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Eldridge Music Book Emporium is a mock, e-commerce application designed for users to search, rate, and purchase music books. With the use of Django, the app notifies users via toast when a change is made to their cart, sends confirmation emails when a purchase is made, tracks purchase invoices, and more.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


Eldridge Music Book Emporium - Introduction


Technology and Languages


Bugs and Other Problems


Tools and Credits


Eldridge Music Book Emporium is dedicated to spreading the love and appreciation of music through the exchange of used and new music books. We are a small shop that is entering the 21st century with our first e-commerce store! Currently we have plans to expand our music selection to include music books for instruments other than the piano in the future. Until then, please spend a moment to peruse our selection and hopfully give some lightly used music books a life!


User Stories

  • As a shopper I want to view all the merchandise in the store.

    • I opened the home page of Eldridge Music Book Emporium. I clicked on Music Books on the header and I saw a drop-down menu. I then clicked on, All Music Books and saw a list of all the music books on the site.
  • As a shopper I want to view detailed information about a piece of merchandise.

    • I opened the home page of Eldridge Music Book Emporium. I clicked on Music Books on the header and I saw a drop-down menu. I then clicked on, All Music Books and saw a list of all the music books of the site. I found a book I liked and clicked on the merchandise card and found all the detailed information I needed.
  • As a shopper I want to see all discounted merchandise.

    • I opened the home page of Eldridge Music Book Emporium. I clicked on Specials on the header and was taken to a page containing all the discounted music books.
  • As a shopper I want to view all the items in my cart.

    • I was shopping and need to know the total of all my selected merchandise. I clicked on the cart button in the top right corner of the page and I'm taken to a page where I could see all the items in my cart and the total cost.
  • As a shopper I want to be able to search available products by their category.

    • I opened the home page of Eldridge Music Book Emporium. I clicked on Music Books on the header and I saw a drop-down menu. I then was able to select which category of music books I wanted to view.
  • As a shopper I want to be able to search for an item by its name or composer.

    • I opened the home page of Eldridge Music Book Emporium. I saw a user input search bar and input the composer I was searching for. I was taken to a page that contains all available books composed by this composer.
  • As a shopper I want to receive a confirmation email upon checkout.

    • As I finish shopping I clicked the Go to secure checkout button and I am taken to a form that I must complete to check out. I finish the form and I submit it. I checked my email account and found an invoice with detailed information about my purchase.
  • As a new user I would like a create an account.

    • I opened the home page of Eldridge Music Book Emporium. I clicked on the profile button on the top right corner of the page. A drop-down menu appeared below the profile button and I clicked, Create Account. I was taken to a page where I started the process of creating an account.
  • As a new user I would like to receive a confirmation email after registering.

    • I opened the home page of Eldridge Music Book Emporium. I clicked on the profile button on the top right corner of the page. A drop-down menu appeared below the profile button and I clicked, Create Account. I was taken to a page where I started the process of creating an account. I checked my email account and found a confirmation email regarding my newly created account.
  • As a returning customer I would like to rate products I have purchased.

    • I opened the home page of Eldridge Music Book Emporium. I entered the title of a book I purchased in the user input search bar and clicked on the merchandise card to get its Details View. I clicked on Click to Rate. I entered my rating in the text box that appeared and clicked Rate me!. I was able to see the updated average rating.
  • As a returning user I would like to easily login or logout.

    • I opened the home page of Eldridge Music Book Emporium. I clicked on the profile button on the top right corner of the page. A drop-down menu appeared below the profile button and I clicked, Login. I was taken to a page to login.
  • As a returning user I would like to recover my forgotten password.

    • I opened the home page of Eldridge Music Book Emporium. I clicked on the profile button on the top right corner of the page. A drop-down menu appeared below the profile button and I clicked, Login. I was taken to the login page and I clicked the Forgot Password? button. This button sent me to a password reset page.
  • As a returning user I would like to have a personalized profile that has all my previous invoice information.

