevo, Saggi; Hirschheim, Rudy; Heinzl, Armin; Dibbern, Jens; New Capabilities: Can IT Vendors Leverage Crowdsourcing? Information Systems Outsourcing
2014 Boudreau, Kevin J; Gaule, Patrick; Lakhani, Karim R; Riedl, Christoph; Woolley, Anita Williams; From Crowds to Collaborators: Initiating Effort & Catalyzing Interactions Among Online Creative Workers Report
2014 Machado, Leticia; Prikladnicki, Rafael; Alegre, Porto; Carmel, Erran; Souza, Cleidson R B De; Crowdsourcing in the Brazilian IT Industry : What We Know and What We Don ’ t Know Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Crowd-based Software Development Methods and Technologies
2014 He, Huihong; Ma, ZhiYi; Chen, Hongjie; Shao, Weizhong; How the crowd impacts commercial applications: a user-oriented approach Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Crowd-based Software Development Methods and Technologies - CrowdSoft 2014
2014 Yan, Minzhi; Sun, Hailong; Liu, Xudong; iTest: testing software with mobile crowdsourcing Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Crowd-based Software Development Methods and Technologies - CrowdSoft 2014
2014 Schiller, Todd Wademan; Reducing the Usability Barrier to Specification and Verification Thesis
2014 Snijders, Remco; Dalpiaz, Fabiano; Crowd-Centric Requirements Engineering 2nd International Workshop on Crowdsourcing and Gamification in the Cloud (CGCloud 2014)
2014 Xu, Xiao Lan; Wang, Ya; On the Process Modeling of Software Crowdsourcing Based on Competitive Relation Advanced Materials Research
2014 Stol, Klaas-jan; Fitzgerald, Brian; Research Protocol for a Case Study of Crowdsourcing Software Development Report
2014 Xu, Xiao Lan; Wang, Ya; Crowdsourcing Software Development Process Study on Ultra-Large-Scale System Advanced Materials Research
2014 Tran-Thanh, Long; Stein, Sebastian; Rogers, Alex; Jennings, Nicholas R.; Efficient crowdsourcing of unknown experts using bounded multi-armed bandits Artificial Intelligence
2014 Auler, Rafael; Borin, Edson; Halleux, Peli De; Addressing JavaScript JIT Engines Performance Quirks : A Crowdsourced Adaptive Compiler CC'14
2014 de Souza, Lucas B. L.; Campos, Eduardo C; Maia, Marcelo De A; Ranking crowd knowledge to assist software development Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Program Comprehension - ICPC 2014
2014 Hamidi, Saeideh; Andritsos, Periklis; Liaskos, Sotirios; Constructing adaptive configuration dialogs using crowd data Proceedings of the 29th ACM/IEEE international conference on Automated software engineering - ASE '14
2014 Ramakrishnan, Subramani; Srinivasaraghavan, Vaijayanthi; Delivering software projects using captive university crowd Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering - CHASE 2014
2014 Stolee, Kathryn T.; Elbaum, Sebastian; Dobos, Daniel; Solving the Search for Source Code ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
2014 Liang, Chieh-jan Mike; Lane, Nicholas D; Brouwers, Niels; Zhang, Li; Karlsson, Börje F.; Liu, Hao; Liu, Yan; Tang, Jun; Shan, Xiang; Chandra, Ranveer; Zhao, Feng; Caiipa : Automated Large-scale Mobile App Testing through Contextual Fuzzing MobiCom’14
2014 Chen, Cong; Zhang, Kang; Who asked what: integrating crowdsourced FAQs into API documentation Companion Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering - ICSE Companion 2014
2014 Fast, Ethan; Steffee, Daniel; Wang, Lucy; Brandt, Joel R.; Bernstein, Michael S.; Emergent, crowd-scale programming practice in the IDE Proceedings of the 32nd annual ACM conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '14
2014 Nayebi, Maleknaz; Ruhe, Guenther; An open innovation approach in support of product release decisions Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering - CHASE 2014
