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Version 1.13 - Version Rollup Release

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@RickStrahl RickStrahl released this 28 Sep 19:16
  • New Vertical Sidebar Tab Layout
    After a number of requests moved the sidebar tabs to the left of the File Browser, document outline and favorites. This should make these features also more discoverable and it allows for more addin tabs without crowding the display.

  • Favorites
    You can now select files and folders as favorites for easy access. Favorites are accessible from the toolbar and the Recents menu and you can add Favorites from the tab header. A new Favorites sidebar lets you select and add/edit/delete favorites as well as select and open favorites.

  • New KeyBinding Manager
    You can now remap a number of keyboard shortcuts using the MarkdownMonster-KeyBindings.json file. In this file you can assign new shortcut keys to a number of commands.

  • Save All File Menu Option and Shortcut
    You can now use File->Save All or alt-shift-s to save all open documents. Existing documents are saved in place, any untitled documents prompt for a filename to save to or to cancel.

  • Link References in Link Dialog
    You can now created reference links that are referenced at the bottom of the document rather than embedded directly. There's a new checkbox option in the Link Dialog that lets you embed links as references. References are automatically updated based on order in the document. There's also a new UseReferenceLinks setting that determines the default state of the checkbox.

  • Add Weblog Menu to Main Menu
    Added Weblog menu for easier access to individual Weblog related features and better keyboard navigatability and also to better reflect actual status for each of the available operations.

  • Fix Application Shutdown Release Issues
    In recent releases MM would occasionally hang when shutting down leaving multiple processes hanging around orphaned. Refactored unload code, explicitly release browser instances, addins and various services.

  • Add Option to replace Weblog Image Urls to Absolute Urls
    Added ReplacePostImagesWithOnlineUrls option in the Weblog Configuration to allow relative image links to be replaced with Absolute URLs after they've been uploaded to a blog. Useful to avoid uploading the same images repeatedly for blog engines that won't replace existing images of the same name for posts.

  • Add Toggle to allow Turning on Script Execution in Markdown
    Added a menu option in the View menu to Allow Script in Markdown to turn HTML Sanitation on or off.

  • Add TabSize and UseSoftTabs Configuration Options
    Allow configuration of how tabs are handled in the editor by adding config options for setting the TabSize and whether to use hard or soft tabs (spaces instead of tabs).

  • Add Open on Github in Folder Browser
    If a file or folder is in a Github repository there's now a link in the folder browser to open the file on Github.

  • Add KeyBinding for TogglePreviewBrowser (F12)
    Added configurable key binding for toggling the Preview Browser visible/hidden with a default key of F12. Also fix shortcut for PresentationMode (F11) key binding.

  • Folder Browser Git Context Menu now Context Sensitive
    Fixed the Git options on the Folder Browser context menu to be context sensitive on whether the file/folder is a Git repo, and whether it's a Github repo.

  • Update to Ace Editor 1.40
    This update provides a number of new features to the editor along with a number if nice performance improvements. Among the improvements are: Better support for Asian languages, better (but still limited support for Right to Left languages) and a number of fixes in the markdown syntax editing features.

  • Updates to Startup Screen
    Updates to the Recent File and Folder List display and added Theme switching to the Startup screen.

  • Reduce Minimum Window Size
    Reduced minimum Window size to 390x220 per user requests.

  • Change from Copy Folder Name to Copy Full Path
    Changed all instances of Copy Foldername to Clipboard to instead copy the full path which is usually more useful for pasting into Explorer or command lines.

  • Developer: BeforeDocumentRendered and DocumentRendered Events
    There are two new events on the MarkdownDocument object, that allow you to capture the document's markdown and HTML before and after the document has been rendered using the BeforeDocumentRendered() and DocumentRendered() events. These events can be intercepted in the Commander and Snippets addins or in your own Addins (although full Addins have dedicated handlers for this).

  • Fix: Window Menu Shortcuts
    Fixed a number of the Window menu shortcuts that are toggle switches. DistractionFree mode (Alt-Shift-Enter) and Presentation mode (F11) and Help (F1) now work properly again.