    • I opened the home page of Eldridge Music Book Emporium. I clicked on the profile button on the top right corner of the page. A drop-down menu appeared below the profile button and I clicked, Login. I was taken to the login page. After I finished logging in, I clicked on the profile button on the top right corner of the page. A drop-down menu appeared below the profile button and I clicked profile. Once on the profile page, I saw all of my previous invoices.
  • As a returning user I would like to update my shipping information.

    • I opened the home page of Eldridge Music Book Emporium. I clicked on the profile button on the top right corner of the page. A drop-down menu appeared below the profile button and clicked, Login. I was taken to the login page. I finished logging in, then I clicked on the profile button on the top right corner of the page. A drop-down menu appeared below the profile button and I clicked profile. Once on the profile page, I saw all of my shipping information. I updated my shipping information and submitted the changes.
  • As a store manager I want to be able to add merchandise.

    • I logged in with my store manager account. I clicked on the profile button and selected, Merchandise Management. I was taken to a page where I could add a merchandise items.
  • As a store manager I want to be able to edit merchandise.

    • I logged in with my store manager account. I searched for and found the item that needed editing. On the top right corner of the merchandise card, I saw a button that said, edit. I clicked this button and I edited all the fields of the merchandise item.
  • As a store manager I want to be able to delete merchandise.

    • I logged in with my store manager account. I searched for and found the item that needed to be removed from the store. On the top right corner of the merchandise card I saw a button that said, delete. I clicked the delete button and the item was removed from the store.

Design Choices

Base - Header

  • Logo was given a layered effect which gives it a textured look.
  • The user search bar can be used to search for a composer or name of an item.
  • The profile button allows users to access log in/out functions, superuser functions, and their user profile.
  • The cart button shows users the total cost of the selected items and will take them to their cart.
  • The specials header bar displays the site's current specials or deals.


  • A musically themed hero image is used.
  • A single container is used on this page to show the current specials. This container displays the site's new or discounted items to help give the site a hook.

All Account Login - Logout - Management Views

  • Allauth's templates were used with Bootstrap 4's styling. This greatly simplified the programming process.
  • Additional styling was added to give the templates a more unique look.


  • A warm and inviting linear gradient was used for the background.
  • Each merchandise item has its own card that helps it stand out from the background.
  • A used and discount banner are added to merchandise with those tags. This helps users identify discounted books.
  • Each card features general text, an image of the product, and a product rating which gives users all the necessary information at a glance.
    • All merchandise information is limited to a maximum character count to keep cards brief.
  • Each card is fitted with some superuser edit/delete options for ease of inventory management.
  • A star rating feature allows users to see total ratings and the average rating of a product.


  • A view that returns only discounted merchandise for the user to see in the same format as the merchandise view.


  • A view that returns only used merchandise for the user to see in the same format as the merchandise view.

Merchandise Details

  • A warm and inviting linear gradient was used for the background.
  • A single card is featured here with its unabbreviated content.
  • A used tag is added to any used merchandise.
  • A discount tag is added to all merchandise that is being sold at a discounted value.
  • Any item being sold at a discounted value shows both the old price and the new price.
  • Each card is fitted with some superuser edit/delete options for ease of inventory management.
  • A star rating feature allows users to see total ratings and the average rating of the product.
  • If a user is logged they can rate products.


  • With nothing in the cart, this view directs users back to the merchandise view.
  • This view allows users to see each item, its quantity, and subtotal, before preceding to the checkout.
  • A remove button is placed in the quantity column for users to easily remove an item from their cart.
  • A pair of quantity adjustment buttons are in each merchandise item row for users to easily adjust the amount of a merchandise item they want.
  • A update button is placed in the quantity column for users to easily update an item's quantity in their cart.
  • This view calculates the totals of each merchandise item and the delivery fee into a grand total.

Invoice - Checkout

  • This view calculates the totals of each merchandise item and the delivery fee into a grand total.
  • A Crispy Form that users must fill in with basic shipping and payment information.
  • If the user is signed in, the invoice form will be prepopulated from the users preferred shipping information located on their profile view.
  • The Crispy Form will allow users to update their preferred shipping information when they submit an invoice.


