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Website/CV Generator

To see it in action:


  • Data loaded from a SOLID pod
  • Log in to access more data
    • Define who can see what using SOLIDs access control
  • Expose in RDFa tagged HTML
    • All data read should be visible as RDFa again
  • Export to PDF using browsers' "print to PDF"

Data model


  • foaf:
  • schema:
  • cv::
  • cvb::

About Me

  • image: foaf:img or schema:image
  • name: foaf:name or schema:name if either exist, else a combination of first name (schema:givenName, foaf:firstName or foaf:givenName) and last name (schema:familyName, foaf:surname, foaf:family_name).

Contact items

  • phone number: foaf:phone or schema:telephone
  • email address: foaf:mbox or schema:email
  • homepage: foaf:homepage or schema:url
  • callsign: schema:callSign

Other accounts can be specified using foaf:holdsAccount, linking to the URL of the account and providing foaf:accountServiceHomepage and/or foaf:accountName for the account.


Entries are cv:Educations found by cv:hasEducation with:

  • degree type: cv:degreeType (one of the cvb:EduDegrees)
  • name of the degree: cv:eduDescription
  • started: cv:eduStartDate
  • ended: cv:eduEndDate
  • school: cv:studiedIn

Schools are cv:EducationalOrgs with:

  • name: foaf:name or schema:name


TODO: Right now, cv:Skills are assumed to be programming languages and cv:LanguageSkills for spoken languages. I should look into a "skillType" to make this more correct.

Entries are cv:Skills (or cv:LanguageSkills for languages) found by cv:hasSkill with:

  • name: cv:skillName
  • proficiency: cv:skillLevel


Entries are schema:SoftwareSourceCodes found by foaf:currentProject with:

  • name: foaf:name or schema:name
  • description: schema:description
  • languages: schema:programmingLanguage

Volunteer Work

TODO: volunteer work is now everything with cv:hasWorkHistory, but I should distinguish between volunteer and career jobs.

Entries are cv:WorkHistorys found by cv:hasWorkHistory with:

  • function: cv:jobTitle
  • started: cv:startDate
  • ended: cv:endDate
  • description: cv:jobDescription
  • employer: cv:employedIn

Employers are cv:Companys with:

  • name: schema:name or foaf:name


Entries are schema:EducationalOccupationalCredentials found by schema:hasCredential with:

  • title: schema:name or foaf:name
  • description: schema:description


  • Using the order in which data is loaded to allow "overriding" data in card-private (e.g. in public I define schema:image, but in private foaf:img, since it checks for foaf:img first, this is the one that gets rendered if private data is loaded)
  • Using the order of the entries in the turtle file to format the CV