2014 Vasilescu, Bogdan; Serebrenik, Alexander; Devanbu, Prem; Filkov, Vladimir; How social Q&A sites are changing knowledge sharing in open source software communities Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social computing - CSCW '14
2014 Sherief, Nada; Jiang, Nan; Hosseini, Mahmood; Phalp, Keith; Ali, Raian; Crowdsourcing software evaluation Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering - EASE '14
2014 Sherief, Nada; Software evaluation via users' feedback at runtime Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering - EASE '14
2014 Storey, Margaret-Anne; Singer, Leif; Cleary, Brendan; Figueira Filho, Fernando; Zagalsky, Alexey; The (R) Evolution of social media in software engineering Proceedings of the on Future of Software Engineering - FOSE 2014
2014 Breaux, Travis D.; Schaub, Florian; Scaling requirements extraction to the crowd: Experiments with privacy policies 2014 IEEE 22nd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE)
2014 Xiao, Lu; Paik, Hye-Young; Supporting Complex Work in Crowdsourcing Platforms: A View from Service-Oriented Computing 2014 23rd Australian Software Engineering Conference
2014 Hoßfeld, Tobias; Keimel, Christian; Hirth, Matthias; Gardlo, Bruno; Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus; Best Practices for QoE Crowdtesting : QoE Assessment With Crowdsourcing IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
2014 Wang, Hao; Wang, Yasha; Wang, Jiangtao; A Participant Recruitment Framework for Crowdsourcing Based Software Requirement Acquisition 2014 IEEE 9th International Conference on Global Software Engineering
2014 Gardlo, Bruno; Egger, Sebastian; Seufert, Michael; Schatz, Raimund; Crowdsourcing 2.0: Enhancing execution speed and reliability of web-based QoE testing 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
2014 Pawlik, Aleksandra; Segal, Judith; Petre, Marian; Sharp, Helen; Crowdsourcing scientific software documentation: a case study of the NumPy documentation project Computing in Science & Engineering
2014 Tajedin, Hamed; Nevo, Dorti; Value-Adding Intermediaries in Software Crowdsourcing 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
2014 Hossfeld, Tobias; Keimel, Christian; Timmerer, Christian; Crowdsourcing Quality-of-Experience Assessments Computer
2014 Ball, Thomas; Burckhardt, Sebastian; Halleux, Jonathan De; Moskal, Michał; Tillmann, Nikolai; Beyond Open Source : The TouchDevelop Cloud-based Integrated Development and Runtime Environment Report
2014 Latoza, Thomas D; Towne, W Ben; Hoek, André Van Der; Harnessing the Crowd : Decontextualizing Software Work CSD 2014
2014 Amann, Sven; Proksch, Sebastian; Mezini, Mira; Method-call recommendations from implicit developer feedback Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on CrowdSourcing in Software Engineering - CSI-SE 2014
2014 LaToza, Thomas D.; Towne, W Ben; Adriano, Christian M; van der Hoek, André; Microtask programming: building software with a crowd Proceedings of the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology - UIST '14
2014 Prikladnicki, Rafael; Machado, Leticia; Carmel, Erran; de Souza, Cleidson R. B.; Brazil software crowdsourcing: a first step in a multi-year study Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on CrowdSourcing in Software Engineering - CSI-SE 2014
2014 Zogaj, Shkodran; Bretschneider, Ulrich; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Managing crowdsourced software testing: a case study based insight on the challenges of a crowdsourcing intermediary Journal of Business Economics
2014 Stol, Klaas-Jan; Fitzgerald, Brian; Two's company, three's a crowd: a case study of crowdsourcing software development Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering - ICSE 2014
2014 Tsai, Wei-Tek; Wu, Wenjun; Huhns, Michael N.; Cloud-Based Software Crowdsourcing IEEE Internet Computing