  • This view allows users to see their basic shipping information and all previous invoices.
  • Two buttons located at the top of the form allow users to select if they want to view their shipping information, previous invoices, or both.
  • Users can update their shipping information from the preferred shipping form on this view.

Superuser Merchandise CRUD Views

  • The add_merch view (Merchandise Management) returns a blank merchandise model so a superuser can create a fully functional new merchandise item.
  • The edit_merch view returns a prefilled merchandise model so a superuser can edit any field of the item.
  • The delete button removes the merchandise item from the database without a secondary view.

Return Emails

  • Each email has a custom appearance which includes the user's name, all their invoice information, and shipping address.
  • Each confirmation email includes a customer support email on it.

Wireframe and Live App


Live App


  • Music books for other instruments could be added to expand the ecommerce shop.
  • The home page could have a second merchandise special container that features a single special. This special could be a captioned image, for a specific product, with a timer to help entice users to make an impulse purchase.
  • Allow images to show an image modal when clicked.
  • Add a warning modal for superusers when they click the delete merchandise button. This could stop accidental deletions.
  • A counter that tells the user how many merchandise items are being displayed in the current search or on the current page.
  • Add different ways of sorting displayed merchandise items. These could include: price, composer, etc....
  • Add ability to calculate tax.
  • Rating system:
    • Change number rating to a star count. This would look better and remove the need for a text input.
      • This system could have its numbers updated to use a standard 5 or 10 star system.
    • Add a validation system to allow only those who have purchased a product to rate it.

Technology and Languages

  • HTML - Skeleton frame of the application.
  • CSS - Beautifies the skeleton (HTML).
  • JavaScript - Allows for user interaction and dynamic function on the application.
  • Python - Allows dynamic function and back end programs to run. These programs (frameworks, libraries, and databases) are:
    • Django - Allows use of templating, security, and other critical functions.
      • Allauth - An app that allows logging in, logging out, password recovery and more.
      • Stripe - An app that allows users to securely pay online with credit cards.
      • Postgres - A type of SQL server used to store information.
      • Crispy Forms - Allows for forms to be easily, quickly, and neatly created and configured.
  • AWS - A Server used to store static and media files.


  • The Testing documentation can be found on

Bugs and Other Problems

Current Bugs

  • Roman numerals in names for merchandise items display inaccurately.
    • Caused by:
      • The use of Django's tag title {% | title %}.
    • Thought(s):
      • If Django's title tag ({% | title %}) is removed from the name templating and superusers enter merchandise information in with 100% accuracy this could be avoided.
      • If a text-transfrom: uppercase css command is used, it would solve this problem but this solution creates an overall poorer user experience.
  • Checkbox on superuser/admin add/edit merchandise will not style border.
    • Caused by:
      • Unknown.
    • Thought(s):
      • !important was used to attempt to override any existing style, but this did not work. All the class styles were analyzed though from browser inspect and a problem could not be found.
  • On Safari browsers, the invoice view doesn't open to the correct responsive size.
    • Caused by:
      • Safari.
    • Attempted fix(s):
      • Various snippets of code from Stack Overflow.
    • Thought(s):
      • The problem seems to be a combination of having an HTML table in a responsive bootstrap design.
  • Scroll bar doesn't show up in the success toast on Safari browsers.
    • Caused by:
      • Safari.
    • Attempted fix(s):
      • Various snippets of code from Stack Overflow.
    • Thought(s):
      • May be caused by a setting in Safari.
  • Scroll bar doesn't show up in the success toast on Firefox browsers.
    • Caused by:
      • Firefox browser or missing vendor extensions.
    • Attempted fix(s):
      • None.
    • Thought(s):
      • The addition of -webkit- or -moz- vendor extensions to the scroll bar styles could fix this issue.

