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Smart City Simulator designed for hackathons !

Package installation

pip3 install --user smartcity On Google Colab !pip3 install smartcity

Python > 3.6

Env Instantiation

In the package, 3 envs are available :

  • SmartCity-v0 : small env
  • SmartCity-v1 : medium env
  • SmartCity-v2 : big env
import smartcity
import gym

env = gym.make("SmartCity-v0")

obs, info = env.reset()


To send action, you have to send a dictionnary instead of the usual vectors. There's 3 keys to send : energies, heaters and lights. Energies defines how much of each type of energy you buy. Lights define whether each light is on or off (a threshold at 0.5 is set). Heaters define the temperature of each heater. To have the size and the type of each parameter, they are available in the obs variable. obs is a dictionnary you can use to predict your actions. Keys lights, heaters and energies_amount have the exact format requested for actions, you can just copy them.


Energies are ordered the same way for all the arrays

Observations and informations

There's 5 keys in the obs dictionnary :

  • lights : numpy array of size #light. Each light is either 0 (off) or 1 (on)
  • heaters : numpy array of size #heater. Each heater is defined by its temperature
  • energies_cost : cost of each quantity. This cost is defined for each point of each energy
  • energies_amount : available amount for energy
  • needed_energy : the total amount of energy needed. If you don't send enough energy, an exception is raised. During Hackathon submission, it will be an elimination criteria. If you buy more energy that needed, it is stored indefinitely so you can use it.

There's 2 keys in info dictionnary :

  • light_interraction : a matrix of shape (#people, #lights). If there's a 1 at [i, j], the citizen i is connected to light light
  • heaters_interraction : same as lights but for heaters
  • energy_pollution : pollution factor for each type of enegy (carbon, nuclear, renewable)


import smartcity
import gym
import random

env = gym.make("SmartCity-v0")

obs, info = env.reset()

energies = [0.8*obs["needed_energy"], 0.15*obs["needed_energy"], 0.1*obs["needed_energy"]]

lights = np.array([random.random() for _ in range(obs["lights"].shape[0])])
heaters = obs["heaters"] + 2

actions = {"energies": energies, "heaters": heaters, "lights": lights}

obs, score, done, info = env.step(actions)


We'll give you a seed and a json file dubbed setting.json and a seed.

import smartcity
import gym

seed = # given seed
env = gym.make("SmartCity-v1337")

obs, info = env.reset()
# Learning
# your code here

# Evaluation
obs, info = env.reset()

with open("groupe_name.sub", "w") as f:
    for i in range(100):
        actions = # prediction de votre modèle
        obs, score, done, info = env.step(actions)

Pour ceux qui sont dans colab, copiez collez le contenu du fichier json dans une variable dans une cellule puis sauvegarder là comme suit :

SEED = 1337


Smart City Simulator designed for hackathons !







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