2014 Hu, Zhenghui; Wu, Wenjun; A Game Theoretic Model of Software Crowdsourcing 2014 IEEE 8th International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering
2014 Peng, Xin; Ali Babar, Muhammad; Ebert, Christof; Collaborative Software Development Platforms for Crowdsourcing IEEE Software
2014 Gomide, Victor H. M.; Valle, Pedro A.; Ferreira, José O.; Barbosa, José R. G.; Rocha, Adson F. da; Barbosa, Talles M. G. de A.; Affective Crowdsourcing Applied to Usability Testing International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
2014 Stol, Klaas-Jan; Fitzgerald, Brian; Researching crowdsourcing software development: perspectives and concerns Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on CrowdSourcing in Software Engineering - CSI-SE 2014
2013 Agarwal, Yuvraj; Hall, Malcolm; ProtectMyPrivacy: Detecting and Mitigating Privacy Leaks on iOS Devices Using Crowdsourcing Proceeding of the 11th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services
2013 Nag, Sreeja; Katz, Jacob G; Saenz-Otero, Alvar; Collaborative gaming and competition for CS-STEM education using {SPHERES} Zero Robotics Acta Astronautica
2013 Hoßfeld, Tobias; Keimel, Christian; Hirth, Matthias; Gardlo, Bruno; Habigt, Julian; Diepold, Klaus; Tran-gia, Phuoc; CrowdTesting : A Novel Methodology for Subjective User Studies and QoE Evaluation Report
2013 Akhawe, Devdatta; Felt, Adrienne Porter; Alice in warningland: a large-scale field study of browser security warning effectiveness Proceedings of the 22nd USENIX Security Symposium
2013 Stolee, Kathryn T.; Elbaum, Sebastian; Identification, impact, and refactoring of smells in pipe-like web mashups IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
2013 Nebeling, Michael; Speicher, Maximilian; Norrie, Mc; CrowdAdapt: enabling crowdsourced web page adaptation for individual viewing conditions and preferences Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing system
2013 Barzilay, O; Treude, C; Zagalsky, A; Facilitating Crowd Sourced Software Engineering via Stack Overflow Finding Source Code on the Web for …
2013 Pastore, Fabrizio; Mariani, Leonardo; Fraser, Gordon; CrowdOracles: Can the Crowd Solve the Oracle Problem? 2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation
2013 Afshan, Sheeva; Mcminn, Phil; Stevenson, Mark; Court, Regent; Evolving Readable String Test Inputs Using a Natural Language Model to Reduce Human Oracle Cost Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation
2013 Lin, Jialiu; Understanding and Capturing People’s Mobile App Privacy Preferences Thesis
2013 Xue, Hui; Using Redundancy to Improve Security and Testing Thesis
2013 Wightman, Douglas; Search Interfaces for Integrating Crowdsourced Code Snippets within Development Environments Thesis
2013 Starov, Oleksii; Cloud platform for research crowdsourcing in mobile testing Thesis
2013 Chilana, Parmit K.; Supporting Users After Software Deployment through Selection-Based Crowdsourced Contextual Help Thesis
2013 Mijnhardt, A.F.; Crowdsourcing for enterprise software localization Thesis
2013 Naparat, Damrongsak; Finnegan, Patrick; Crowdsourcing Software Requirements and Development: A Mechanism-based Exploration of ‘Opensourcing’ AMCIS 2013
2013 Hosseini, Mahmood; Phalp, Keith; Taylor, Jacqui; Ali, Raian; Towards Crowdsourcing for Requirements Engineering REFSQ 2014 Empirical Track
2013 Mäntylä, Mika V.; Itkonen, Juha; More testers - The effect of crowd size and time restriction in software testing Information and Software Technology
2013 Bergvall-Kåreborn, Birgitta; Howcroft, Debra; The Apple business model: Crowdsourcing mobile applications Accounting Forum
2013 Challiol, Cecilia; Firmenich, Sergio; Bosetti, GA; Crowdsourcing Mobile Web Applications ICWE'13
2013 Nebeling, Michael; Speicher, Maximilian; Norrie, Moira C; CrowdStudy : General Toolkit for Crowdsourced Evaluation of Web Interfaces EICS'13