Other Problems

  • Bootstrap's toasts do not show up on screen.
    • Caused by:
      • jQuery error.
    • Fix:
      • Wrote custom JS script to reveal any toasts.
  • An active link header was originally used to display the name of the item a user was viewing, however, some names proved to be too long.
    • Caused by:
      • Names longer than 15 characters.
    • Fix:
      • Removed the active link that showed users the name of the product they were on.
  • User search bar on the fixed header was askew from center.
    • Caused by:
      • Responsive design header that used Bootstrap's col and possibly other issues.
    • Fix:
      • A combination of display: flex and left/right percent margins.
  • Favicon doesn't show up on all views.
    • Caused by:
      • Inability to push MEDIA_URL to all views for use.
    • Fix:
      • Added MEDIA_URL to all views possible.
    • Thought(s):
      • Still does not display correctly on all views because of an inability to push MEDIA_URL to Allauth templates.
  • Create new account focuses on middle input when page opens.
    • Caused by:
      • Allauth.
    • Thought(s):
      • The focus could be changed with JS or locating where Allauth assigns focus.
  • Phone landscape view is limited.
    • Caused by:
      • App header and phone on-screen keyboard.
    • Thought(s):
      • JS could be used to allow the header to scroll out of view until it is needed.
        • This could conflict with Bootstrap's and Jquery's function.
        • This could be implemented on all mobile sized screens and would greatly increase the viewable real-estate.
  • User rating's Rate Me! button will not submit after it has been clicked once.
    • Caused by:
      • JS validation designed to stop users from submitting multiple ratings at a single time.
    • Thought(s):
      • Back end logic prepared to handle multiple submissions would make this JS validation obsolete.


GitHub - GitPod

  • Go to the location of the original repository in GitHub,
  • Click on the Code button to get the drop-down menu.
  • Copy the HTTPS address provided.
  • Create a new GitHub/GitPod project (to house the new clone) and then open this new project.
  • Go to the Bash and type, git clone <HTTPS>, paste the HTTPS address found in the GitHub page (don't forget the space after "clone") and press enter.
  • A clone will be created within a new folder called "Eldridge_Music" (name of the original repository).
  • Unpack everything from this new folder to the root of the GitPod project tree and the foundation of the project will be setup.


  • Log into Heroku.
  • Create a new app on Heroku by clicking New and following the directions.

Link Heroku and GitHub:

  • Log into Heroku.
  • From the Personal Apps page, click on the new app that was just created in Heroku.
  • Click on Deploy.
  • Click on GitHub from Deployment Method section.
  • Enter your GitHub information and the name of the cloned repository into the "Connect to GitHub" section.

Create a Postgres SQL Server.

  • From your new apps base page, click on Resources.
  • Click on Find More Add-Ons.
  • Select Postgres.
  • Finish setup.

Enable Automatic Deployment or Manually Deploy Updates.

  • Automatic Deployment:
    • Click on Deploy.
    • Click on Enable Automatic Deploys in Automatic Deploys section.
    • Click on Deploy Branch in Manual Deploy section to start initial deployment.
  • Manual Deployment:
    • Click on Deploy Branch in Manual Deploy section any time there is content you want to update the active app with.


  • Go to and click Start Now.
  • Create a new account.
  • Click Developer tab.
  • Click API Keys to find Publishable Key and Secret Key.
  • Click Webhooks tab.
  • click Add Endpoint and enter the new apps Heroku address with /invoice/wh/ at the end of the address.
  • Stripe will now provide you with a Signing Secret Key.


  • Go to
  • Create a new account.
  • Log in and click, My Account and then AWS Management Console.

Create S3 Bucket:

  • Search for and select service S3.
  • Click Create Bucket.
  • Name the new bucket and uncheck Block All Public Access.
  • Click Create Bucket.
  • Configure bucket:
    • Click on newly created bucket's name.
    • Click on Properites tab.
    • Click on Static Website Hosting.
    • Click on Use This Bucket To Host A Website and fill out index/error document with default information and save.
    • Click on Permissions tab.
    • Click on CORS Configuration and paste in code CORES config.
    • Click on Bucket Policy tab and then click Policy Generator.
    • For Type of Policy select S3 Bucket Policy.
    • For Principal enter *.
    • For Actions select GetObject.
    • Enter the buckets ARN into this forms ARN input.
    • Click Add Statement then Generate Policy and copy the policy generated.
    • Paste this copied policy into the Bucket Policy.
    • add a /* onto the end of the value of the key Resource.
      • Ex. "Resource": "<bucket ARN>/*"
    • Click save.
    • Click Access Control List tab.
    • Click on Public Access and set List Objects and save.

