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Sorts images by date into a folder structure of YYYY/YYMM/YYMMDD structure

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Photo Sort


A small set of PHP console commands to sort, find duplicates and delete duplicate images.

You need PHP 7.2 and optional, but strongly recommend, the PHP extension imagick.

All commands are build as symfony console commands and therefore come with a nice interface, help and output system.


You need:

  • PHP 7.2
  • git
  • composer

Get started by typing:

git clone
wget (or download / install the composer.phar from 
php composer.phar install
php bin/console

Sort Command / app:sort


php bin/console help app:sort

Basic usage:

php bin/console app:sort -- /source/path/to/images/to/sort /root/destination/path

This command will crawl recursively the source path for images and will sort them by date into the destination path. All images are put into sub-folders, which are created if needed.

All photo names will be kept the same, except duplicate names are found (see below). Also, no files will be deleted from the source path. Instead the command logs into a JSON file what it has done (copied, skipped, identical).

The sorted structure will look like this.


   +-- IMG_FOO_111.jpg / filedate: 190301
   +-- IMG_FOO_112.jpg / filedate: 190301
   +-- IMG_FOO_113.jpg / filedate: 190301
   +-- IMG_FOO_114.jpg / filedate: 190302
   +-- IMG_FOO_115.jpg / filedate: 190302
   +-- IMG_FOO_116.jpg / filedate: 190302
   +-- PICTURE_004.jpg / filedate: 190404      


 +-- 1903
      +-- 190301
           +-- IMG_FOO_111.jpg
           +-- IMG_FOO_112.jpg
           +-- IMG_FOO_113.jpg
      +-- 190302
           +-- IMG_FOO_114.jpg
           +-- IMG_FOO_115.jpg
           +-- IMG_FOO_116.jpg
 +-- 1904
      +-- 190404
           +-- PICTURE_004.jpg      


--monthly will skip the sorting by day and sort them just by month, like so:

 +-- 1903
      +-- IMG_FOO_111.jpg
      +-- IMG_FOO_112.jpg
      +-- IMG_FOO_113.jpg
      +-- IMG_FOO_114.jpg
      +-- IMG_FOO_115.jpg
      +-- IMG_FOO_116.jpg
 +-- 1904
      +-- PICTURE_004.jpg      

--not-rename-and-copy-duplicates will prevent the altering of image filenames, when a duplicate filename is found. This will therefore prevent the copy to the new location.

--hashs-file=/path/to/hashs/file.json will force the command to check every file before copy if the hash or signature is already known (which means the image is already somewere) and therefore is skipped. (The hashs-file can be created with the app:hash command)

I recommend to run a tool like jhead with jhead -ft **/*.jpg prior to the execution of the script. It will change the file changedate to the EXIF recording date, which may be more accurate than the filedate, which can be modified by filesystem operations.


Currently only JPEG files are supported (simple extension check via RegEx).

Hash Command / app:hash


php bin/console help app:hash

Basic usage:

php bin/console app:hash -- /root/source/path

This command will crawl recursively the source path for images and will create message digests of each file (sha1). If the PHP extension imagick is present, additionally a pixel signature is also created (slower). This will help to find duplicate images were the EXIF data was modified (in that case the signature is the same, but the sha1 is different).

A JSON file is created and put, be default) into the source root directory. The name is photosort_hashmap.json.

The output file will be periodically saved every 100 files. Therefore if you hash thousands of files you can stop the script at any time and it will continue, when a hash JSON file is found.


--output-file=/file/path/hash.json will force the output of the result file to be written somewhere else. If just a filename is given the output will be were the command is executed. When a full filepath is given it will be put there. The file has to end with .json to be accepted.


Currently only JPEG files are supported (simple extension check via RegEx).

Merge Hash Command / app:hash-merge


php bin/console help app:hash-merge

Basic usage:

php bin/console app:hash-merge -- /source1/path/hash1.json /source2/path/has2.json ...

This command will just merge as many message digest hash files as given via agrument list. Every file should be created with the app:hash command. There are no content checks, just a data merge. If there are duplicated keys (aka filepaths), the later will win.

Additionally a new JSON file is created which contains a data map with sha1 to filepath and if found a signature to filepath map. This can be used by the app:sort command.

Two output files are created photosort_hashmap_merged.json and photosort_hashmap_duplicates_helper.json.


I use an Synology NAS, which provides Apps for mobile phones. Everybody can host it's own cloud solution to access the photos and videos everywhere. Because loading of directories containing 1000s of photos is slow (via outgoing upload speed) I decided to sort the photos by date. Doing so was okay'ish for a short period of time. Two kids and up to six devices, which can make photos and record videos, later a programmatic solution was in need. I thought this would be a nice exercise to improve my PowerShell skills, but I gave up to soon, by realizing that I could do it in PHP in one sitting.

That's what I did and the original solution (initial commit) works fine for me. It contains only seven self written PHP files (almost pure PHP file-operations). However, I'll probably update the sourcecode to libraries to have a more robust framework.

Possible Improvements


Sorts images by date into a folder structure of YYYY/YYMM/YYMMDD structure






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