2013 Huang, Yi-Ching; Wang, Chun-I; Hsu, Jane; Leveraging the crowd for creating wireframe-based exploration of mobile design pattern gallery Proceedings of the companion publication of the 2013 international conference on Intelligent user interfaces companion - IUI '13 Companion
2013 Ponzanelli, Luca; Bacchelli, Alberto; Lanza, Michele; Seahawk: Stack Overflow in the IDE 2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
2013 Chilana, Parmit K; Ko, Andrew J; Wobbrock, Jacob O; Grossman, Tovi; E, King St; A Multi - Site Field Study of Crowdsourced Contextual Help : Usage and Perspectives of End Users and Software Teams CHI'13
2013 Akiki, Pierre; Bandara, Arosha; Yu, Yijun; Crowdsourcing user interface adaptations for minimizing the bloat in enterprise applications Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems - EICS '13
2013 Meier, Florian; Bazo, Alexander; Burghardt, Manuel; Wolff, Christian; Marcus, Aaron; Evaluating a Web-Based Tool for Crowdsourced Navigation Stress Tests DUXU/HCII'13
2013 Lim, Soo Ling; Ncube, Cornelius; Social networks and crowdsourcing for stakeholder analysis in system of systems projects 2013 8th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering
2013 Pham, Raphael; Singer, Leif; Schneider, Kurt; Building test suites in social coding sites by leveraging drive-by commits 2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
2013 Vasilescu, Bogdan; Filkov, Vladimir; Serebrenik, Alexander; StackOverflow and GitHub: Associations between Software Development and Crowdsourced Knowledge 2013 International Conference on Social Computing
2013 Saxton, Gregory D.; Oh, Onook; Kishore, Rajiv; Rules of Crowdsourcing: Models, Issues, and Systems of Control Information Systems Management
2013 Wu, Wenjun; Tsai, Wei-Tek; Li, Wei; An evaluation framework for software crowdsourcing Frontiers of Computer Science
2013 Musson, Robert; Richards, Jacqueline; Fisher, Danyel; Bird, Christian; Bussone, Brian; Ganguly, Sandipan; Leveraging the Crowd: How 48,000 Users Helped Improve Lync Performance IEEE Software
2013 LaToza, Thomas D.; Chiquillo, Eric; Ben Towne, W.; Adriano, Christian; van der Hoek, Andre; CrowdCode - a platform for crowd development CrowdConf 2013
2013 Li, Ke; Xiao, Junchao; Wang, Yongji; Wang, Qing; Analysis of the Key Factors for Software Quality in Crowdsourcing Development: An Empirical Study on 2013 IEEE 37th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference Analysis
2013 Tung, Yuan-Hsin; Tseng, Shian-Shyong; A novel approach to collaborative testing in a crowdsourcing environment Journal of Systems and Software
2013 Begel, Andrew; Bosch, Jan; Storey, Margaret-Anne; Social Networking Meets Software Development: Perspectives from GitHub, MSDN, Stack Exchange, and TopCoder IEEE Software
2013 Teinum, Alexander; User Testing Tool Towards a tool for crowdsource-enabled accessibility evaluation of websites Thesis
2013 Zogaj, Shkodran; Bretschneider, Ulrich; Crowdtesting With Testcloud-Managing The Challenges Of An Intermediary In A Crowdsourcing Business Model European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2013
2013 Martin, Sarah F; Falkenberg, Heiner; Dyrlund, Thomas F; Khoudoli, Guennadi A; Mageean, Craig J; Linding, Rune; PROTEINCHALLENGE: crowd sourcing in proteomics analysis and software development. Journal of proteomics
2013 Mao, Ke; Yang, Ye; Li, Mingshu; Harman, Mark; Pricing Crowdsourcing Based Software Development Tasks Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering
2013 Dolstra, Eelco; Vliegendhart, Raynor; Pouwelse, Johan; Crowdsourcing GUI Tests 2013 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation
2013 LaToza, Thomas D.; Ben Towne, W.; van der Hoek, Andre; Herbsleb, James D.; Crowd development 2013 6th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE)
