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EduSign app docker environment

Docker environment for the deployment of an instance of edusign-app, managed by docker-compose.

The environment will consist on 2 docker containers, one (edusign-sp) running a front facing NGINX server protected by a Shibboleth SP and proxying the app, and another (edusign-app) with the eduSign app as a WSGI app driven by Gunicorn.

This repo also provides the means to buid the docker images and publish them to

Deployment and building tasks are provided as make targets; type make help at the root of the repository to find out about them.

High level architecture

This environment places an NGINX in the front, servicing user requests. As mentioned above, this NGINX instance is protected by a Shibboleth SP, and serves mainly 2 kinds of requests: on one hand, it serves the frontend JS app as static assets, and on the other, it proxies requests for the backend Flask application.

The Dockerfile (at nginx/Dockerfile in this repo) builds 2 images. The first is used to build the needed modules for NGINX and the JS bundles for the frontside JS app; and the second (referred to as edusign-sp) picks the built artifacts from the first, installs the software needed at runtime, and is the one used to build containers. The separation is simply to avoid bloating the containers with the build environments.

The NGINX modules built in the first image are nginx-http-shibboleth and header-more-nginx, both needed to use Shibboleth SP with NGINX.

The start script for the containers built from the second image, at nginx/, contains templates for the configuration files for Shibboleth SP and for NGINX, and picks data to fill in these templates from environment variables.

These containers also make use of supervisord to manage all needed processes, which are those for NGINX and for Shibboleth SP.

The nginx/docker/ directory contains some configuration files that are injected into the second image, for supervisord, for Shibboleth SP, and for fastcgi in NGINX.

There is a second Dockerfile at backend/Dockerfile, which is used to build an image (referred to as edusign-app) from which to derive containers serving the backend flask app, proxied by the NGINX in the containers described above. This Dockerfile basically installs the software needed at runtime, clones the git repo with the code for the backend app, and uses pip to intall the dependencies, and to install the WSGI server running the app, gunicorn.

The start script for containers built from this image, at backend/, simply runs gunicorn serving the app.

Building and publishing the docker images

To build the image for edusign-sp, use the target build-sp. You can update the image with update-sp, and push it to with push-sp.

For the edusign-app image, the corresponding targets would be build-app, update-app, and push-app.

It is also possible to build both images with make build, push both images with make push, and both build and push both images with make publish.

Running the production environment

We assume here that both needed docker images have been built and are present either in the local docker engine image repository, or in the hub.


First we clone the repo:

$ git clone
$ cd docker-edusign-app

Before running the environment, we should provide a few configuration values in the form of exported environment variables in the host. These are listed and explained below. These settings can also reside in a .env file in the same directory as the docker-compose.yml file in the docker host machine.

When not using docker-compose, the env vars should be provided to docker run through -e flags. In this case there are additional env vars to be set, listed below as "additional configuration variables"

After providing these configuration settings, we start the environment with make env-start, and stop it with make env-stop.

Once the environment is up and running, there are a few files we may want to update / provide in the sp container (with docker cp), mainly certificates and metadata:

  • SSL certificate for HTTPS, at sp:/etc/ssl/certs/<SP_HOSTNAME>.crt and sp:/etc/ssl/private/<SP_HOSTNAME>.key
  • SSL certificate for the Shibboleth SP, at sp:/etc/ssl/certs/shibsp-<SP_HOSTNAME>.crt and sp:/etc/ssl/private/shibsp-<SP_HOSTNAME>.key
  • SAML metadata file describing the IdPs we want to interact with, placed at sp:/etc/shibboleth and referenced in the configuration variable METADATA_FILE.

Attributes used for signing documents

By default, we use the given name givenName, the surname sn, the display name displayName and the email address mail as attributes for signing the documents. This list can be altered; if we do so, there are 4 different places which we need to be aware of. One is the SIGNER_ATTRIBUTES environment variable as we show below. Then, whatever attributes are used must be taken into account in the files attribute-map.xml, shib_clear_headers, and shib_fastcgi_params.

