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Building on M1 Mac

SamJakob edited this page Apr 3, 2023 · 18 revisions

You should be able to follow the instructions in the project README file to automatically set up and install the build chain (in a prefix within the repository). If you encounter problems, please proceed with Install the build chain (manual steps).

Once you have the build chain set up, just follow Building GNU-EFI and Install remaining dependencies.

Install the build chain (manual steps)

Compile x86_64-elf-binutils with the tools we require, then compile the cross-compiler (x86_64-elf-gcc) without a hosted standard library.

  1. Install x86_64-elf-binutils in interactive mode. We need to add --enable-targets=all to get EFI app support:
    brew install --build-from-source x86_64-elf-binutils -i
    # after you ran brew install, it should have displayed a message indicating
    # which prefix to install to.
    ./configure --enable-targets=all --target="x86_64-elf" --disable-nls --prefix="<< the prefix from brew install >>"
    make install
  2. Next, run a similar procedure for the GCC ELF cross-compile toolchain:
    brew install x86_64-elf-gcc --build-from-source -i
    # gcc misbehaves if you don't install from a sub-directory
    mkdir x86_64-elf-gcc-build; cd x86_64-elf-gcc-build
    # after you ran brew install, it should have displayed a message indicating
    # which prefix to install to.
    ../configure --target=x86_64-elf --prefix="<< the prefix from brew install >>" --disable-nls --without-isl --without-headers --enable-languages=c,c++ --with-as="$(which x86_64-elf-as)" --with-ld="$(which x86_64-elf-ld)" --disable-hosted-libstdcxx
    # now make gcc and libgcc
    make all-gcc
    make install-gcc
    make all-target-libgcc
    make install-target-libgcc

Building gnu-efi

Build the patched copy of gnu-efi 3.0.14 in third-party/gnu-efi.

  1. If you don't already have Homebrew installed, I'd highly recommend installing it:
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Grab a supplementary ELF header (elf.h) file with:
    curl | sudo tee /usr/local/include/elf.h

    I've modified this file based on suggestions in a reply such that it compiles on macOS 11.

  3. Build gnu-efi with:
    export CROSS_COMPILE="x86_64-elf-"
    export CFLAGS='-I /usr/local/include'
    sudo ARCH=x86_64 make install

Install remaining dependencies

Then, install the remaining build-system dependencies

brew install dosfstools
brew install mtools