2013 Ponzanelli, Luca; Bacchelli, Alberto; Lanza, Michele; Leveraging Crowd Knowledge for Software Comprehension and Development 2013 17th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering
2013 Wu, Wenjun; Tsai, Wei Tek; Li, Wei; Creative software crowdsourcing: from components and algorithm development to project concept formations International Journal of Creative Computing
2013 Tajedin, Hamed; Nevo, Dorit; Determinants of success in crowdsourcing software development Proceedings of the 2013 annual conference on Computers and people research - SIGMIS-CPR '13
2012 Lin, Jialiu; Amini, Shahriyar; Hong, Jason I; Sadeh, Norman; Lindqvist, Janne; Zhang, Joy; Expectation and purpose: understanding users' mental models of mobile app privacy through crowdsourcing Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
2012 Minder, Patrick; Bernstein, Abraham; CrowdLang: A Programming Language for the Systematic Exploration of Human Computation Systems Fourth International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2012)
2012 Ernst, Michael; Popović, Zoran; Crowd-sourced program verification Report
2012 Ali, Raian; Solis, Carlos; Omoronyia, Inah; Salehie, Mazeiar; Nuseibeh, Bashar; Social adaptation: when software gives users a voice ENASE 2012: 7th International Conference Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
2012 Chen, Ning; Kim, Sunghun; Puzzle-based automatic testing: bringing humans into the loop by solving puzzles Proceedings of the 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering - ASE 2012
2012 Ponzanelli, Luca; Exploiting crowd knowledge in the ide Thesis
2012 Chilana, Parmit K; Ko, Andrew J; Wobbrock, Jacob O; LemonAid : Selection-Based Crowdsourced Contextual Help for Web Applications Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
2012 Greenwood, Phil; Rashid, Awais; Walkerdine, James; UDesignIt: Towards social media for community-driven design Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Software Engineering
2012 Goldman, Max; Software development with real-time collaborative editing Thesis
2012 Elicitation, Large-scale Requirements; Lim, Soo Ling; Finkelstein, Anthony; StakeRare : Using Social Networks and Collaborative Filtering for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
2012 Gritti, Andrea; Crowd outsourcing for software localization Thesis
2012 Phair, Derek; Open Crowdsourcing: Leveraging Community Software Developers for It Projects Thesis
2012 Nag, Sreeja; Collaborative competition for crowdsourcing spaceflight software and STEM education using SPHERES Zero Robotics Thesis
2012 Muganda, Nixon; Asmelash, Dawit; Mlay, Samali; Groupthink Decision Making Deficiency in the Requirements Engineering Process: Towards a Crowdsourcing Model SSRN Electronic Journal
2012 Adepetu, Adedamola; Ahmed, KA; Abd, Yousif Al; CrowdREquire: A Requirements Engineering Crowdsourcing Platform. Report
2012 Nebeling, Michael; Speicher, Maximilian; Grossniklaus, Michael; Norrie, Moira C; Crowdsourced Web Site Evaluation with CrowdStudy ICWE'12
2012 Olson, David L.; Rosacker, Kirsten; Crowdsourcing and open source software participation Service Business
2012 Barowy, DW; Curtsinger, C; Automan: A platform for integrating human-based and digital computation ACM SIGPLAN …
2012 Dietl, Werner; Ernst, Michael D; Popovi, Zoran; Walker, Brian; Verification Games : Making Verification Fun FTfJP’12
2012 Bernstein, Abraham; Klein, Mark; Malone, Thomas W.; Programming the global brain Communications of the ACM
2012 Li, W; Seshia, SA; Jha, S; CrowdMine: towards crowdsourced human-assisted verification Proceedings of the 49th Annual Design …
2012 Bacchelli, Alberto; Ponzanelli, Luca; Lanza, Michele; Harnessing Stack Overflow for the IDE 2012 Third International Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering (RSSE)