  • Jump to Anchor Context Menu
    New context menu option when hovering over a Markdown link that is an anchor to a auto-header link. Makes it easy to jump around the document and follow internal links as an alternative to the Document Outline.

  • Import CSV files into the Markdown Table Editor
    You can now import CSV files into the Markdown Table editor using a button on the toolbar.

  • Updated Startup Screen
    Updated layout for the startup screen. Shows more visual and scrollable Recent Files and Folder list. Cleaner layout for logo background. Better fit in small window sizes.

  • Addins: Simplified Adding of Tab Panels
    Updated the AddLeftSidebarPanel() and AddRightSidebarPanel() routines to use consistent tab styling and make it easier to simply provide header text and an icon, rather than explicitly setting up the tab header (which is still supported if the header text/icon are left empty).

  • Fix: Favorites Search to Open Folders above Found Items
    Fixed regression bug that would not properly open parent folders when a match was found inside of a folder hierarchy.

  • Fix: Embedded Document Outline Indentation
    Fixed issue with the Insert Document Outline feature that can embed a table of content style link list into the Markdown document. Fixed error where indentation was not reflecting the actual hierarchy.

  • Fix: User Registration Display
    Add Registered notice into the About form, so users can see when they are registered. Changed verbage for Registration form access to Software Registration to make it less ambiguous that you can both register and unregister.

  • Fix: CommonFolder Startup Issue
    If the CommonFolder configuration setting is set to a non-existing folder, MM now defaults to the default %appdata% location. This fixes a severe startup failure that would cause MM to launch and disappear previously.

  • Fix: Save As Html with Packaged Documents with Untitled Docs Fixed issue where untitled documents would not properly generate packaged output due to a missing base folder. Changed behavior to use the temp folder which may or may not produce desired results. Recommendation is to save document before exporting.

  • Fix: Change default Save As Html output to Raw HTML
    Changed the default option when using the Save As Html dialog to save to the Raw HTML output from markdown, with the packaged document options getting shifted down.

  • Fix: Remove Rename Delete Option in Folder Browser for non-files
    Removed the Rename and Delete options from root folders and non-edit/delete items in the folder browser.

  • Fix: Custom Dictionary Not Creating
    If no non-installed dictionaries have been installed previously, adding new words to a custom dictionary failed because the folder didn't exist. Fixed.

  • Fix: New File Keyboard Shortcut in Folder Browser
    Changed to a separate keyboard shortcut (shift-f2) in the folder browser to avoid behavior confusion between New Document behavior. Folder browser adds file in browser, while new document creates an Untitled document.

  • Fix: Plain Text Code Fences Rendering
    Fix issues with plain text rendering when using text,plain,txt or none for code fence blocks. Previously text and plain would incorrectly render as invalid languages. Fix uses JavaScript interception to correct highlightJs issue.

  • Fix: SpellChecking for Brackets and Slashes
    Fixed bug where certain characters were not excluded for error checking. Missed a block of symbols from the break list. Fixed.

  • Fix: Missing HighlightJS Syntaxes
    Recent changes in how our custom HighlightJs bundle is built resulted in some languages missing. Explicitly added required languages. Complete list of languages available now: css less javascript html json xml diff cs cpp ini java makefile php markdown http python typescript fsharp vbnet dos powershell bash dockerfile swift dns yaml diff sql pgsql yaml text go rust text foxpro

  • Fix (maybe): Address Shutdown Issues
    There have been a number of errors in the analytics logs related to shutdown of MM. Simplified the shut down routine by removing all explicit Hide() operations to avoid potential circular shutdown events.

  • Fix: Table Editor Issues
    Fix issue with Edit Table in Markdown. Detection algorithm didn't recognize certain grid tables. Fix paste issue where there was an extra linefeed at the begging of the edited table resulting in a shifted display. Fix document dirty status properly updating now.

  • Fix: Dead Menu Options
    Fix a number of menu options that were briefly inert due to the recent menu code refactoring. Should all be hooked back up.

  • Fix: Add to Dictionary File Location
    Fixed issue where Add to Dictionary was adding to the wrong file and wouldn't persist properly. Updated logic so that after adding the document immediately is updated to reflect the corrected word in the spellchecking view.