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This repository provides guides to CodeIgniter 4, including learning topics, steps, and examples.


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This repository provides guides to CodeIgniter 4, including learning topics, steps, and examples.

Learning Examples

Topic Learning Files
Routes Create route at Routes.php
Database Configuration Set up your database connection in Database.php or copy the env file, rename it to .env, and update the DATABASE section.
CRUD Sample CRUD operations with Blogs:
- Controller: List of method actions
- Model: Available properties
- Views: Form validation and session error display
- Migration: Table and column setup
- Seeder: Data seeding with Faker for development
Custom Form Validation - Controller: Defines validation rules and handles form validation
- Ruleset: Custom validation rules for product attributes
- Config: Registers the new ruleset
Session Storage - Config: Session configuration settings
- Controller: Examples of session handling, flashdata, and tempdata operations
Filters - Config: Define filter aliases
- Routes: Apply filters to route groups
- AuthFilter: Custom authentication filter to check login status
Helpers - Autoload.php: Load helpers automatically
- BaseController.php: Load helpers in the base controller
- customize_helper.php: Example helper functions (array flattening and date formatting)
File Upload - Routes: Define routes for file upload functionality
- View: HTML form for file upload
- Controller: Handle file upload logic and validation
RestAPI - Routes: Define RESTful routes for the API
- Controller: Implement RESTful API methods (index, show, create, update, delete) for handling blog resources

- Testing Endpoints: Use a tool like Postman:
    - GET /blogs: List all blogs
    - GET /blogs/{id}: Get a single blog
    - POST /blogs: Create a new blog
    - PUT /blogs/{id}: Update a blog
    - DELETE /blogs/{id}: Delete a blog

Error Page

Page Path
Error 404 error_404.php
Production Error production.php

Useful Commands

Command Description
php spark serve Start the local development server.
php spark make:controller Name Create a new controller named Name.
php spark make:model Name Create a new model named Name.
php spark make:migration Name Create a new migration file named Name.
php spark migrate Run all new migrations.
php spark migrate:rollback Rollback the last migration operation.
php spark db:seed NameSeeder Run the database seeder named NameSeeder.
php spark make:seeder Name Create a new database seeder named Name.
php spark make:filter Name Create a new filter named Name.
php spark make:entity Name Create a new entity named Name.
php spark make:command Name Create a new custom command named Name.
php spark make:scaffold Name Create a scaffold (controller, model, views) named Name.
php spark make:cell Name Create a new cell view named Name.
php spark env Display the current environment settings.
php spark cache:clear Clear the application cache.
php spark clear-cache Another command to clear the application cache.
php spark routes Display the list of all registered routes.
php spark help Display help information for spark commands.
php spark --list List all available spark commands.

Coding Standard

Install PHP_CodeSniffer and coding-standard

composer require --dev squizlabs/php_codesniffer
composer require --dev codeigniter/coding-standard

Run PHP_CodeSniffer

vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --verbose

Automate Code Fixes (Optional)

To run phpcbf on a specific file, provide the path to the file:

vendor/bin/phpcbf app/Controllers/Home.php

Target Specific Directories or Files

vendor/bin/phpcbf app public tests system

For details:

vendor/bin/phpcbf --help


This repository provides guides to CodeIgniter 4, including learning topics, steps, and examples.