2012 Schiller, Todd W.; Ernst, Michael D.; Reducing the barriers to writing verified specifications OOPSLA'12
2012 Nebeling, Michael; Leone, Stefania; Norrie, MC; Crowdsourced web engineering and design ICWE'12
2012 Parnin, Chris; Treude, Christoph; Grammel, Lars; Storey, MA; Crowd documentation: Exploring the coverage and the dynamics of API discussions on Stack Overflow Report
2012 Nascimento, Paula; Aguas, Rodrigo; Schneider, Daniel; de Souza, Jano; An approach to requirements categorization using Kano's model and crowds Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD)
2012 Zagalsky, Alexey; Barzilay, Ohad; Yehudai, Amiram; Example Overflow: Using social media for code recommendation 2012 Third International Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Software Engineering (RSSE)
2012 Varshney, Lav R.; Participation in crowd systems 2012 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton)
2012 Watson, Christopher; Li, Frederick W B; Godwin, Jamie L; BlueFix : Using Crowd-Sourced Feedback to Support Programming Students in Error Diagnosis and Repair ICWL'12
2012 Fry, Zachary P.; Landau, Bryan; Weimer, Westley; A human study of patch maintainability Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis - ISSTA 2012
2012 Nag, S.; Heffan, I.; Saenz-Otero, A.; Lydon, M.; SPHERES Zero Robotics software development: Lessons on crowdsourcing and collaborative competition 2012 IEEE Aerospace Conference
2012 Begel, Andrew; Herbsleb, James D.; Storey, Margaret-Anne; The future of collaborative software development Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work Companion - CSCW '12
2012 Vliegendhart, Raynor; Dolstra, Eelco; Pouwelse, Johan; Crowdsourced user interface testing for multimedia applications Proceedings of the ACM multimedia 2012 workshop on Crowdsourcing for multimedia - CrowdMM '12
2012 Saengkhattiya, Makon; Sevandersson, Mikael; Vallejo, Unai; Quality in Crowdsourcing - How software quality is ensured in software crowdsourcing Thesis
2012 Cleland-Huang, Jane; Shin, Yonghee; Keenan, Ed; Czauderna, Adam; Leach, Greg; Moritz, Evan; Gethers, Malcom; Poshyvanyk, Denys; Hayes, Jane Huffman; Li, Wenbin; Toward actionable, broadly accessible contests in Software Engineering 2012 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE)
2012 Aparicio, Manuela; Costa, Carlos J.; Braga, Andrew Simoes; Proposing a system to support crowdsourcing Proceedings of the Workshop on Open Source and Design of Communication - OSDOC '12
2012 Liu, Di; Bias, Randolph G.; Lease, Matthew; Kuipers, Rebecca; Crowdsourcing for usability testing Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
2012 Xie, Tao; Cooperative Testing and Analysis: Human-Tool, Tool-Tool, and Human-Human Cooperations to Get Work Done Proc. SCAM, Keynote
2012 Jiau, Hewijin Christine; Yang, Feng-Pu; Facing up to the inequality of crowdsourced API documentation ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
2012 Lakhani, Karim R.; Garvin, David A.; Lonstein, Eric; TopCoder(A) Developing Software through Crowdsourcing Harvard Business School Case
2012 Bruch, Marcel; IDE 2.0: Leveraging the Wisdom of the Software Engineering Crowds Thesis
2011 Sharifi, M; Fink, E; Carbonell, J G; SmartNotes: Application of crowdsourcing to the detection of web threats 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
2011 Maalej, Walid; Pagano, Dennis; On the socialness of software Proceedings - IEEE 9th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, DASC 2011
2011 Minder, Patrick; Bernstein, Abraham; CrowdLang - First steps towards programmable human computers for general computation Report
2011 Lim, Sl; Social Networks and Collaborative Filtering for Large-Scale Requirements Elicitation Thesis