Since having extra attributes in those 3 files, not actually used for signing, would not pose a problem, it would be best to provide "out of the box" in those files all attributes that might be used for signing in any possible deployment, so that we don't need to edit them in each deployment. Note that in the attribute-map.xml the attributes must be set with an AttributeDecoder with type StringAttributeDecoder.

Access logs

The available logs can be listed via the command make logs-list. They can be tailed with make logs-tailf <logfile>.

Configuration variables

Turn on debug mode for the app. Default: false
FQDN for the service, as used in the SSL certificate for the NGINX. Default: sp.edusign.docker
URL of SAML discovery service to provide to Shibboleth SP. Default:
Path to the metadata file describing the IdPs we want to interact with. No Default.
Key used by the webapp for encryption, e.g. for the sessions. Default: supersecret
Maximum size of uploadable documents, in a format that NGINX understands, e.g. 20M. Default: 20M
Base URL for the eduSign API. Default:
Profile to use in the eduSign API. Default: edusign-test
Username for Basic Auth for the eduSign API. Default: dummy
Password for Basic Auth for the eduSign API. Default: dummy
SAML entity ID of the eduSign API / service as an SP. Default:
The attributes to be used for signing, given as <name>,<friendlyName>, and separated by semicolons. Default: urn:oid:,givenName;urn:oid:,sn;urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3,mail;urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241,displayName
Comma separated list of domain names, so users having an eppn belonging to those domains can start signing documents. Default:,
Comma separated list of eppn's, so users identified by them cannot start signing documents. Default: [email protected]
Comma separated list of eppn's, so users identified by them can start signing documents. Default: [email protected]
Dotted path to the Python class implementing the backend for the sorage of documents with invitations to sign. Default:
Filesystem path pointing to a directory in which to store documents, when STORAGE_CLASS_PATH is set to Default: /tmp
URL to access S3 bucket. If using GCP, set to If using AWS, do not set it, or set to none Default: none
AWS access key, to be set when STORAGE_CLASS_PATH is set to Default: dummy
AWS secret access key, to be set when STORAGE_CLASS_PATH is set to Default: dummy
AWS region name, to be set when STORAGE_CLASS_PATH is set to Default: eu-north-1
AWS bucket name, to be set when STORAGE_CLASS_PATH is set to Default: edusign-storage
Dotted path to the Python class implementing the backend for the metadata of invitations to sign. Default: edusign_webapp.document.metadata.sqlite.SqliteMD
Filesystem path pointing to a sqlite db, when DOC_METADATA_CLASS_PATH is set to edusign_webapp.document.metadata.sqlite.SquliteMD. Default: /tmp/test.db
URL to connect to Redis when DOC_METADATA_CLASS_PATH is set to edusign_webapp.document.metadata.redis_client.RedisMD. Default: redis://localhost:6379/0.
Set to any of "Yes", "yes", "True", "true", "T", or "t" to enable the multi sign buttons. Anything else will disable them.
session by default. We want to change it to avoid sending the cookies from the production domain (e.g. to the sataging domain (e.g.
If the NGINX server is behind a proxy server / load balancer, it needs to know the network address(es) of the proxy to be able to recover the real IP from the client. It can be set to an IP address / hostname/ CIDR / unix socket.

Mail configuration

It is necessary to provide the app with access to some SMTP server, setting the variables indicated here.

Additional configuration variables

These need to be set when not using docker-compose to run the environment, but rather bare docker run commands.

For the NGINX container, we need to set variables informing it where to find the WSGI app, to relay dynamic requests to it:

The hostname of the container running the backend WSGI app. Default: www
The TCP port the WSGI app is listening at. Default: 8080
The protocol to access the WSGI app. Default: http

Home Page (Anonymous)

The anonymous home page at the root of the site takes its content from markdown documents. There are English and Swedish default md docs under version control, in the edusign-app repo. These can be overriden by documents /etc/edusign/ and /etc/edusign/, in the edusign-app container. edusign-app:/backend/src/edusign_webapp/md/