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List of Commands

Simple Sandman edited this page Mar 7, 2020 · 85 revisions

Broadcaster Only Commands

Brackets are used to show what value is needed for a specific action.


  • !settings - Displays the settings for this bot
  • !exit - Closes this chat bot

Use With Host's Spotify Media Player

  • !spotifyplay - Presses play button
  • !spotifypause - Presses pause button
  • !spotifyprev - Presses back/previous button
  • !spotifynext - Presses next/skip button
  • !spotifyconnect - Manually connect to the host's local Spotify client
  • !displaysongs on - Enable displaying each song to the channel's chat from the host's Spotify
  • !displaysongs off - Disable displaying each song to the channel's chat from the host's Spotify

Configure Manual (Rock Band) Song Requets

  • !rsrmode on - Host will take requests
  • !rsrmode off - Host is not taking requests

Configure YouTube Song Requests

  • !ytsrmode on - Host will take requests
  • !ytsrmode off - Host is not taking requests

Manage Song Request Blacklist (YouTube Only)

  • !srbl 1 [artist name] - Add artist to blacklist. Preventing users from requesting this artist
  • !srbl 2 "[song title]" <[artist name]> - Add song to blacklist. Preventing users from requesting this song
  • !delsrbl 1 [artist name] - Remove artist from blacklist. Allowing users to request this artist
  • !delsrbl 2 "[song title]" <[artist name]> - Remove song from blacklist. Allowing users to request this song
  • !resetsrbl - Reset the entire song request blacklist
  • !showsrbl - Show the song request blacklist


  • !sendtweet on - Enable tweets (automatic & manual)
  • !sendtweet off - Disable tweets
  • !tweet [message] - Send a basic tweet

Now Broadcasting

  • !live - Sends a tweet saying the broadcaster is live and now playing the game set on their channel
    • Need !sendtweet on before using this command

In-Game Name Configuration

  • !setgameid [in-game name] OR !setgameign [in-game name] - Set the IGN for a specific game/category
  • !setgenericid [generic name] OR !setgenericign [generic name] - Set the generic IGN for either when the game-specific IGN isn't set up or when the viewer specifically uses !all[ign/fc/gt]
  • !deleteign - Delete IGN set to a specific game (doesn't remove generic IGN)

Bot Moderator Only Commands

Brackets are used to show what value is needed for a specific action.

Configure Twitch Channel

  • !udpatetitle [title] - Change the title of the channel
  • !updategame [game] - Change the game that is currently played

Timeout From Bot Commands

  • !addtimeout [seconds] @[username] - Put a timeout on a user for a specific amount of time
  • !deltimeout @[username] - Remove timeout on a user

Channel Currency

  • !deposit [amount] @[username] - Give user's money
  • !charge [-amount] @[username] - Take money away from user

Game Queue To Play With Broadcaster List

  • !resetinvite - Clears entire queue

Delay Message Management

  • !setlatency [seconds] - Set delay for messages based on the latency of the stream

VIP Commands

Brackets are used to show what value is needed for a specific action.

Multistream Link Management

  • !addmsl @[username] - Add a broadcaster to Multistream link (up to 3)
  • !resetmsl - Reset the Multistream link so it can be reconfigured

Game Queue To Play With Broadcaster List

  • !popinvite - Removes first user from the queue

Quote Broadcaster

  • !addquote [quote] - Quote the broadcaster so a viewer can see what they said at a later time

Song Request List

  • !poprsr - Removes first song in the queue of requests

Party Up Request List

  • !poppartyuprequest - Removes first party member in queue of requests

Streamer Promotion

  • !streamer @[username] OR !so @[username] OR !caster @[username] - Displays the user's twitch channel and game status

Follower Commands

Brackets are used to show what value is needed for a specific action.

  • !followsince OR !followage - Displays how long the follower has followed to the broadcaster

General Commands

Brackets are used to show what value is needed for a specific action.