2011 Usui, Yuki; Morisaki, Shuji; An Approach for Crowdsourcing Software Development Proceedings of IWSMMENSURA
2011 Ali, Raian; Solis, Carlos; Salehie, Mazeiar; Omoronyia, Inah; Social Sensing : When Users Become Monitors Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium and the 13th European Conference on Foundations of Software Engineering
2011 Burguera, Iker; Zurutuza, Urko; Nadjm-Tehrani, Simin; Crowdroid: behavior-based malware detection system for Android Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Security and privacy in smartphones and mobile devices - SPSM '11
2011 Goldman, Max; Little, Greg; Miller, Robert C.; Real-time collaborative coding in a web IDE Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology - UIST '11
2011 Kallenbach, Manuel; HelpMeOut-Crowdsourcing suggestions to programming problems for dynamic, interpreted languages Thesis
2011 Nebeling, Michael; Norrie, Moira C; Context-Aware and Adaptive Web Interfaces : A Crowdsourcing Approach ICWE'11
2011 Jayakanthan, Ranganathan; Sundararajan, Deepak; Enterprise Crowdsourcing Solution for Software Development in an Outsourcing Organization ICWE'11
2011 Warner, Janice; Next steps in e-government crowdsourcing Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Digital Government Research Conference on Digital Government Innovation in Challenging Times - dg.o '11
2011 Goldman, Max; Role-based interfaces for collaborative software development Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium adjunct on User interface software and technology - UIST '11 Adjunct
2011 Nebeling, Michael; Norrie, MC; Tools and architectural support for crowdsourced adaptation of web interfaces ICWE'11
2011 Manzoor, Jawad; A crowdsourcing framework for software localization Thesis
2011 Mujumdar, Dhawal; Kallenbach, Manuel; Liu, Brandon; Hartmann, Björn; Crowdsourcing suggestions to programming problems for dynamic web development languages Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI EA '11
2011 Leone, Stefania; Information Components as a Basis for Crowdsourced Information System Development Thesis
2011 Blanco, Roi; Halpin, Harry; Herzig, Daniel M.; Mika, Peter; Pound, Jeffrey; Thompson, Henry S.; Tran Duc, Thanh; Repeatable and reliable search system evaluation using crowdsourcing Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in Information - SIGIR '11
2011 Kittur, Aniket; Smus, Boris; Khamkar, Susheel; Kraut, Robert E.; CrowdForge: crowdsourcing complex work Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology - UIST '11
2011 Jayakanthan, Ranganathan; Sundararajan, Deepak; Enterprise crowdsourcing solutions for software development and ideation Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Ubiquitous crowdsouring - UbiCrowd '11
2011 Schneider, C.; Cheung, T.; The Power of the Crowd: Performing Usability Testing Using an On-Demand Workforce Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Systems Development
2011 Lim, Soo Ling; Damian, Daniela; Finkelstein, Anthony; StakeSource2.0: using social networks of stakeholders to identify and prioritise requirements Proceeding of the 33rd international conference on Software engineering - ICSE '11
2011 Ahmad, Salman; Battle, Alexis; Malkani, Zahan; Kamvar, Sepander; The jabberwocky programming environment for structured social computing Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology - UIST '11
2010 Seyff, Norbert; Graf, Florian; Maiden, Neil; Using mobile RE tools to give end-users their own voice Proceedings of the 2010 18th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, RE2010
2010 Bruch, Marcel; Bodden, Eric; Monperrus, Martin; Mezini, Mira; IDE 2.0: collective intelligence in software development Proceedings of the FSE/SDP workshop on Future of software engineering research - FoSER '10
