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Kubernetes (K8s) and Kafka Local Dev Environment

This is a local K8s dev environment with Kafka and several additional infrastructure services (such as, an AWS S3 compatible object-storage service MinIO). It is meant for learning and experimenting with K8s and Kafka.

After setting up and running the environment, you will get a K8s and Kafka clusters running locally on you machine and a simple HTTP server application deployed and running in the cluster.

We use Tilt to manage the K8s local development environment.

Project contents:

├── build.sbt                         - SBT build script
├── deploy                            - This directory contains configuration files for the local dev environment
│   ├── Dockerfile.kafka-connect      - Dockerfile for a worker of the Kafka Connect cluster
│   ├── Dockerfile.scala-app          - Dockerfile for the HTTP server application
│   ├── connect-file-3.2.2.jar        - FileStreamSourceConnector for the Kafka Connect cluster
│   ├── k8s-*.yaml                    - Manifests describing resources to be created in the K8s cluster
│   ├── kind-cluster.yaml             - Cluster configuration
│   └── mounts                        - This directory is mounted in all K8s nodes
│       └── app
│           └── message.txt           - Text file served by the HTTP server
│       └── minio                     - MinIO stores its data here
│       └── postgres                  - Postgres init scripts
│           └── links.sql
├── project                           - Scala project related settings
│   ├──
│   └── plugins.sbt
├── run                               - Task runner for bringing up and tearing down the dev environment
├── src
│   └── main
│       └── scala
│           └── hello
│               └── Main.scala        - A simple HTTP server logic that will run in K8s
└── Tiltfile                          - Tilt configureation


Required tools:

Recommended tools:


Bring up the local dev environment with ./run up.

The relevant information, such as the URL of the Tilt Web UI, will be output to the console.

Tilt is configured such that any change to the source code of the example application, Dockerfile, or definitions of the K8s resources will automatically trigger a rebuild and redeployment of the corresponding artifacts. That is, you will immediately see the corresponding change.

Tear down the local dev environment with ./run down.

Example Application: HTTP server

After the start, the HTTP server is available at http://localhost:8080/.

The root endpoint will print the text form deploy/mounts/message.txt.

The http://localhost:8080/sleep-short endpoint will return a message after seeping for some short time.

The http://localhost:8080/sleep-long endpoint will return a message after seeping for some long time.

The /sleep-short and /sleep-long endpoints are meant to demonstrate that the HTTP server can run blocking operations without blocking itself, because those operation are started in different threads.



To manage Kafka using a WebUI, use the port-forward link of the AKHQ resource in the Tilt's WebUI.

Kafka Connect

We use Strimzi's Kafka Connect as described in its documentation.

As an example, we use the FilesStreamSource connector that reads lines from a text file and produces them to a topic. The connector's JAR is deploy/connect-file-3.2.2.jar. The JAR is used in the connect-cluster-worker dockerfile deploy/Dockerfile.kafka-connect, which in its turn is used in the KafkaConnect resource deploy/k8s-kafka-connect-cluster.yaml to configure the Connect cluster. That is every connect-cluster worker will contain JARs of all configured connectors.

The FileStreamSource connector is counfigured through the KafkaConnector resource deploy/k8s-kafka-connect-file-stream-source-connector.yaml.


To manage MinIO using a WebUI, use the port-forward link of the minio resource in the Tilt's WebUI.

User: minioadmin Password: minioadmin

The directory deploy/mounts/minio is mounted into the K8s container running MinIO. MinIO stores its data files there.


To access PostgreSQL using a WebUI, use the port-forward link of the adminer resource in the Tilt's WebUI.

User: postgres Password: mysecret

The directory deploy/mounts/postgres is mounted into the K8s container running Postgres. Any *.sql script in this directory will be executed after the database is up. These scripts can be used to create databases and populating them with data. For more information see "Initialization scripts" in the documentation.


  • Use helm to install Strimzi Kafka operator ()


Strimzi (Kafka)

Think about how to automate it in Tilt including downloading the latest definitions on tilt up.

Create the kafka namespace:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: kafka

YAML definitions:

Examples of other custom resource definitions:


wget -O $minio_yaml

Open $minio_yaml and delete the namespace definition, because we will deploy MinIO in the existing kafka namespace.

sed -i 's/namespace: minio-dev/namespace: kafka/' $minio_yaml
sed -i 's_path: /mnt/disk1/data_path: /mnt/host-volumes/minio_' $minio_yaml
sed -i -e '/nodeSelector:$/d' -e '/\/hostname: kubealpha.local/d' $minio_yaml

PostgreSQL and DB WebUI Adminer

We just wrote pod manifests based on the corresponding Docker Hub documentation:


Kubernetes and Kafka local dev environment






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