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Any deep reinforcement learning algorithm I coded. Everything is using PyTorch

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Any deep reinforcement learning algorithm I coded. Everything is using PyTorch

Available algorithms

  • DQN

A little framework

I decided to build all the algorithms around a little framework I came with. It is structured as follow

  • Model : A model, designed to be a neural network
  • Policy : Classic algorithm to select an action from the output of the model
  • Buffer : Store past experiences so you can replay
  • Agent : And agent that takes actions according to Policy applied on Model and sampling experiences from Buffer

The reason I made this framework is to avoid rewriting common code.


  • loss_function : The loss function used to learn
  • optim : The optimiser used to learn
  • gamma : The gamma parameter from MDP definition
  • _init_ Initialise the model

    • Parameters

      • gamma : float Gamma parameter from MDP definition
      • optim : torch.optim.Optimizer The optimizer used to learn the model
      • loss_function : torch.nn._Loss The loss function used to optimize.
      • device : torch.device, optionnal The device to store data on
    • Note If you wish to initialise anything before passing it to the model, use itertools.partial.

  • _call_, abstract Predict the next action (could be values, probabilities...)

    • Parameters
      • state : custom The state of the environment
  • learn, abstract Learn from given experiences

    • Parameters
      • sample : list of experience A sample from which the model should learn
  • update, abstract Update model parameters. Useful, for example, on double learning


  • _call_, abstract Select action from model prediction on state
    • Parameters
      • state : custom The state of the environment
      • model : Model The model used to predict
  • update, abstract Update the policy. Useful, for example, on epsilon decay policy

Currently implemented policies :

  • Greedy
  • EpsGreedy : classical epsilon-greedy. Takes epsilon and action size as parameters
  • EpsDecay : Extends epsilon greedy using a decay. Takes eps_start, eps_min, eps_decay and action size as parameters. Call update to change epsilon : eps = max(eps_min, eps * eps_decay)
  • SoftmaxPolicy : Applies softmax to the model output and sample from it


  • memory : collections.deque A deque to store the experiences
  • batch_size : int Size of a batch during training
  • device : torch.device, optionnal The device to send data on
  • _init_ Initialise a buffer

    • Parameters
      • buffer size : int Size of the memory
      • batch_size : int Size of a batch during training
      • device : torch.device, optionnal The device to send data on
  • add, abstract Add a new experience (can be a step or a whole episode)

    • Parameters
      • step : custom A step of the alg (usually something like state, action, reward)
  • sample, abstract Sample batch_size experiences from memory

  • can_sample, abstract Returns True if the buffer can sample data, False either. Default is True if the number of experience in memory is over the batch size

  • _len_ Length of the buffer. Default is len(memory)

Currently implemented buffers :

  • SoloBuffer : Can only store one experience. Useful when you don't need buffer (policy gradients for example)
  • QBuffer : Buffer designed for Q-learning. Experiences are stored as a named tuple with fields state, action, reward, next_state, done. One step is an ordered iterable of those values.
  • CompleteBuffer : Just like QBuffer but with more data : state, action, reward, next_state, next_action, done


  • model : Model The model the agent will use to predict actions
  • buffer : Buffer, optionnal A replay buffer, default is SoloBuffe
  • learning_strategy : Policy The policy to follow during training
  • playing_strategy : Policy The policy to follow when not training
  • update_every : int Update the model every "update_every" call on step.
  • learn_every : int Learn the model every "learn_every" call on step.
  • learning : bool True if the agent is learning. Changing it changed the policy used.


  • _init_
    • model : Model The model the agent will use to predict actions
    • learning_strategy : Policy The policy to follow during training
    • policy_playing : Policy, optionnal The policy to follow when not training. Default Greedy
    • buffer : Buffer, optionnal A replay buffer, default is SoloBuffer
    • update_every : int, optionnal Update the model every "update_every" call on step. Default 1
    • learn_every : int, optionnal Learn the model every "learn_every" call on step. Default 1
  • act Get the action from the state.
    • Parameters
      • state, custom The state from which the agent have to take an action.
    • Returns The action the agent picked.
  • step Do a step for the agent. Memorize and learn. Append the given experience to the buffer and sample from the buffer so it can learn and update if needed (@see learn_every and update_every)
    • Parameters
      • experience : custom The last experience you had. It is added to the buffer
  • learning Change learning attributes to True. It enables the training policy
  • playing Change learning attribute to False. It enables the playing strategy


Any deep reinforcement learning algorithm I coded. Everything is using PyTorch






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