2010 Fry, Zachary P.; Weimer, Westley; A human study of fault localization accuracy IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, ICSM
2010 Stolee, Kathryn T.; Elbaum, Sebastian; Exploring the use of crowdsourcing to support empirical studies in software engineering Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement - ESEM '10
2010 Lim, SL; Quercia, Daniele; Finkelstein, Anthony; StakeNet: using social networks to analyse the stakeholders of large-scale software projects Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering
2010 Arellano, Cristóbal; Díaz, Oscar; Iturrioz, Jon; Crowdsourced Web Augmentation : A Security Model WISE'10
2010 Bernstein, Michael S.; Crowd-powered interfaces Adjunct proceedings of the 23nd annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology - UIST '10
2010 Mooty, Mathew; Faulring, Andrew; Stylos, Jeffrey; Myers, Brad a.; Calcite: Completing Code Completion for Constructors Using Crowds 2010 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
2010 Hartmann, Björn; Macdougall, Daniel; Brandt, Joel; Klemmer, Scott R; What Would Other Programmers Do ? Suggesting Solutions to Error Messages CHI'10
2010 Chen, Kuan-ta; Chang, Chi-jui; Sinica, Academia; Wu, Chen-chi; Chang, Yu-chun; Lei, Chin-laung; Quadrant of Euphoria: A Crowdsourcing Platform for QoE Assessment IEEE Network
2010 Begel, Andrew; DeLine, Robert; Zimmermann, Thomas; Social media for software engineering Proceedings of the FSE/SDP workshop on Future of software engineering research - FoSER '10
2010 Vukovic, Maja; Laredo, Jim; Rajagopal, Sriram; Challenges and Experiences in Deploying Enterprise ICWE'10
2010 Fried, Daniel; Crowdsourcing in the Software Development Industry Report
2010 Kazman, Rick; Chen, Hong-Mei; The metropolis model and its implications for the engineering of software ecosystems Proceedings of the FSE/SDP workshop on Future of software engineering research - FoSER '10
2010 Riungu, Leah Muthoni; Taipale, Ossi; Smolander, Kari; Research Issues for Software Testing in the Cloud 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science
2010 Lim, Soo Ling; Quercia, Daniele; Finkelstein, Anthony; StakeSource: harnessing the power of crowdsourcing and social networks in stakeholder analysis Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering - ICSE '10
2010 Archak, Nikolay; Money, glory and cheap talk: analyzing strategic behavior of contestants in simultaneous crowdsourcing contests on Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web - WWW '10
2009 Exton, Chris; Wasala, Asanka; Buckley, Jim; Schäler, Reinhard; Micro crowdsourcing: a new model for software localisation Localisation Focus
2009 Bacon, David F.; Chen, Yiling; Parkes, David; Rao, Malvika; A market-based approach to software evolution Proceeding of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN conference companion on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications - OOPSLA '09
2009 Kazman, Rick; Chen, Hong-Mei; The metropolis model a new logic for development of crowdsourced systems Communications of the ACM
2009 Shah, Neeta; Dhanesha, Ashutosh; Seetharam, Dravida; Crowdsourcing for e-governance Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance - ICEGOV '09
2009 Krcmar, Helmut; Bretschneider, Ulrich; Huber, Michael; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Leveraging Crowdsourcing: Activation-Supporting Components for IT-Based Ideas Competition Journal of Management Information Systems
2008 Ebner, Winfried; Leimeister, Marco; Bretschneider, Ulrich; Krcmar, Helmut; Leveraging the Wisdom of Crowds: Designing an IT-Supported Ideas Competition for an ERP Software Company Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008)


A list of publications on the use of crowdsourcing in software engineering






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