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Table of Contents

  1. Problem Statement
  2. Solution
  3. Directory Flow
  4. Working
  5. Tech Stack Used
  6. Future Initiatives
  7. Links

Problem Statement

The health data of the globe is highly distributed across various websites, webs and servers and not available on any single platform. This creates a huge difficulty for the programmers of health specialists to check the current or past trends of the health index of each area.


HealData is aggregating the health data of each area in one web app. Data of every disease and each area of the globe is available in single app.

Website Link

Directory Flow

|--- backend
|    |--- index.js             # Apis
|    |--- package              # All packages used in backend(node js) 

|--- Frontend
|    |--- public
|    |    |--- index.js
|    |--- src
|    |    |--- App.js
|    |    |--- components
|    |    |     |--- Home.js
|    |    |     |--- Navbar.js
|    |    |     |--- Form.js
|    |    |     |--- Homecards.js
|    |    |     |--- Card.js
|    |    |     |--- Services.js
|    |    |     |--- Singlecard.js
|    |    |     |--- Updatedata.js


  • The data of each year areawise is entered manually on the app using the form provided
  • The data is stored in MySQL Database
  • User have to enter the area and age group of which health data, they are looking for.
  • The data is rendered of each disease of that area and age group in a very affirmative way in the form of plotly graphs

Tech Stack

--> Libraries of Node JS

npm install cors
npm install dotenv
npm install express

--> Libraries of React JS

npm install react-plotly.js plotly.js
npm install -g concurrently

--> MySQL Database

Future Initiatives


