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Striver's A2Z DSA Course Solutions

This repository contains solutions to the Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) problems covered in Striver's A2Z DSA Course. The problems are sourced from various coding sites such as Coding Ninjas, LeetCode, and more.

Table of Contents

About the Project

Striver's A2Z DSA Course is a comprehensive program for mastering Data Structures and Algorithms. This repository aims to provide solutions to the problems covered in the course, making it easier for learners to understand and implement these concepts.

Important Topics

Topic Rating Question Solution Link Date
Sorting Sorting-I QuickSort Implementation Here 23rd Dec 2023
Sorting Sorting-II MergeSort Implementation Here 24th Dec 2023
Arrays Easy Traffic (M bit Change Problem) Here 25th Dec 2023
Arrays Easy LongestSubArr (2ptr Approach) Here 25th Dec 2023
Arrays Easy LongestSubArr (Hash Approach) Here 25th Dec 2023
Arrays Medium Kadane's Algorithm Here 26th Dec 2023
Arrays Medium Next Greater Permutation Here 26th Dec 2023
Arrays Medium Longest Consecutive Series Here 27th Dec 2023
Arrays Medium Zero Matrix Optimal Here 27th Dec 2023
Arrays Medium SpiralMatrix Pattern Here 27th Dec 2023
Arrays Hard MajorityElement using Moore's Here 28th Dec 2023
Arrays Hard 3Sum standard problem Here 29th Dec 2023
Arrays Hard 4Sum standard problem Here 29th Dec 2023
Arrays Hard RepeatingAndMissing using eqns Here 30th Dec 2023
Arrays Hard Count Inversions using Merge Here 30th Dec 2023
Arrays Hard ReversePairs using Merge Here 31st Dec 2023
Arrays Hard Max Product using Prefix Suffix Product Here 31st Dec 2023
Binary Search Easy Search in Rotated Array Here 2nd Jan 2024
Binary Search Easy Find numbers of rotations Here 2nd Jan 2024
Binary Search Easy Find the peak Here 3rd Jan 2024
Binary Search Med The Koko Situation Here 3rd Jan 2024
Binary Search Med Find the Cap Here 5th Jan 2024
Binary Search Med Agressive Cows Here 6th Jan 2024
Binary Search Med Book Allocation Problem Here 6th Jan 2024
Binary Search Med Median of 2 Sorted Arrs Here 6th Jan 2024
LinkedList Medium Check for all cases during Deletion Here 10th Jan 2024
LinkedList Medium Cycle Detection Standard Here 10th Jan 2024
LinkedList Medium Cycle Start Detection Here 10th Jan 2024
LinkedList Medium Cycle Length Detection Here 10th Jan 2024
LinkedList Medium Addition of Numbers Here 11th Jan 2024
LinkedList Hard Clone of given LL Here 12th Jan 2024
Recursion Med Generate Parentheses Here 14th Jan 2024
Recursion Med Making Subsets Here 14th Jan 2024
Recursion Hard MColoring Here 26th Jan 2024
Recursion Hard Sudoko Solver Here 26th Jan 2024
BitManipulation Easy Divide without Divide Here 08th Mar 2024
BitManipulation Medium Subsequences using Bit Manipulation Here 09th Mar 2024
BitManipulation Medium Two Missing Numbers Here 09th Mar 2024
Stack and Queue Medium Pre Post and Infix Here 1st June 2024
Stack and Queue Easy Next Smaller Element Here 1st June 2024
Stack and Queue Hard Trapping Rainwater Here 2nd June 2024
Stack and Queue Hard Sum of Subarr (max - min) Here 2nd June 2024
Stack and Queue Hard Largest Rectangle in Histogram Here 2nd June 2024
Stack and Queue Hard LFU Cache Here 8th June 2024
Sliding Window Easy Nice Subarrs Here 9th June 2024
Sliding Window Easy Cards Maxxing Here 9th June 2024
Sliding Window Hard Subarr with k diff chars Here 12th June 2024
Heaps Medium Replace with ranks Here 15th June 2024
Heaps Medium Task Scheduler Here 15th June 2024
Heaps Medium Hand of straights Here 15th June 2024
Heaps Hard Median Stream Here 24th June 2024
Greedy Easy Fractional Knapsack Here 17th June 2024
Greedy Medium Valid Parenthesis Here 17th June 2024
Greedy Medium N Meetings Here 22nd June 2024
Greedy Medium Job Scheduling Here 22nd June 2024
Greedy Medium Merge Intervals Here 24th June 2024
Binary Tree Easy All Traversals Here 26th June 2024
Binary Tree Easy Check Balance Here 28th June 2024
Binary Tree Medium Zig Zag Traversal Here 28th June 2024
Binary Tree Medium Vertical Traversal Here 28th June 2024
Binary Tree Medium Top View Here 29th June 2024
Binary Tree Hard Nodes at distance K Here 11th July 2024
Binary Tree Hard Morris Traversal Here 11th July 2024
Binary Search Tree Medium Deletion (a bit tricky) Here 25th July 2024
Binary Search Tree Easy Check Validity Here 25th July 2024
Binary Search Tree Medium Lowest common ancestor Here 25th July 2024
Binary Search Tree Medium Rectify BST Here 25th July 2024

Course Link

You can find the Striver's A2Z DSA Course here.


We welcome contributions to enhance the quality of solutions and make this repository even more valuable. If you'd like to contribute, here's how you can do it:

  1. Raise an Issue: If you come across a bug, have a suggestion, or want to discuss any improvements, please raise an issue to start the discussion.

  2. Fork the Repository: If you're ready to contribute directly, fork the repository, and create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.

  3. Make Changes: Implement your improvements or fixes in the new branch. Ensure that your code adheres to the existing coding style.

  4. Submit a Pull Request (PR): Once you've made your changes, submit a PR. Provide a clear and concise description of your changes, along with any relevant information.

  5. Participate in the Discussion: Be responsive to any feedback or questions related to your PR. We appreciate your collaboration!

By contributing to this project, you are helping fellow learners on their DSA journey. Thank you for your support!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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