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Welcome to the 8085 Microprocessor Simulator!

This Web-browser tool helps you to understand and experiment with the Intel 8085 microprocessor, It's like a virtual playground where you can experiment and discover how this old-school tech works.

Navigation Bar

  • Reset All: Click this button to reset the simulator to its initial state.
  • Help: Access helpful documentation or instructions.
  • Info: Obtain information about the simulator.

Internal Memory Panel

This section displays the internal registers and flags of the 8085 microprocessor:

Register Values

  • A: Accumulator register.
  • BC: B and C registers.
  • DE: D and E registers.
  • HL: H and L registers.
  • PSW: Program Status Word.
  • PC: Program Counter.
  • SP: Stack Pointer.
  • Int-Reg: Interrupt Register.


  • S: Sign Flag.
  • Z: Zero Flag.
  • AC: Auxiliary Carry Flag.
  • P: Parity Flag.
  • C: Carry Flag.

Decimal - Hex Conversion

Convert decimal to hexadecimal and vice versa.

Enter values in the "Decimal" or "Hex" fields and use the corresponding buttons to perform conversions.

Memory - IO Update

Select whether you want to work with "Memory" or "I/O Ports" using the dropdown menu.

Enter the address and data values, then click "Update Value" to modify memory or I/O content.

Code Editor

The central part of the interface is the code editor.

You can write and edit 8085 assembly code here.

Control buttons include:

  • Run: Execute the code.
  • Compile: Check the code for errors.
  • Zoom In/Out: Adjust the font size in the code editor.

External Memory Panel

This section allows you to view and manipulate memory and I/O ports.

Toggle between "Memory" and "I/O Ports" using the buttons.

The display shows address (hex), address (decimal), and data values.