Create and Configure IAM

  • Go to services menu and select IAM.
  • Under Access Management click Groups and the Create A New Group.
  • Enter a name, select Next Step twice, and then Create Group.
  • Under Access Management click Policies and then Create Policy.
  • Click JSON tab and then click Import Managed Policy.
  • Search for S3, select AmazonS3FullAccess, and click Import.
  • Replace the value of Resource with IAM JSON Resource.
  • Click Review policy.
  • Give the policy a name and description.
  • Click Create policy.
  • Under Access Management click Groups.
  • Click recently created group and Attach Policy.
  • Search for policy that was just created, select this policy, and click Attach Policy.
  • Under Access Management click Users and then Add User.
  • Create a name for user (add suffix '-staticfiles-user'), give them Programmatic access, and click Next.
  • Put newly created user in IAM Group and keep clicking Next until user has been created in IAM Group.
  • Download .csv and save this file. You will not be able to download it again.

Return Emails with Gmail

  • Log into a Gmail account.
  • Go to Settings and click Accounts and Import.
  • Under Change Account Settings click on Other Google Account Settings.
  • Click on the Security tab, click on 2-Step Verification, and then Get Started.
  • Verify your setting choice and turn on 2-Step Verification.
  • Go back to Other Google Account Settings and click Security.
  • Click on App Passwords.
  • Select Mail for the app.
  • Select Other for the device and enter Django.
  • Gmail will provide you with an app password.

Heroku Variables

  • Share information with Heroku.
    • Click on Settings.
    • Click on Reveal Config Vars from Config Vars section.
    • Add all of the key and value pairs without their quotations.
      • Ex. (key) == (value)
      • Development == 0
      • USE_AWS == True
      • DATABASE_URL == (key provided from Postgres server)
      • SECRET_KEY == (any Django secret key)
      • STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY == (provided by Stripe as Publishable key)
      • STRIPE_SECRET_KEY == (provided by Stripe as Secret Key)
      • STRIPE_WH_SECRET == (provided by Stripe as Webhook Signing Secret)
      • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID == (provided by AWS .csv as Access Key Id)
      • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY == (provided by AWS .csv as Secret Access Key)
      • EMAIL_HOST_USER == (Gmail address return email will be sent from)
      • EMAIL_HOST_PASS == (provided by email provider as As Password)

Django Settings

  • Open the core django app.
  • Open the file:
    • Update ALLOWED_HOSTS to the web address of the deployed Heroku app.
    • Update STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME to the name of the bucket created in AWS.
    • Update AWS_S3_REGION_NAME to the region the bucket was created in AWS.

Tools and Credits



References and Ideas

  • Allauth
    • Used for all login, logout, and account management.
  • Bootstrap
    • A framework used to help speed up development and provide a better overall UX.
  • MDN Web Docs
    • Invaluable source of information about JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
  • Stack Overflow
    • A great source of information to find a starting place for research.
  • TestLodge
    • Used to help formulate the test syntax structure.
  • W3Schools
    • Extremely helpful for explaining base HTML, CSS, and JavaScript principles.
  • World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
    • Used to understand basic standardization practices for web-based apps.
  • Django
    • A through guide to this intricate frame work.
  • Code Institute
    • Code Institute's Boutique Ado for a great foundation to make a ecommerce site


  • Emily Eldridge for help with revising the grammar and flow of this README document.
  • Felipe Souza Alarcon for his suggestion of simplifying this project, his help, and guidance.
  • JoGorska_5p for being a great tester.


Eldridge Music Book Emporium is a mock, e-commerce application designed for users to search, rate, and purchase music books. With the use of Django, the app notifies users via toast when a change is made to their cart, sends confirmation emails when a purchase is made, tracks purchase invoices, and more.







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