Interaction With Viewers

  • !slap @[username] - Slaps a viewer. Also tells how effective the attack was against the victim
  • !stab @[username] - Stabs a viewer. Also tells how effective the attack was against the victim
  • !shoot @[username] - Shoots a viewer in a random spot on the body
  • !throw [item] @[username] - Throws an item at a viewer. Also tells how effective the item was against the victim

Channel Currency

  • ![currency name] - Check user's account balance
  • !give [amount] @[username] - Give your funds to another chatter

Stream Lurking

  • !lurk - Tell the broadcaster the user is going to lurk
  • !unlurk - Tell the broadcaster the user has returned from lurking


  • !gamble [money] - Gamble away channel currency via 100-sided die
    • 1 - 60 (Loss of money)
    • 61 - 98 (Win 2x earnings)
    • 99 - 100 (Win 3x earnings)
  • !roulette - Risk your talking privileges with Russian Roulette
    • Get through 6 attempts to win the game
      • Winner gets X amount of channel currency
        • Moderators and broadcaster get a 5 minute cooldown on a roulette win
      • Loser gets a specific penalty depending on their status
        • Moderators and broadcaster get a 15 minute cooldown
        • Viewers get timed out for 5 minutes (300 seconds)
  • !bankheist [money] OR !heist [money] - Join the heist and gamble your channel currency for riches
    • 2 minute entry period (by default)
    • 10 minute cooldown period (by default)
    • Payouts (default values)
      • Level 1
        • Number of Participants: < 10
        • Success Rate: 54%
        • Payout Multiplier: 1.50
      • Level 2
        • Number of Participants: 10-19
        • Success Rate: 48.8%
        • Payout Multiplier: 1.70
      • Level 3
        • Number of Participants: 20-29
        • Success Rate: 42.5%
        • Payout Multiplier: 2.00
      • Level 4
        • Number of Participants: 30-39
        • Success Rate: 38.7%
        • Payout Multiplier: 2.25
      • Level 5
        • Number of Participants: 40-9001
        • Success Rate: 32.4%
        • Payout Multiplier: 2.75

Request Party Member To Broadcaster

  • !partyuplist - Check what party members are available (if game is a part of the party up system)
  • !partyuprequestlist - Check what other user's have requested
  • !partyup [party member name] - Request party member if game and character exists in party up command

Request To Play With Broadcaster

  • !invitelist - Display the users that want to play with the broadcaster
  • !invite - Request to play with the broadcaster

Check For Time

  • !utctime - Display the current time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
  • !hosttime OR !mytime - Display the current time in the time zone the host is located

Song Requests

  • !rsrl - Display the list of manually requested songs
  • !rsr [artist] - [song title] - Request a song manually for the host to play (use hyphen to separate artist and title)
  • !ytsl OR !songlist OR !playlist OR !sl - Display the link to the broadcaster's YouTube song request playlist
  • !sr OR !songrequest OR !ytsr [YouTube link/video title] - Request a song from YouTube with either searching for the song or pasting the YouTube link

Multistream Link

  • !msl OR !multi - Displays Multistream link to allow users to watch up to four broadcasters at the same time

In-Game Name

  • !ign OR !fc OR !gt - Display the broadcaster's IGN for a specific game/category
    • If this hasn't been set to a particular game/category, then show the generic IGN message
  • !allign OR !allfc OR !allgt - Display the broadcaster's generic IGN message

Check Status Of Channel

  • !uptime - Display how long the stream has been running

Leaderboard Stats

  • !ranktop3 - Display the 3 highest ranking members of the broadcaster's list of followers
  • ![currency name]top3 - Display the 3 richest users from the broadcaster's channel

Spotify Status

  • !song - Display the song that is currently being played from Spotify


  • !cmds OR !commands - Display a link to this page
  • !hello - Display a static greeting
  • !discord - Displays link to broadcaster's associated Discord server
  • !quote - Display a random quote from the broadcaster
  • !8ball [question] - Ask the Magic 8-ball a question and get your fortune
  • !sub - Display the broadcaster's subscription link
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